Little Tomlinson *UNDER MAJOR...

By PinkPrincess00

129K 2.2K 252

All Rights Reserved 2012 ©PinkPrincess00 Book One More

Unexpected News [1]
Nothing [2]
Baby Girl I'm Your Dad [3]
No Place Like Home [4]
Wardrobe Changes & Pap's[5]
Mushu [6]
Cheater [7]
I Love You [8]
Ken Dolls [9]
Saturday Dreaming [10]
Princess Tellie [11]
Harry's Dream [12]
Hitting and Kicking [13]
New York [14]
first xmas <3 [15]
YEAH!!! BUDDY! [16]
Completely Alone [17]
WHO'S POV? [18]
TMH TOUR! [19]
It's Finally Hit Me... [20]
So Darian's Not Keen To Share [21]
Oh shit Lou! [22]
Bitch Slap Her [23]
Tour & Imagination [24]
Oh thy Romeo [26]
Eidee Will Save Us All!
If We Do It Right We Do It Once
Well That's Just A Slap In The Face
Ed Sheeran
Don't Ya Think It's Weird? Weirder Than Weird?
I Guess It Runs In The Family/ Oh Shit Lou P2
I Love You... But You're so Bad...
Killian You Bloody Pervet!
A Lie Is Formed
Thank-You Eidee
It's Not Really The End

The Party Don't Start 'Til I Walk In [25]

1.9K 40 4
By PinkPrincess00


I paced back and forth around the dull hotel room. It was April twelfth and I hadn't accomplished anything. My daughters somewhere with stupid fag direction and my sister's in hospital! Seriously! she got hit by a car how can she still be in there? The radio in the hotel room was on, but until now I hadn't noticed what was playing.

"I will drive past your house and if the lights are all out I'll see who's aro-o-o-ound-"

I turned the radio off. Can't I do anything without hearing One Direction?

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair before grabbing my purse and phone from the small wooden coffee table. I felt guilty about everything. What I was trying to do, what I did do. I literally robbed Louis of the first three years of our daughters life.

Our beautiful daughter...

With her small little nose, her long blonde hair, her sparkling blue eyes. Louis' eyes. At first I hated that she looked like Louis. But the more time went by, the more I came to love how she had his eyes, his smile, god even her facial features were practically the same as his. She had hardly inherited anything from me. You could slightly see me in her if you looked closely. But only if you looked very closely. One quick glance and you knew she was Louis'. Which is why when Louis became number one in the world, I knew that sooner or later everyone would find out about Tellie.

My little Cristell Jayde.

I looked to the window. The sky was grey and dark as it had been ever since I came to London. I always used to tell Tellie I'd take her to London. 'Cause to her it was were "Daddy's house" was. She loved Louis even though she never knew's funny just telling her little story's about him every night made her love him.

Darian always told me that if I never told Louis about her something bad would happen... And it looks like something did... I lost Tellie. The only thing right to me and now god knows what Louis' like to her....

Darian has to get out today. She just had to...

I didn't waste time to leave the room, swiftly joining the already crowded lift. I was squished up in the corner of the

This lift is taking forever dammit!

"Bout time!" I snapped as the doors opened. I pushed past the people. Damn why are there so many people in this hotel! I shoved past a couple more people and ran out the doors.

"Shit..." I gasped. "That's a lot a of damn people."

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the hotel parking lot. Darian better be able to leave..

When I got to the hospital, I went straight to the recovery floor, and down the corridor I had went down the last time I saw Darian. I opened the door, my eyes widened as I came face to face with an empty hospital bed and nurse happily cleaning away.

"Oh..." I muttered.

"Hello. Can I help you dear?" The nurse replied, grinning widely at me.

"Uh... The patient in here... Um we're is she?" I asked biting my lip.

"That girl with the brown hair? She checked out yesterday. Went off with that Malik guy from One Direction, That lucky girl." She mused, stepping away from the bed.

Darian didn't tell me.... Why wouldn't she tell me...?

"Thank you..." I muttered turning on my heels and stalking away from the room. That Malik! Oh if I get my hands on him! I unlocked my phone. Darian can't ditch me!

I slid through my contacts until I found Darian. I clicked it and waited for it to start ringing.

"Darian, why didn't you tell me you got out of hospital?" I hissed into the phone.

"Um... I'm sorry but Darian and Zayn are having some... Alone time and Darian left her phone out here. By the way this is Louis. So yeah who is this?"

"Where's my daughter?" The words slipped out of my mouth instantly as I stood in the hallway in the hospital.

"None of your concern." 

I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. I felt sick. Of course Louis was gonna make this difficult.

"Louis if you don't tell me-"

"We've already got extra security and Liam's notifying the police so unless you wanna go to jail for attempted kidnap you might wanna go back to your grave."

"Louis." I smirked.

"Phoebe." He replied dryly. The bitterness in his tone was obvious, like it usually was. He had the same bitter, annoyed tone whenever he spoke to me in the seventh and eighth grade. If I could only turn back time, I'd have done the smart thing when he asked to have sex with me. I would've said no, in stead of being the little love struck teenager I was. The only reason I probably wouldn't change it is Tellie... But she's gone now...

"We both know your not father material." I said bluntly, by now I was walking through the hospital again, my head held high and heels tapping against the floor. I was lying to myself. Louis would be a brilliant father. He was always good with kids, it was only logical he's be amazing with his own.

"Doubting my ability Freebe?" Louis questioned after a pause. I clenched my fist at his words. Freebe... The nickname everyone called me when the rumors about me and Louis having sex went around... At the time I was disgusted that anyone would say that. But it was only a couple of months later I was pregnant with his daughter...

"Don't call me that." I hissed.

"Why not?" He laughed.

That Tomlinson hasn't changed a bit...

"'Cause the only boy I did was you."

"I'm honored."

"At least let me see her. Just once-I can't live without my little girl..."

"No way. I'm doing to you exactly what you did to me. Besides, you're dead and I've already told Tellie that once people are dead they stay dead. She'll never trust me again if she see's you. So, yeah enjoy your little dead world."

"Not for long." I smirked.

"What?" Louis asked. Oh that poor boy... He's clueless.

"I think you better watch your back Tomlinson, wouldn't wanna knife in there would ya?"

"Bitch do you know who I am?"

"Louis. This. Means. War."




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