Everlark- Family, Love and Ha...

By hungerjay1

27.3K 886 591

*This is carried on from 'Everlark- The Years After The Epilogue', so if you haven't read that I suggest you... More

I Didn't Hurt You Did I?
Love Between Us
Dont Let Me Go
Remember What I Said
The Fire Burns Within You
I Don't Need Anybody Else
Save The Date
Ready Sweetheart?
I Told You To Let Me Go
Knowing the Truth
Chasing The Waves
It's Latin For Fresh
Letting Go
The People We Love The Most
Our Team
Daisy Chains
Blue Eyed Beauty
Coralline Snow
Start With What You Know Is Real
Happy Birthday Peeta
Telling The Children
I Just Want To Be With You
Peter Pan
Take Another Deep Breath
Just Too Hard
Our Little Girl
Goodbye Haymitch- Part 2
Katniss' Epilogue
Thankyou~An Author's Note

Goodbye Haymitch- Part 1

608 18 12
By hungerjay1

''Muma, are we seeing Uncle Haym today?'' Oakley asked, swinging her legs whilst she sat on her highchair.

''Yes darling we are. Hurry up and eat your porridge now sweetie.'' I smiled, walking off to go make sure everyone else was ready. I had insisted that I be discharged for the night, and so I was given some pain killers, which instantly made any pain go away, and some crutches for support, as my abdomen was still quite weak.

Today, was the day when Haymitch would finally give his goodbyes- and I don't think I would ever be prepared. Peeta has stayed with him throughout the night so Effie could finally get some sleep, and so we were all meeting them both at the hospital. Last night, I slept with Rye beside me, he'd woken up in the middle of the night, his screams piercing through my body as he awake from a nightmare. Unable to sleep myself, I let him sleep behind me like when he was younger- watching his chest peacefully rise and fall.

Suddenly the phone rang, and I rushed over, as quickly as I could, to answer it, fearing something had happened. ''Katniss?''

''Peeta.'' I sighed. ''How are you? Is he okay?'' I asked frantically. The line stayed silent for a few moments, until I heard an escaped sigh leave Peeta's body. ''Peet?''

''He's gotten worse Katniss. Last night was awful, t-they had to restart his heart twice, and even Haymitch himself knows it's coming. You should get down here as soon as possible.'' It took a few seconds for my mind to register what Peeta had just said, the realisation not yet sinking in.

''O-kay,'' I stuttered. ''We'll be there as soon as possible. I love you Peet.''

''I love you too Katniss, I'll see you soon.'' And with that, the line went dead. I shakily put the phone down, as my hand trembled from fear. As I did, I turned around and walked down the hall-way, bumping into a crying Willow.

''Wills? What's up honey?'' I asked, taking her into an embrace.

''I-I heard. I picked up the phone as you answered and I-I heard it all mum.'' She wept. ''He's really going to go isn't he?''

''Shh, it's alright. You'll get to say goodbye. Shh, come on calm down, we'll all be okay.'' I hushed, resting my chin ontop of her head. ''Stop crying darling, shh.''

''I can't see him, not if he's like this. It hurts too much thinking about it.'' She sobbed, tears streaming down her face.

''If it helps, we'll open the door a little, and then you can talk through the door to him yes?'' Shh sweetheart.'' I cooed. Unexpectedly, I felt the baby kick at my stomach, making Willow jump slightly. ''See, even your little brother or sister doesn't want to hear you cry.'' I smiled wryly.

''I can't wait to meet you.'' She cooed down at my stomach. ''I bet you're going to be a little brat like Rye aren't you?'' She laughed gently through her tears.

''Oi! I heard that.'' Rye shouted, making us all laugh a little.

''Chin up Wills, it's time to use some of that strength.'' I said, kissing her forehead and walking into the kitchen.

When we arrived at the hospital, Effie and Peeta were waiting outside- sat on the hard plastic chairs, which over the past few days had become our second home. I walked straight into Peeta's arms as soon as we got there, sobbing into the crook of his neck. He held me close, and eventually, Rye came over and joined too- seeking our comfort.

''We'll be ok. We all we.'' Peeta smiled, looking around at our family. ''Effie, you know you'll never be alone don't you? You're as good as part of this family, with or without Haymitch.''

''Oh Peeta.'' She gushed. ''You all have such big hearts, no wonder Haymitch was so fond of you at the start.'' She said, holding back the tears. ''Truly, you're wonderful people.'' She smiled.

For the next hour, we stood around waiting for Haymitch to return from his therapy, each moment we weren't with his felt like a moment wasted, and a moment we'd never get back. I just kept wishing it wasn't him, and that he didn't have to go. All the things he would miss, Willow's mar-riage, Rye's graduation, little Oakley's first day at school, and our baby's birth. He'd miss it all, all because the cancer was consuming him.

The same Doctor finally arrived on the ward, however, as he walked down he gave no signs of hope of his face. ''We've returned Mr Abernathy back to his room, where he can seek some com-fort. Unfortunately however, he has requested that the support machines, and drips are to be taken out of him, and if his heart was to fail again- I'm afraid he doesn't want saving. At the minute he's barely stable, so you should probably start preparing yourself for the worst. Haymitch has ac-cepted the inevitability of dying, and I'm sure that he wishes for you all to accept his decision. You may see him now.''

In that moment my world froze- it was really happening. All of this seemed too real. Because, that is what it was. Real. It wasn't a figure of my imagination, it wasn't a nightmare- it was real life, and I just wish I could change things. Myself and Effie went in first to see him, whilst Peeta and the chil-dren waited outside. As we walked through, the smell of antiseptic still lingered in the air, yet it was almost strange- there was a sense that this really would be the last time we'd see him.

Haymitch looked more ill than he had done these past few days, yet without the cannula attached to his nose, and the drips pierced into his arms, he looked more himself than he had done since coming here. His eyes flickered open at the sound of the door slowly creaking open, and he wearily sat up. ''My two favourite women.'' He smirked. ''Hello you two.''

''Oh Hayms!'' Effie cried, running over to him, enveloping him in her arms. She gently kissed his lips, and they were suddenly lost within each other for a few seconds, until Haymitch had to gasp for air- coughing and spluttering everywhere. ''You're alright, you're fine.'' She said, trying to con-vince herself more than Haymitch I suppose.

''I hope so my love.'' He smiled, reaching out his hand to softly stroke her face. ''I'm going to miss seeing your beautiful face each day.'' The glint in Haymitch's eyes had long turned off, all you saw in them now was black, tiredness and sadness. I stood at the edge of his bed, awkwardly watching their embrace, and twiddling with my thumbs. Once Effie had sat down beside him, his craned his neck around, smirking at me. ''No hug for me?'' He winked.

I sighed, smiling slightly, and walked around the bed to his other side, leaning down to hug him. As I did, his prickly stubble scratched my face, and his high temperature radiated off of him. ''Hello Haymitch.'' I said, giving him a kiss on his cheek.

''I just want to tell you both, that you're both the most important women in my life, and no matter where I am, or who I'm with that will never change. You girls have changed me, and I seriously couldn't be anymore thankful.''

''Don't, not yet.'' I sighed. ''Don't you say goodbye.''

''Katniss is right Hayms, it's too soon just now, later ok?''

''No, I need to do this now Eff. Katniss, will you give us some time?'' He asked, gulping deeply, and taking a deep breath- preparing himself.

''Of course. I'll see you soon.'' I smiled, squeezing his hand and leaving. As I left the darkness of Haymitch's room, I was blinded by the bright hospital lights, bouncing off of the pristine clean floors. I walked downthe corridor, to where Peeta and the children were waiting, when I was stopped by Doctor Charlesworth.

''Mrs Mellark. Could we have a quiet word in my office perhaps?''

''Urm,'' I debated. ''I kind of need to spend time with my family.'' I wavered.

''Yes I know, but it would only take two minutes.'' Not being able to have the emotional strength to argue, I reluctantly followed him to his office, where I sat down at his desk, while he found whatever he needed. ''Okay, so how are you coping with the miscarriage? I know that, mother's especially, find this a very difficult time.''

''I- um, haven't really given myself much time to grieve. I need to be there for my children, and the youngest don't know yet.'' I explained.

''Well make sure you do grieve soon, it's good to let out all of your emotion at times. Listen, the reason I've brought you here is to give you your sonograms, and also test results back.''

''Oh, thank you so much. I'll treasure them.'' I smiled, taking the sonograms of the twins, and then also our baby girl's paint foot and handprints.

''Everything on your results came back great, you're levels have dropped dramatically, and it looks like you've got a fighter in there. I'm very happy with how things have worked out. And if you wish, we can also tell you the sex of your baby?''

''Is it not too early?'' I asked, confused.

''Due to the circumstances yesterday, we were able to find out.'' He smiled, leaning forwards.

''I-I'd love to know please. I'm sure Peeta will be thrilled.'' I smiled, from the slight silver lining, shimmering.

''Okay, we'll quickly go through your results, I'll tell you the sex, and then we can talk a bit about how you're feeling physically and if we need to strengthen your medication. Sound good?''

''It sounds great, thank you.'' I grinned.

After twenty minutes, I finally left Doctor Charlesworth's room, with a piece of information I couldn't wait to tell Peeta- I just knew how happy he'd be, and hopefully it would put some light on the current situation. As I walked down, I saw Oakley sprawled out on the floor with her prin-cess colouring book, her blonde ringlets, fell down her back as she tilted her head whilst colouring, her tongued sticking out and face sketched with concentration. ''Oakley, where's daddy?'' I asked.

''He's gone to the shop or something, he won't be long.'' Willow said, fiddling with something on her phone. I went and sat beside Rye, who was aimlessly staring at the blue painted walls.

''How're you doing mr?'' I asked, putting my arm around him, so he could rest on my shoulder.

''I don't want him to leave mum.''

''I know you don't, neither do I.''

''D-do you think it hurts? Dying?'' Rye asked, creasing his brow. ''I really don't want him to hurt. I just wish that we could change the future, and change his fate- he doesn't deserve it.''

''Your Uncle asked the exact same thing, but apparently it's more peaceful than falling asleep.'' I assured. ''Don't worry about the pain- and I know he doesn't, but I guess his time's up, as it is for everyone eventualy.''

''I suppose.'' He sighed. ''I might write him a poem, for when we say goodbye. Do you think he'd like that mum?''

''I'm sure he'd love it. My brave boy aren't you? It's alright to cry you know?''

''I know that. But, I guess I'm stronger if I keep it in.'' Just like me, I thought. ''I can't really talk about my feelings, they, they just don't flow out.''

''Trust me I know. But that's only a sign of strength Rye. Don't let your thoughts, your nightmares, or even your emotions define you, because it takes ten times as long to put yourself together as it does to fall apart, and once you break you'll need someone to help you put yourself back together.''

''Like Aunt Effie helped Uncle Haymitch?''

''Exactly like that. Hey look your father's back.'' I said, watching Peeta walk down the corridor to-wards us. Out of everyone, he helped me put myself back together again. Bit by bit. The hopeless-ness I felt when I first returned to District 12 drowned me. I had never felt more incomplete, empty and lost than when I did in my first few days of return, and only Peeta could restore my faith in the world. My dandelion who brought hope and promised rebirth instead of destruction.

As Peeta sat beside Willow, she curled up and nestled herself into him, seeking his comfort. Effie came out after nearly two hours, her face a pale sheet of white and red blotches surrounding her eyes from where she'd been crying. ''Aunt Effie.'' Willow said, jumping up to hug her.

''Willow darling, hello.'' Effie sniffled. ''That's truly it, his goodbye. And it couldn't have been any-more heart-wrenchingly painful than that.'' She cried. ''What am I going to do? I can't do it without him, my Hayms.'' She wept, the tears spilling down her face. Peeta prised Willow away and took Effie into his own arms.

''Shh, he's not gone yet. You're ok, you have us- yes?'' Effie nodded a little, before excusing her-self to go 'freshen up', however I suspected she'd gone to cry some more.

''Come on then, let's go see your Uncle.'' Peeta said.

''Mum, I don't know if I can do this.'' Willow said, slowing down her walking pace.

''Haymitch will understand if you can't face him.''

''I know, but I don't want to disappoint him. I can do it if you're all there though, I suppose.'' I reached my head out for Willow to take, squeezing it slightly for comfort and smiling.


She took a deep breath, before entering the door, and agreed. We would do this together...as a family.

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