Changed {Martin Garrix Fanfic...

Por LindzK12

295K 7.8K 2.2K

When someone slowly starts to change you, is it for your own good or for their own pleasure? When you take a... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Final Author's Note

Chapter 46

3.6K 105 36
Por LindzK12

Chapter Forty Six - Alcohol 

- Martin's POV - 

For the past four days, I have kept under the radar as some people call it. Rumors and suspicions have begun to arise again around the damn place, about Mads and I. I should have known Haley would have ran her mouth to a couple of people. I just hope to whoever that Karlie doesn't here any of these things. Not like I care about her, but I care about Mads and Karlie is nuts. 

Which is why I have been tolerating and 'helping' her as she calls it. For these past four days, we've been hanging out for a couple of hours each day. I still have my own suspicions about her because frankly, she is a master manipulator. 

Of course, I haven't told Mads that I've been doing this because who knows how she would react. I feel bad for lying to her, but what other choice do I have? Besides, I'm sure she wouldn't want to hear Karlie's sad, depressing drug tales. Honestly, she would probably laugh and say she deserves it. But, Mads obviously wouldn't understand drugs. The only thing she knows about drugs, is that one time she smoked weed - which I don't even consider it a drug. 

"So," Karlie's voice intrudes my thoughts and I look at her with an unamused glance. She leans forward onto the table with her elbows, "Are you going to the party tonight?" she asks. 

I furrow my eyebrows at her, trying to figure out what she's talking about. Party? What party? Suddenly, it hits me like a brick. It must be the party Mads asked me to go with her. But it's Wednesday; the fuck? 

"That's tonight?" I spit out without even thinking about my words. She gives me a devious smirk and her green eyes light up. 

"So.. you are going?" she asks in a persistent and suggestive tone. 

"I never said that," I protest with a groan as I glance away from her, trying to find a clock to figure out the time. I really need to get a watch one of these days. 

"But you knew about it," she says, letting out a sigh which causes me to look back to her. She's just looking at me from the corners of her eyes, which makes me think that she is up to something. 

"You're point?" I ask her with a pointed look and tone. I swear, she makes hardly any sense most of the time. 

"No point, I was just wondering," she rolls her eyes, her voice bitter. She sounds tired and exhausted but I'm not going to mention or ask anything. 

"Look, just because we went to that other party together, doesn't mean shit," I try to sound as polite as possible, but I'm not sure that happened for my choice of words. The only reason I took her was to make Mads jealous and well, eventually... that lead to other things. 

"Whatever," she mumbles underneath her breath and I begin to ask myself why am I still here? I've been with her for almost two hours now and she's been acting strange. She's up to something, I know she is. 

I glance away from her, my thoughts drifting back to Mads. I'm such a fucking nut to be always thinking about her, but damn, how could I not? She understands me and actually gives a shit about me. Unlike most of the people I've dealt with in my life. I'll be the first to admit it; I'm being unfair to her. But she has still stuck around - that means something. Whatever 'that' may be, I'm not sure either one of us is ready for it. 

"Have you spoken to that Madeline girl recently?" Karlie suddenly asks as if she was reading my mind. Naturally, my eyes narrow towards her and my first thought is to lie, so I do. 

"No," I answer quickly, "Not really," I add shaking my head. 

"Couldn't get her in bed?" she asks harmlessly with her eyebrows raised. Her question makes my jaw tense up slightly as I take in a small breath. 

"She's not really like girls like you," I say with a smirk. Her face falls slightly before she licks her lips, chewing on her bottom lip for a moment. 

"Just figured because you're so persuasive and all," she shrugs, "So are you like, in abstinence mode right now?" she asks nonchalantly, her tone testing me. 

"Karlie shut up," I spit, not even bothering to hide my annoyance with her. She would like to know to this shit. I mean, to say I was sexually deprived was an understatement - but I'm not that asshole force anything on someone. Besides, sex is probably the last thing Mads is thinking about. But not you, my subconscious says annoyingly. 

"I mean, when I talked to her, she made it out to seem like you two.. were like really close," she says, her eyes wandering anywhere but me. 

I furrowed my eyebrows at her, "When did you talk to her?" I ask, confusion covering my voice. She glances at me while she lips her lips. 

"Jeez, probably around a month ago," she shrugs lazily, emitting a sigh soon afterwards. 

"What did you talk about?" I push, finding it odd how Mads wouldn't tell me this. I know for sure she has never mentioned anything about talking to Karlie. She hates her?

"Why are you asking so many questions Martin?" she raises her eyebrows at me and I realize that she is trying to get something out of me. 

I purse my lips as my eyes study her face for a second. I can feel the familiar headache that comes along with Karlie beginning to start. I manage to look at the clock fully and I begin to stand up. 

"I'll see you around," I say flatly, not even bothering to say a goodbye. I swear I could see her smirking the slightest before I turn around and head towards the exit. 

Deep down, I have a feeling that she knows I'm lying. Maybe Nora was right when she said my lying has become shit. Hell, Karlie isn't even one of the brightest people in the book, so if she is definitely suspecting something - how many others are? I've thought that Mads and I had hidden whatever we are pretty damn well if you ask me. I guess word gets around faster than I thought around here. 

Speaking of Mads, I begin to think about that party. I don't know why I never found it odd at first when she asked me to go. I mean, who even asked her? I'm not even sure I'm too keen on going and I'm not sure if I want Mads to go herself. I should probably find out before tonight, because if she does want to go, there is no way in hell I'm letting her go alone. Fuck everyone who sees us; it's not like we would make out in front of everyone. People need to get in their mindset that we're just friends. Or are we? 

I shake off the thought immediately. I like her too damn much to be just 'friends'... we really need to have a talk about that. Which is why I'm hoping she'll agree with the plan I have conjured up in my head. 

I find myself going back towards my dorm, getting more confused and impatient with myself. I make my way over towards the elevator because I'm too lazy to take the stairs at the moment and wait until I reach the third floor. 

When I get out of the elevator and turn the corner, a smirk creeps up onto my face. There stands Mads as if she is getting ready to knock on my door. She glances with a double take down towards me before her cheeks begin to turn a slight shade of pink. 

I make my way over towards her and she crosses her arms over her chest, smiling a little. 

"Hey," she says as I stand in front of her, looking down to meet her gaze. 

"Hi," I answer simply, resting my shoulder against the wall. 

"Where were you?" she asks curiously, but she doesn't sound too nosy at the same time. 

I shake my head slightly, "Nowhere important," I lie smoothly but half of it was the truth; Karlie isn't important to me. 

She makes a noise that resembles an 'oh' before glancing away from me for a split second. I know I make her nervous, but I find it kind of cute. 

"So, um, remember that party I told you about?" she asks, keeping her voice to the minimum. I nod quickly, acting like I hadn't heard anything else of it. "Well, it's tonight and I wanted to know if you still wanted to go?" she asks, chewing on her bottom lip for a moment. 

"Why are you so eager?" I chuckle, not being able to help the smile that grows on my face. This is one of the things I like about her - she makes me feel normal and like my life isn't a fucked up mess. 

Suddenly, she mirrors my actions and leans against the wall, "Please?" she asks, her brown eyes widening slightly. 

"Okay," I shrug, giving in to her without thinking twice. A small smile beams on her face and she pushes herself off the wall. "What's Haley going to say when you try and leave?" I ask, wondering if they have worked anything out yet. 

"Haley hasn't said a thing to me in four days, so I don't think she'll give damn," she replies with a shrug and I furrow my eyebrows at her. I still can't believe Haley is so butt-hurt over this. Sure, she may know things about me that Mads doesn't, but it's in the past as Nora says. I have to keep it there. 

"Okay then.." I mutter and she gives me an odd look, but I choose to ignore it. 

"I'll come back here around twelve," she says sternly and I find it funny of how in charge she seems to be of herself now. I think she finally realized she doesn't need others approvals to make her happy. I've seen a change in her, but I think it was for the better. 

I give her a nod and I have an urge, not influenced by her shorts that make her legs look long as hell, to kiss her for some reason. But since we're standing in the open hallway, I manage to restrain myself. She doesn't say anything else as she gives me a sly smile, brushing past me, her scent lingering around my nose. 

Goddammit, I swear to myself, she's driving me fucking crazy and I have no idea why. 

- Madeline's POV - 

Today has been less than eventful for me, which is why I hope that the party tonight will lift my spirits. Haley and I are still not on good terms, making me staying in our dorm super awkward. I wish I could stay in Martin's dorm with him, but I feel like I'm being to intruding on his privacy. 

Another thing that bummed me out today, was I saw Matthew and I tried to make an effort to talk to him, considering it's been awhile. But, when I approached him, he brushed me off - like he didn't even know me. That hurt to say the least. I want to be friends with him, I just don't understand why he doesn't comprehend that. I started to wonder if Haley has told him anything about Martin and I. I hope to god not. 

It's almost eleven thirty and luckily, Haley is nowhere to be seen. It's weird to think that I went to the other party with Haley and Matthew, but now, we're not on speaking terms. I don't know if I've lost them as friends, but it kind of feels like it. And I do not like that feeling at all. 

Thankfully, Haley hasn't said anything about me still wearing her clothes, so finding something to wear shouldn't be hard. I glance around for a moment before I settle on a pair of grey shorts and a simple, white t-shirt. 

Once I slip on my clothes, I try my best to fix my hair but it ends up staying its usual pin straightness. I don't bother with putting on any more makeup because frankly, I'm too lazy. Unlike last time, I want to stay longer, but obviously I don't want to get busted like the others. Maybe that's why they're having it on a Wednesday... so no one would suspect anything. 

I shake off all those thoughts and slip on a pair of sandals. I glance around the room for a second, making sure I have everything I need before I head out the door, to Martin's dorm. 

The majority of the doors are closed and most of the lights are off as well, so I try my best to as quiet as possible. I found out earlier from Jayce (who once again approached me), that it's in the same building as last time. Where Martin and I's place is. We haven't been there in awhile... wonder if anyone has discovered it? 

On the way to Martin's dorm, I notice a few people in groups, frantically going in the opposite direction of me. My obvious guess is that they're heading to the party. In a matter of a couple more minutes, I find my way going up the stairs in Martin's dorm - being quiet doing so. 

The words of whatever that lady's name was, is still in my head. If I was caught doing something again, I would be sent home. Which wouldn't be good for me and definitely would stifle my parents into never trusting me again. 

The hallway of Martin's dorm is dark and silent. I knock softly on his dorm and a sense of deja-vu comes back to me. I wonder where he was earlier? I mean, for the past few days he has been acting a little skittish to me. It's weird. 

The door swings open and I am met with piercing green-grey eyes that makes my heart swell in one glance from him. His intoxicating scent lingers around me and a small smirk resides on his face. 

"I'm almost ready," he keeps his voice low and I nod as he steps aside for me to come in. I notice his room is messier than normal and I have an urge to pick things up, but I choose not to. 

I watch Martin as he runs a hand through his hair as he contemplates on what shoes he wants to wear. On the outside, he looks flawless but on the inside, I know he is very, very flawed. From whatever has made him so guarded, seems to take over him sometimes and I want to help him. But I can't do anything if he won't let me in. 

He slips his feet into a pair of orangish-black Nike's before he runs another hand through his hair, fluffing it slightly. As I watch him, the more I realize of coming to terms with whatever we are, I want more. God I want more. I just have no idea how to get it with the way he is and the thought terrifies me. 

"How did you know about this?" Martin turns around and meets my gaze that was focussed on him. My cheeks turn a slight pinkish color. 

"This guy named Jayce invited me last week," I shrug my shoulders, slipping my hands into my back pockets. An odd expression comes onto his face and his eyebrows furrow, but he stays silent. 

Once he seems ready, I turn and open the door, just waiting for him to come. He walks over towards me and holds the door for me. I go into the hallway as he shuts and locks the door behind of him. 

Suddenly, one of his hands grabs mine and he begins to lead us down the hallway. I'm slightly confused at to why he grabbed my hand, considering no one needs to suspect more things. But knowing Martin, he probably doesn't give a shit. I know I shouldn't - but I can't help it. 

Still hand in hand when we walk outside, I begin to think about the alcohol situation. The last time I drank it, I threw up everywhere. Then again, I drank a lot of that vodka, so I just tell myself not to drink a lot. Besides, it's what teenagers do - I can't be this sheltered puppy all my life. We walk to the building and I see a few more walking in, hoping they don't see Martin and I. 

When we arrive inside the party, it feels exactly the same as last time. We make our way towards the back of the hallway, going to the area where most of the noise seems to be. Feeling to insecure about what could possibly happen, I let go of Martin's hand and he looks down to me confused. 

"What's wrong?" he asks, his eyebrows furrowed deeply. 

"I'm not going to deal with rumors Martin," I tell him sternly, thinking back to Haley. I hope to god she hasn't told anyone. 

His eyes narrow before he sucks in a breath, "Okay," he mutters, "Don't take anything from anyone though," he says intently. I remember Matthew told me that last time. I nod quickly, knowing that would probably be a good idea. 

We walk again and everything becomes deja-vu for me. The music, the alcohol and smoke smell, loud talking. It's coming from everywhere and I'm not sure if it's as exciting for me as last time. I don't recognize anyone yet, which makes me feel vulnerable. 

"Aye! Martin, what the fuck you doing here?!" a boy says cheerfully. I know his face and then it hits me; it's one of the guys Martin hangs out with. I watch the two of them awkwardly, keeping close to Martin. 

"You might want to chill on the alcohol," Martin tells him over the music and the boy laughs loudly his eyes landing suddenly landing on me. 

He scrunches up his face before he licks his lips, "You're the preachers daughter!" he points with a very, very drunk smile on his face. I glance up to Martin, not sure of what to say. 

"Ray," Martin steps forward, patting his shoulder a couple of times, "Fuck off," he smiles sarcastically before Ray laughs again, shaking his head, he walks past us, alcohol protruding off of him. Even though I have done this before, I just feel... awkward? 

I look around skeptically, noticing that even though there is a lot people here, there isn't as many as last time. Martin places a hand on my lower back which startles me for a second before he begins to walk to wherever. Thankfully, most people seem to be already too drunk to pay attention to us. 

We enter a room that seems to be the 'alcohol' room and of course, quite a few (very loud) people are in here. In the corner of the room, there is a group smoking cigarettes and passing what I believe to be weed around. I know what that's like, my subconscious says and to me, that feels so long ago. I mean, that was before Martin and I were this close. 

"Mads!" I jump in place as someone yells my name. I look to my left to find a girl with big, curly brown hair staring at me.

"Oh-um, hi?" I say uncomfortably, not sure if I even know who this is. "Do I know you?" I ask and I can hear Martin holding in a chuckle. 

"I'm Brianna, remember?" she perks up with a smile and suddenly, my face falls into annoyance. Oh yeah, now I remember her. Big-mouth Brianna. She caught me with that hickey one day. 

"Hi Brianna," I say with no emotion at all, my eyes glancing around the room, not paying attention to her. 

"So how are you? Are- Oh! Ean! Hey!" she stops the entire conversation with me and runs past me, knocking me into Martin. 

I look up at him, holding in my laughter, "What the hell was that?" I ask him, a giggle still present in my voice. 

"I think it's called alcohol," Martin says smoothly before he takes my hand again, "You're just going to have to get over it," he winks before he pulls me along, leaving me speechless. He's one of the most stubborn people I've met. 

"I'm going to try to find something to drink," I say over the music, hoping there will other options beside alcohol. Although I highly doubt it. 

"I'll come with you," he says, meeting my gaze. I drop his hand and shake my head quickly. 

"No, it's fine," I say reassuringly and before he gets the chance to say anything else, I turn on my heels and make my over to the drink table. I don't see anyone I know so I keep to myself as I glance around at all my options. None of which, are legal. 

When I reach for one of the red cups, something or someone taps my shoulder. I look over to be met with familiar brown eyes. 

"Hey, you made it," Jayce beams, holding a cup of is own. I return his smile, hoping he doesn't notice how clueless I am to the alcohol. 

"Yeah, thanks for inviting me again," I say, trying to focus my hearing on him over the loud music. No wonder they got busted last time...

"Did you come alone?" he asks taking a gulp of whatever was in his cup. My first instinct is to say no, but considering he has his own suspicions about Martin and I; I lie. 

"Yeah," I shrug with a nod, quickly glancing around the room to see if Martin was where I left him. And of course, he isn't. Where the hell did he go? I begin to internally panic and my anxiety heightens. 

"So, Martin didn't come with you?" he pushes another question. I furrow my eyebrows at him, smiling a little. 

"I think you're getting the wrong impression about Martin and I," I lie straight through my teeth and I think that it sounded believable. 

"I guess so.." he mumbles loud enough for me to hear and I begin to feel suspicious about his own behavior. Unlike everyone else, he was seeming to push for Martin and I to show up at something together. "Do you wanna drink?" he asks, pointing down to the table. 

"Sure," I agree without even thinking. Martin said don't take anything from anyone, but I know what Jayce is going to get me. So, I think that's okay? 

"What do you want?" he sets down his own cup as he grabs one for me. 

"Well, actually I don't know what any of this is," I laugh embarrassingly, scratching the back of my neck, glancing down at all of the options. 

"Hey that's okay," he shrugs with a smile before he glances over the options. Suddenly, he picks up a bottle of what seems to be brown liquor. He pours just a little bit into the cup before handing it over to me. "Don't drink too much at once," he laughs a little. 

"Gotcha," I laugh looking down at the liquid. The smell is so strong it is already upsetting my stomach. Flipping on my brave switch, I bring the cup up to my mouth and take a small sip. My face scrunches up from the strongness and I think it tastes worse than the vodka I had last time. 

"Wanna come upstairs? A lot more people are up there," he uses his thumb to point over towards the door and I freeze, not knowing what to do. I glance around the room, no sign of Martin anywhere once again. Hesitantly, I grip my cup and nod slowly but surely. 

"Yeah, let's go," I push a smile and Jayce begins to lead the way out of this crowded room and up the stairs. An even stronger smoke smell resides up here and he was right; there is about twice as many people up here. 

We enter a room and I feel my stomach flip. Somehow, I spotted Cade - which means, Haley has to be here somewhere. There's also the possibility that Matthew is here too. I take another swig of my drink, trying to calm my anxiety. 

"Hey guys, this is Mads," Jayce introduces me to a group of people, I feel even more uncomfortable and awkward now. I smile at the five of them. One boy stands out to me as he has nice cheekbones and sandy brown hair. He gives me a small smile. 

"I'm Mason," he introduces himself and I smile, listening to the others saying their names as well. They all seem nice from the looks of it. 

We all end up talking for a few minutes and I begin to feel more relaxed once almost all of my drink is gone. I kind of want more, but the sober part of me says no. Somehow, the Mason guy and I end up talking a few feet away from everyone. I've learned that he is Canadian, plays guitar, and he's going to Harvard for med school. Damn is all I can say. 

"Yeah, I've never really seen you around here before," he furrows his eyebrows as he leans against the wall nonchalantly. His demeanor reminds me of Martin - Martin. I almost forgot about him. I get worried because I haven't spotted him up here either. 

"It's my first year here," I answer him, trying my best to ignore my worried-filled thoughts of Martin. 

"It's a shame we didn't meet sooner," he raises his eyebrows at me while he takes a sip from his beer bottle. My cheeks flush a pink color and I know he's flirting with me. And my drunk self isn't minding it at all. Martin, my mind says. "Can I get you a drink?" he asks. 

"Sure," I smile, not even sure myself why I said that. My heart and mind continue to nag at my safe zone; Martin. I feel bad that I'm going against him - but he left me. The reality of that settles in and it starts to piss me off. Why would he do that to me? 

"Be right back," Mason nods off before walking past me. My head his spinning from whatever Jayce gave me earlier and I'm dying for water, but I know there is none here. I stand against the wall, waiting for Mason to come back. 

I watch as most everyone is dancing, grinding up on each other. The sober side of me wonders how this is actually fun for people. Especially if you do it all of the time. I would get bored. I am right now if I'm honest. 

I get shaken out of my thoughts when I feel someones presence beside of me. I think it's Mason but when I look up, I am meet with all too familiar blue eyes. Matthew. 

"Hey," he says nonchalantly, shoving his free hands into his front pockets. I feel myself freezing up. 

"H-hi," I clear my throat, shocked that he is actually talking to me. 

He licks his lips, an awkward tension arising between us slowly. It's as if we're by ourselves in a room. "So.. how are you?" he asks. I try to get used to his height again considering I haven't talked to him in awhile. 

"Okay, I g-guess," I shrug with a hiccup in my sentence. His eyes narrow at me for a split second before he relaxes. 

"Have you been drinking?" he questions, tilting his head to the right slightly. I give him a devilish, curious smile. 

"It's a party," I answer, well my drunk twin answers this time. Where's Mason? I want my damn drink. 

"Right," he mutters, his eyes studying my face and they stay on my lips for a couple seconds longer. "I know now may seem like a bad time but," he pauses, gazing down to me, "I want to tell you I'm sorry. I overreacted, it was immature of me," he finishes with a breath. 

My mouth parts ever so slightly and I can't believe his words. He's saying sorry to me? If anything, it should be me saying sorry to him for leading him on... 

"I-I um," I say, not really knowing where to start, "I mean I'm sorry too," I pause, hiccuping again, "But we should talk about this when I'm sober and not here," I manage to get out in one sentence. My head is still spinning from thinking about one too many things at once. 

"Agreed," he chuckles staring intently at my face again. A silence descends between us and I feel myself getting lost in his blue eyes. Although, my mind keeps wishing they were the green-grey ones that I love. 

"Here you go," the voice of Mason interrupts our silence and I have to tear my eyes away from Matthew. His hand holds a red cup and I grab it quickly, looking at the contents for a split second. It's brown yet again. Gross. 

"Mads," Matthew says almost warningly, but I ignore him as I take a big gulp of the liquid. My face scrunches up yet again and I open my eyes to look at Mason. 

"Thanks," I smile, gripping onto my cup. I turn back to Matthew who has worried look on his face. 

"C'mon, cheer up," I smile widely, nudging his side a little. Matthew glances over to Mason with a hard stare before he looks back to me. Suddenly, he leans down and I think he's going to kiss me but his lips find their way to my ear. 

"Be careful," he says sternly before he starts to back away from us, his eyes never leaving mine. I furrow my eyebrows. What the hell was that about? 

"Is he your boyfriend?" Mason asks, gaining my attention again. I roll my eyes at his statement. 

"Not even close," I wave my hand off before I take another sip of my very strong drink. It's stronger than the one I had earlier. I brush it off, thinking it must just be a stronger liquor. "Let's go dance," I grab Mason's hand with my free one and drag him to the makeshift dance floor. 

After about fifteen minutes of being pushed together and trying to dance with Mason, my drink is finally done and I smile, relishing the feeling of freedom I'm having in the moment. The song switches to an urban pop song and the bass fills the room and my ears. Mason laughs when I get shoved into his chest but he holds onto my hands firmly, getting lost in the music as well. 

As we continue to dance, I feel my head spinning even more; to the point of motion dizziness. I press my palms into Mason's shoulder, steadying myself, taking a breather. I close my eyes, trying to see if the feeling will shake off. I take in a few slow breaths before I feel his mouth near my right ear. 

"Are you okay?" he says, but I almost don't hear him. After I open my eyes, I now find it even harder to keep them open. It's as if a huge fatigue just washed over me. 

"I- I need-a-air," I say unsteadily, gripping onto his shoulders even harder, afraid that I'm going to topple over. I make out him nodding before his hand grabs mine and begins to lead me out of the hot room, my feet stumbling over one another. 

My vision is fuzzy every few times I blink and my hands feel clammy against Mason's. Once again, I find it so hard to keep my eyes open and I have no idea what's going on with me or my body. I open my eyes and realize that we're in an open area where no people are at. It's quiet but I can't make out anything that well. 

"Mason what-"

"Shut up," suddenly my forearm is taken and I am shoved against a wall, my head hitting it with a bang. I seethe in a breath through my teeth at the pain and I feel even dizzier than before. 

"What's go-" I am stopped by a hand slapping down on my face. My vision is blurry and I don't know what's going on but for some reason, my brain is screaming at me to do something. However, I can't move. I feel paralyzed. My knees feel weak but I have somehow manage to let out a scream. 

"I said shut up!" he bellows and I feel his fingers playing with the button of my pants. I squirm at his touch, not being able to comprehend what he is doing. I try to let out another scream but his hand covers my mouth, silencing me. What's going on? I begin to panic when his hands violently shove my pants down, pressing me against the wall even more. 

The normal part of my brain begins to understand what's happening and tears well in my eyes. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I try to move and squirm but my body won't let me. His fingers wrap around the band of my underwear and I somehow bite his hand and let out another scream for help. 

"You bitch," he spits into my face, grabbing my underwear again. 

I feel more tears rolling down my face as my eyes slowly close. I can't move. This can't be happening to me - this just cannot be happening to me. When my eyes almost fully shut and all my sense shut down, I suddenly hear a voice. A male voice yelling. 

"Mads! What the fuck! Get off of her!" the person yells and suddenly, the weight in front of me has disappeared and I sink down to the floor, my body feels as if it's shutting down. 

I try my best to open my eyes and what I make out is someone on top of Mason? What's going on? I blink a few times trying to get my vision to clear but nothing is helping. Grunts, yelling, and hard slams against surfaces is all I hear for a few minutes. 

"You goddamn fucker! You fucking piece of shit!" someone yells loudly again but I feel my eyes closing again. 

I rest my sore head back against the wall, deciding to just listen to what my body is telling me. A couple more seconds, the grunting stops and I make out a figure turning towards me. 

"Mads!" he yells, "Fuck! No, Mads look at me," I barely feel the hands that are gripping the sides of my face, which force me to look forward. "Fuck, fuck, Mads, goddammit look at me!" 

With all my strength I have, my eyes open slowly and I make out green eyes staring at me. That's all it takes for me to recognize who it is. Martin. That's all it takes for me to start crying even harder and I grab his shirt bringing him down to me. My sobs disappear into his shirt as I feel more fatigue take over me. 

"It's okay," he says, his voice almost disappearing in my dizzying thoughts. "I'm here... I'm here.


A/N Hey guys, happy Monday (ew). First of all, I am SO SORRY this is much later than usual. I have had zero time to come home and write, after school started last week. I hope you all understand that and once again, I'm sorry. I also hope this was worth the wait because OMG y'all weren't ready for that. You'll have to leave me a comment telling me all your feelings! This is all for today, hopefully I update sooner for the next one. Thank you for being so patient <3 

tumblr - lindzfrienzxo :) 

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