You broke me for nothing...

By Suusari

50.8K 2.5K 390

What will Chris do when he finds out he left her for nothing... When he realizes he could have had it all had... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Trigger warning...)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 58

533 30 0
By Suusari

Chris pov...

"Sweetheart... I need you to listen to me for a second..." I say as we are sitting in the car. We had just landed in LA and are on our way to my place. "Okay..." She says and she looks a little scared as i am serious. "LA is a whole different vibe than Arizona..." I sigh as it me putting it lightly... She nods... "There will be paparazzi everywhere..." I say and she nods again looking so scared. I hate that i am scaring her but i need her to understand. We will only be here for 2 weeks but in 2 weeks a lot can happen. 

"As much as i tried to keep us coming here secret, it only takes one person at the landing strip to tell them i am here and they will be following me everywhere... So as much as i want you to come with me to work... I rather have you stay home with Dodger... I can't guarantee that even work will be paparazzi free over here..." I say and she pouts but nods. "I understand..." She whispers grab her hand and squeeze it... "I am sorry sweetheart." I say feeling like a piece of crap... If i could assure her privacy, then i would have taken her with me... But i can't.

"It is okay, i guess... It is only 2 weeks..." She whispers but sounds sad. "I am sorry, sweetheart... I know it is not ideal..." I say and she looks out the window again... "Kate?" I say as i can't see her face and i think she is crying... "I am fine... It is okay..." She whispers and from the sound of her voice i know she is definitely crying. I sigh and look out myself as i dont know what to do. So i just hold her hand and rub my thumb in circles over the back of it. 

The car just drives on. The privacy screen is up between us and the driver and as i normally find that ridiculous, i am thankful now. Then Kate's phone rings... She looks at the screen wipes away the tears and answers. I try to make out who she is talking to... It is not a friend... Kate grabs my hand and squeezes it tight. "I am not in Boston at the moment... I will be back in a week or two..." She says and this piques my interest... "I can do that... No i dont know... The police is still looking..." She says and i look at her intensely... This is going about Elliot in some way... 

I dont want to interrupt her conversation but i am dying to know what is going on... She looks at me... Her face is red and puffy from crying earlier but right now she looks tense... "Can i call you back... I need to discuss this with my..." She starts to say and i see that she does not know what to call me... I give her a little nod and squeeze her hand... She gives me a little smile. "I need to discuss this with my partner..." She says and turns bright red and i give her a reassuring smile. 

But on the inside i just want to slap myself silly... We have never discussed what we exactly are... We just are and did not label it just yet. I give her hand a little squeeze. She says goodbye to the person on the other side of the phone and closes her eyes for a second and takes a deep breath... 

She opens her eyes and looks at me... "That was my lawyer..." She whispers and i look a little surprised. "Lawyer?" I ask and she nods... "Yeah... I had him look into what needs to happen so i can sell the house... It is still in both our names..." She whispers and i nod... "Okay... I did not know you were doing that..." I say and she sighs... "I dont want to go back to that house... I just want to get rid of it so i won't have to deal with it anymore... I need to sign some papers to request with the courts that i can sell the house without his permission... The ideal situation would be that they find him and get his signature... But i dont see that happening anytime soon..."She whispers and i sigh... 

I hate that he is still out there somewhere. I hate that Kate has to look over her shoulder. We dont know if he is ever going to show his face again but as long as he is out there somewhere we can't rule it out... I dont want to know what his reaction will be if it ever comes out that Kate had moved on... Let alone with me... When waiting on news from the hospital about Kate with Tyler, he told me i had always been a sore subject. Kate never talked about me... But seeing as her friends were my friends... Wel my name came up every now and then and from what i understand it was not a positive reaction. 

I think me and Kate being in the tabloids had set everything off... Tara had told me that it was bound to happen... This is who Elliot was and if it had not been me... Than it had been something else, he would be losing his shit over. Kate said the same when i brought it up once... She rarely talked about him. She said she did not want to... He was not worth thinking about...

"Chris?" She says and i snap out of my thoughts. "Sorry..." I say blushing and she squeezes my hand... "Can they send the papers to the house here?" She asks and i shake my head... "Let them send them to my teams office here in LA... They will make sure to get them to you... The less people know the address the better." I say and she nods... "That makes sense... Can you text me the info so i can send it to my lawyer..." She asks and i smile and nod... 

I send her the info immediately and she emails it to her lawyer... Somehow her selling her house makes me happy. It means she is working towards the future... That she is actively working on letting the past go, if that makes sense. I had not known she had done all this. I wanted to help her but i think this is something she wanted to do on her own. Maybe that was best... Maybe she needs that...

"If you ever need help with this, just ask... Okay?" I say wanting her to know that whatever she needs i got her back... She smiles and nods... "I will... I just want to leave the past behind and with that house still partially in my name i can't 100% do that..." She whispers and i take a deep breath... "If it does not work out with the court thing, maybe we should look into a private investigator... You know... To see if he can find Elliot..." I mumble and Kate sighs... "Maybe... Let's just go through the courts first..." She says and i nod... "However, you want to handle it is fine with me... I will support you in any way you need me to..." I say and she takes a deep breath... 

The car slows down and i see we are almost at my place... The car pulls up to the gate and it opens... Kate sits up straight looking out of the window. "Chris... This is not a house... This is a mansion..." She whispers and i grin... "It is one of the smallest houses in the street, sweetheart..." I say and she chuckles... "I am going to get lost..." She mumbles and i laugh... "No, you won't... I will give you a tour... If necessary i will draw you a map..." I say and Kate giggles... 

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