By MARVELousBuckyBear

714K 16.8K 8.3K

I do not take personal request. :) More

Hey You!
Habits of Yours He Loves
Habits of His You Love
Favorite Thing To Do Together
First Thoughts
Your Guys Pet
What Your Friends Think Of Him
What He Loves About You
What He Does When You Arent Around
He Asks You Out/Part One
What Your Family Thinks
What You Are Scared Of
He Walks In On You
What You Love About Him
Something of His You Steal
He Embarasses You
What He is Scared Of
Fighting/Part One
How He Was Without You/Part One
Making Up/Part One
Hated Habits
First Kiss/Part One
He Says I Love You/Part One
He Asks You Out/Part Two
Favorite Desert
The Boys Have Something To Say
Favorite Show Together
You Hit the 'Sack'
His Attempt of Seduction
First Kiss/Part Two
He Says I Love You/Part Two
Bucky: I Love You
Sevens Are Intimidating...
Your Superpowers! (KABAM)
The Challenge
Puppy-Dog Kisses-Steve
Snark and Spark-Tony and Pietro
Happy Wife Happy Life- Tony
Happy Birthday!!!
Horror Movies
Safe- Bucky
You Walk In On Him
Interrogation- ¿♦♦♦?
Safe Part II- Bucky
A Weird Dream...
Deadpool? 2B or NOT 2B???
What They Think About Kids
Safe: Ending
"Home Invaders" Part I
Coffee With a Smile- Steve
Broken- Pietro
What to Expect...
I've been Tagged
Tagged AGAIN
Mother Nature Calls
Turn Ons
Lockscreen tag
Sorry guys...
No Request
Fighting/Part Two
Snark and Spark II- Tony and Pietro
New Characters/Content- (?)Reboot(?)
One Shot Specials
American Idiot

How You Met

27.1K 468 599
By MARVELousBuckyBear

You've always dreamed of working in the Avengers tower since your senor year, and now that you have graduated MIT you now have a shot. You were the highest ranking student in your class and in almost all of your majors and if you weren't you were in at least the top five. You also graduated early so hopefully that will catch their attention as well.

"Alright miss, Avengers Tower. Good luck."

You smile at the taxi driver through the review mirror and say thanks even if he didn't trully mean it. I mean, there was a one in a million shot of being let in. But that's were her project comes in...

You pay him and climb out of the taxi and start walking towards the doors that will open up to your dream. Once you reach the doors you take a collective breath and press the guest button that allows security to notice you and let you in.

As soon as you walk in everything is a rush, a young woman shows you around until you reach the two big brown doors where you will have your interview.

"Alright just sit tight until Miss Hill calls you in and good luck!" She smiles professionally and walks off briskly.

As you stood there waiting you started to smooth out your blouse and fix up your pencil skirt. You were so focused on looking nice that you didn't even feel the presence of another right beside you.

"You can't possibly be the new girl," someone scoffs. Your eyes widen and you refuse to lift your head from fixing the front of the blouse.

"Excuse me, what is that supposed to mean?" You snap, now looking through your papers to make sure you have everything.

"You're just too pretty, if you were dressed any different I would've thought that you were a model."

You frown and cluck your tongue and then snap your head towards him, "So you're suggesting that a pretty girl can't be a smart girl? That if we're pretty we are meant to be toys and things to look at and use for entertainment? Well welcome to a whole new world buddy because here I am and..."

He was smirking but as you rant dwindled off he started to smile, "No, what I meant was that I think with you around it will be harder to concentrate." He says smoothly.

You're absolutely breathless, you had just mouthed off to your boss, the Tony Stark. And he complimented you, was this for real?

He starts to smirk again and then winks, "I hope you are as smart as people say because I really want you here. I know you are though, I see that intelligence sparkle in your eye." He pushes open the doors, "Let's begin shall we?"

You just stand there and blink like an idiot as Tony waits patiently for you to enter, "B-but I thought Miss Hill was interviewing me?"

Mischief glints in his eye and he smiles again, "Change of plans."

Every morning at five you go at running with your Belgium Malinois, Bear. He was called Bear because ever since he was a pup he would grunt while he played, like a little cub, he was also really big and had a beautiful red coat.

This morning run was different though because you wasn't in Oregon anymore, instead it was Washington DC. You moved here because of your dad, he has stage three lung cancer and you want to be with him as much as possible. He also wants you to inherit the house. The last time you were in DC you were only 13, ever since then dad would always visit you but now he is too sick to even really leave to house. You can't stand losing your dad, he's all you've got left.

A tear starts to roll down your cheek and slow down to a walk and crouch. Running and crying dont mix, you were just going to sit here until you've calmed down a bit. You hear the familiar grunts of your goofy but intelligent dog as he bounds back towards you and licks your face compassionately. You sat there stroking him for who knows how long until you hear the sound of feet heading right in your direction.

"You alright miss?"

You don't want to look up afraid it might be some hot dude and you really don't want him to see you with red puffy eyes and looking like an absolute wreck, its already hard enough looking for someone when you're looking nice.

You sniffle, "Yeah I'm fine just petting my dog and thinking." You sniff again, not able to help it. And to make it worse you go in one of those sniffling fits where your body shakes.

You now hear him breathing, you peek through your hair and see that he has now crouched down to her level. "Allergies?"

"Uh yeah..."

"You're not a very good liar."

"Ugh fine you caught me, just leave me alone. I don't want you to see me like this."

He hesitates and then you hear him sit, "How about instead we get breakfast instead?"

You decide you take a risk and remove you curtain of hair and look at him, he looked trustworthy and hot and he didn't seem disturbed by your apearance, "Yeah, okay sounds good."

He smiles at you warmly, "I don't know why you were hiding, because you're absolutely stunning."

You smirk and start to return back to your normal state, "Not too bad yourself there." You joke.

He chuckles lightly and holds out a hand, "Steve, Steve Rogers."

You smile and high five him, knowing he meant to shake it, "Y/N, Y/L/N."

You weren't feeling your best today, everything inside of you hurt and you felt irritable and foggy. Your eyesight kept magnifying in and out and your brain was pounding against your skull.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

You call a sick day and start to drive to the doctor after making an appointment. As you got closer and closer though you started to get dizzy and your vision spun. You weren't paying attention and had acciently drove into the other lane.

The blinding lights of a semi alerted that you were going to die. You knew it was too late and started to close you eyes until you felt the impact.

But it never came.

You open your eyes and blink in confusion, that's when you notice this huge green monster in front of you holding the semi.

The Hulk.

You open your car door and fall out in a heep, you puked and then fell unconscious.


"What's her name?"

"Why is she here Bruce?"

"She needed help."

"That's what hospitals are for..."

"Shut up Tony, our technology is better anyway."

"Language Steve."

"No! You all don't get it, gamma ray signatures were radiating from-"

"All you shut up! She's waking..."

Your eyes flutter open to reveal the full team of Avengers looking down at you in concern. One with curly brown hair and intelligent but sad look crouches to your level, "Hey, how do you feel? I'm Bruce by the way, I brought you here to rest." His warm brown eyes look into yours.

You cough and smile, "I'm Y/N, and thanks for saving me."

You had just got off from work, it was already dark out because they kept you in late. Your car was currently in the shop so you had to unfortunately walk.

Great, now I have to walk alone...in the dark...

You sighed and started on your way and decided to take the shortcut to your house. The long way was a light path but took forever to use while the shortcut was dark and through many ally ways and had rumours of gangs and such but you decided that they weren't true and started that way.

The first two allies went well and you didn't see anything to be afraid of except the occasional stray cat but once you went through the last you hear dark laughter.

"What's a fine thing like you doing up this late?"

You gasp and turn around, a very tall man with a long scar across his face stands behind along with four other men who look equally as vicsious.

He pulls out a blade and starts to casually pick at his fingernails with it, "You need us to walk you home? You know its awful dangerous here this late and your going to need some protection." He smirks and starts to saunter towards you.

You turn your chin up and say bravely, "No, I'm perfectly capable of walking myself so beat it. Your not my type."

All the boys behind him start to hoot and holler, "We got a fiesty one lads!" He laughs and then suddenly whips towards you and presses the blade on your throat, "Enough talk princess." He says darkly.

He pushes you against the walls and pulls the blade back. He thrusts the blade forward and you yelped at the impact that actually...never came.

You open your eyes to see all the men on the ground unconscious, and a new stranger standing before you with curiousity.

Your breath quickens and you look at him in awe and shock, "How-uh-how did you do that? I mean...where did you even..." You trail off and start to lose your balance but suddenly he's and catches you. He chuckles and you look up at him as you rested against his chest.

"I'm Pietro, and your welcome." He smirks. "I'll tell you how I did it if you go out to lunch with me, deal?"

You smile and nod.

You were on SHIELDS wanted list. Your skills included master in swordsmanship and heightened senses. You also could communicate with animals, so basically you would have them around you as your little bodyguards and companions when on a quiet mission (you secretly preferred tigers though but they were harder to have around so usually you stuck with wolves).

Seemed lame to her attackers until they actually attacked and couldn't get within 100 feet because some random jaguar ambushed them. You loved your little ability and you loved the thrill of the hunt.

You actually used to be an agent. You were wanted because you killed some decorated agent, you were actually framed though. So now you live the criminal life, that doesn't mean you kill the good guys though, you actually hack into SHIELDs and the CIAs data base and hunt down the wanted yourself.

Your entire life was changed though the day the Winter Soldier was sent after you. He changed everything, he was just as fast and just as skilled. He found you everywhere, you knew he was working for SHIELD now and if he got you they would surely lock you up for good.

It all came down to the last bullet in an abandoned cabin in the woods, the wolf pack wasn't responding because they were too far out of reach and he was on your tail. You've been on the run for three months now, it was all fun and games at first but now you knew it was over. No food or water for three days, in the woods for two weeks, and you've been running for hours. You're tired and dehydrated, you're out of options. He wins.

The door flies off its hinges and he walks in, gun raised, you slide onto the floor and look at him wearily, "Alright alright big boy, you win." You two have developed a strange comfortable bond, but he's still the enemy.

"Well its about time sweetheart, I was getting tired of waiting for you to join."

"Ha ha we both know where I'm going..."

He walks over to you and holds out a hand, "Come on Y/N."

You growl at his offer to help you and push yourself up only to collapse in his waiting arms. He scoops up your legs and carries you out from the house as you fall unconscious in his arms.

You were walking home from the gym when it started to pour and thunder. You started to run home until you suddenly heard a loud crack and stopped in you tracks. Lightening from 50 feet away struck the sidewalk scaring you shitless. You felt your hair instantly poof and a weird tingle shiver throughout your body.

Then another boom sounded beside you and you jumped. Instead of more lightening though it was some hot buff guy who had really long blond hair, and he held a big glowing hammer.

"Pardon miss, I didn't do you any harm did I?"

You work at the archery range and you love it there. The boss kept telling you to be in your best behavior because a professional was paying a visit. You couldn't help but scoff. You on your best behavior? Psh please...

You were supposed to show the "professional" around and give him a tour and all that jazz but you couldn't help but wonder what would happen if she would... No. No pranks. You can't risk getting fired...again.

You were interuppted from your thoughts when the guy walked in with his shades on acting all cool and puffing his chest like some bird trying to win over a female.

His gaze meets yours and he charmingly smiles and leans against the counter, "You must be an angel, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

You roll your eyes push away from the counter, "Did it hurt when you fell on your head as a baby?"

And that's how things went the whole day, he would use cheesy pick up lines and you would counter with sass. He wouldn't give up though and followed you around like some star crossed lover. It wasn't until you actually shot the bows with him that you started to grow fond of him. You soon gond out that the both of you actually have a lot in common.

As soon as he got back to the tower he got your number from SHIELDs data base, since you wouldn't, and insisted you go to breakfast with him...and lunch and dinner.

NEW!!! >>> Loki

It was a sad rainy day, your boyfriend dumped you, you lost your job, and your car wants you to excersise and walk three miles alone in the rain. But hey! At least you've got a raincoat. Whoopee... You slammed the door shut and started walking, hoping that there were no creepers hiding in the foliage surounding the road. You didn't get ten feet out until you heard a twig crack. You frantically looked all around you but thankfully saw nothing. Then the rain suddenly stopped, well not entirley just around you, you look all around you and yelp when you see a strange man a couple yards behind you. He wore weird clothes and was really tall, he was skinny but looked cunning and mischevious.

"Where did you come from?! Are you stalking me?" You asks, panicked.

"Far away, I got kicked out, or punished I guess."

"Ha, looks like we both got dumped."

He laughs lightly and then saunters my way. "Tell me mortal, do you know a place where I can stay?" He spoke rather formerly yet there was this strange charm to him. You were a big sucker for fate, so perhaps this man is going to become something special in your life. You couldn't get rid of him yet. "Yeah, there is motel a mile out from here. Want to crash there?" You quickly decided you should just stay at the motel too, worry about home and your car tomorrow.

He lifted an eyebrow as if considering and then spoke. "I suppose that means we are companions then?"

"Yeah, guess it does."


Loki wan't an original so I'm going back and adding him in all of them. :) And also later on I'm going to publish a Loki catch up for those who wanted him bit already so far into the book.


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