missing | gilinsky

By gilinskyshigh

222K 5.2K 902

Soon after Nadia Johnson's brother goes missing she meets a stranger who is determined to make his way into h... More



3.8K 81 33
By gilinskyshigh

"Get the fuck up." 

Nate is my alarm clock, so when he says get up, I get up. Sadly, he doesn't have a snooze button.

I turn over on the couch and let the thin blanket I used as a cover fall off my body. I try my hardest not to groan or make any sort of loud and obnoxious noise when I stretch my arms and legs since Nadia and Hannah are probably still sleeping.

The thought of what Nadia looks like while sleeping makes me grin. I let myself remember our kiss, my heart racing as if it was happening right at the moment. I run my fingers through my hair and shake my head. I need to focus. Nadia's probably going to want to look for Johnson today and that should be my main priority while here in New York, not to study what Nadia's lips feel like pressed against mine.

"Listen up, G, today's gonna be a busy day so you better put your big boy pants on, don't give me any of that girly ass shit you were doing yesterday." 

I crane my neck to see Nate in the kitchen cooking eggs. There's four in the pan. I know he's most likely making four for himself, but a tiny part of me thinks that maybe he's making me some too. I scoff at myself. I'm so pathetic. Make your own breakfast, Gilinsky!

"Dude, are you just gonna stare at me like you wanna suck my dick or are you gonna get your ass up and have a real conversation with me," Nate says, his voice booming. I cringe. He's definitely going to wake up the girls.

"You wish someone wanted to suck your dick," I retort, getting up from the couch.

Nate smirks. "I'll have Hannah on her knees by the end of the week." 

I freeze in place, dropping the blanket I was in the middle of folding. I'll have Hannah on her knees by the end of the week. Bitch, I hope the fuck you do. 

"Yeah, I'm not counting on that one," I say after a few minutes go by, finally finding my voice. I walk into the kitchen and sit on one of the stools.

"If you can get Johnson's little sister to fuck with you then I can get his little girlfriend to gimme some," Nate assures me, turning off the stove and sliding his eggs onto a clean plate. I shift uncomfortably in my seat. I'm not sure if Nadia even "fucks with me". I hope she does but it's not like I can force her to. Yeah we made out last night but that doesn't mean shit if she doesn't wanna go any further with it. And in all honesty I don't know if we should go further with it.

"I don't think that's such a good idea," I tell him. "Besides, what makes you think Hannah would want to put her mouth anywhere near your nasty man parts."

"Bro, fuck you." Nate scowls. "My man parts are anything but nasty."

"Just lay off her." I shrug, scratching my chin. I'm kind of nervous to be confronting him, as dumb as that sounds. Sure I guess he's my friend but he's not really someone I trust all that much. He can be chill sometimes but you never know what he's going to take serious or what he'll let go easily. If you cross him he'll be sure to make your life a living hell, I do not want to end up on his bad list. But a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do.

Nate grabs a fork from the drawer in front of him and stabs his eggs, giving me a dirty look. It's clear that I'm starting to piss him off. Dammit, maybe I shouldn't have said anything. "Whats it matter to you?"

"It doesn't." Lie. It totally does. Hannah is Johnson's and everyone knows it. Hannah and I never really mentioned him in any of our conversations but I still know she misses him just as much as Nadia does. Why else would she be here? It's not like this is such a great living situation.

"Shut the fuck up and have an egg," Nate says, shoving his plate at me. I look down to see that he's already shoveled three into his mouth. He's such a pig but I can't complain because I mean the guy's giving me free food.

I want to take Nadia and Hannah out for breakfast today since I know they didn't really have a great dinner last night but I'm not sure if Nate will be too keen on letting that happen. He woke me up at seven in the morning to do God knows what and he seems pretty excited about it. 

"So what's on today's agenda?" I question, using my hands to pick up my egg. I tilt my head to the left to get a good bite out of it. As much as Nate can be a pain in the ass he's a pretty good cook.


I roll my eyes. "Again?"

"Yeah, but this time he says he's bringing J with him, forreal." 

My stomach clenches. The thought of actually seeing Johnson today after him being gone for like a quarter of the year sends shivers down my spine. What do I tell Nadia? What do I tell Johnson? I have no plan whatsoever how any  of this is going to work out. 

"When?" I ask, letting the rest of my egg fall back down onto the plate. I'm not so hungry anymore.

"He said to meet him at Johnny's at nine."

Johnny's is a really old bar at the corner of Daly Avenue that everyone who is anyone goes to whenever they just need a place to chill. The person who owns the bar, David (most people just call him Johnny for obvious reasons), is a real cool guy. He doesn't check for IDs so it's easy for us to get in there. 

"Why does he want to meet up in a bar at nine in the morning?"

"Because he's Justin," Nate says, cracking his knuckles. I look up at him and study his face. His eyes are weary. He's nervous. Should I be nervous too? I mean I am nervous to see Johnson again because I have no idea what the fuck I'm going to say or do about it but should I be nervous about something else? Why would Nate be nervous?

"Are you sure he's telling the truth this time?" I ask.

"He wasn't lying last time, he just got caught up in stuff."

"Okay, but are you sure he isn't going to get caught up in stuff again this time?"

"Positive." Nate nods, but he still doesn't look too sure of himself. "What are you gonna do about Nadia and Hannah?" Now it's my turn to not be sure of myself.

"I honestly have no idea."

Nate chuckles. "Of course you don't."

"I'll think of something, I have two hours."

"Good luck," he says, stepping out of the kitchen. I watch him walk into his room and shut the door behind him. Turning back to my egg, I poke it with my middle finger. There's no way I have an appetite now.

There's so many things I can think of that I should say to Johnson if Justin really is bringing him to Johnny's, but what would make him listen? What would make him forget that Justin and Nate are with us, hearing everything we're saying. There's no way they would give us any privacy. Justin isn't dumb like that. He's got something planned and having me bring up Nadia or Hannah isn't in his playbook.

I've gotta find a way to be more subtle about this, or else it looks like bringing Nadia and Hannah back to New York just opened a whole new can of worms.


aye guys I hope you liked this chapter! chapter 22 will be out soon, don't forget to comment and vote if you'd like!

- gilinskyshigh

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