You broke me for nothing...

By Suusari

50.7K 2.5K 390

What will Chris do when he finds out he left her for nothing... When he realizes he could have had it all had... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Trigger warning...)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

chapter 39

661 34 5
By Suusari

Chris pov...

Kate is asleep... She had been drained and had fallen asleep in the car. She hadn't even woken up when i carried her to bed. While she slept i had called around giving ma and Tara an update... They were both happy that Kate liked the headstone. I did not give them all the details but just the generics... Kate and i had agreed that we would keep our relationship status to ourselves for now. I think we are not ready for everyone's opinion about it yet... I think we want to figure it all out ourselves first before people are going to give their 2 cents...

It is hard... Especially when it comes to my mother... I normally tell her everything and i have the feelings she kind of knows... But i made a promise and i intent on keeping it... I sigh as my phone rings and i see it my manager... I had been ignoring her calls for two days now as they keep asking me to take the role... Even after i explained that i would not and why... That i wanted to take care of Kate... That she is my priority right now that she comes before any roll right now... 

But they kept coming back with offers... I sigh and answer the phone... I sit down at my desk and look out over the yard. It is the same bullshit all over again. The money has gone up and they are willing to accommodate me in all sorts of ways... I kept saying no and this time is no different... I can hear my manager is frustrated. My whole team is frustrated with me... They really want me to take this role as it already is creating a buzz... The project has not even started yet, and they are already talking about Oscar's and whatnot... 

"My answer is still no..." I say annoyed after listening to another rant on how great of an opportunity this is... On the other side of the line is a sigh... All of a sudden i get startled... I feel my phone being pulled from my hand... "He will do it..." I hear and look in shock as Kate had taken the phone from me... "Kate... What are you doing!" I say shocked... "He will call you back later, to talk details... But he will do it..." She says a determined look on her face and before i can even protest she hangs up the phone... 

"What was that... I told you i am not doing it..." I say stunned and a little annoyed. She walks over to me and slides into my lap putting her arms around my neck. I want to say something, but she kisses me, shutting me up. "Kate... I can't..." I start to say again when we come up for air and she immediately kisses me again... "Kate..." I groan into the kiss, and she smiles. 

"You are not playing fair..." I mumble and she sighs... "Never did..." She says smirking and i sigh... "Chris... They obviously want you... They would not insist so much if they did not really want you..." She says and i blush... "I might be distracted and maybe a little selfish because i am so caught up with my own... Well, you know what i mean... But dont think i had not noticed that you get called every day about this..." She says and i turn bright red as i thought i had been hiding it pretty well... 

"You are not selfish..."  I groan and she kisses me again... "Chris... Although i find it really sweet that you turned it down for me... You can't... I can't be the reason you are not doing it... I can't be the reason you are missing out on the biggest opportunity in your career..." She says and i sigh... "But i dont want to leave you..." I whisper and she smiles... She kisses me again... "I know... So... I have been thinking... Maybe it is good for me to have a change of scenery..." She says and i look at her with big eyes... "You want to come with me?" I ask a little surprised and she nods... 

"If you would like... I mean i dont have to... I could..." She starts to say stuttering and i smile and shut her up by kissing her... "Really?" I ask wrapping my arms around her holding her tight in my lap and she nods... I have to be honest they had suggested it... They had told me they would rent a house for us to stay in... I could bring her to set every day and she would even get her own trailer where she could retreat when it would all get too much... I just said no because i did not think she would want it...  "Maybe it will be good for me... A change of scenery... You would go to film and i..." She starts to say and i kiss her... "You can come to set with me..." I say and she chuckles... "I dont think they will want me there..." She says and i shake my head... "They kind of offered it to me before... I just didn't think you were up for it... They will get you your own trailer and all... They are even renting a house for us if we want it..." I say and now Kate looks stunned. 

"Why didn't you tell me...?  Why did you not talk to me about it...?" She asks and i smile and put her hair behind her ear... "Because... You had other things on your mind..." I whisper and she groans... She takes my phone and hands it to me... "Call them back..." She says handing me my phone... "Are you absolutely sure..." I ask her and she kisses me... "Yes... I am absolutely sure... Now call them back and put them out of their misery..." She says and i chuckle... "I think i should make you my manager... I like the way you talk me into something..." I say winking at her putting the phone on my ear... 

"Yeah, no thanks... I dont mind dealing with you... It is other people in your line of work i would not want to deal with..." She murmurs as she buries her face in my neck planting a trail of kisses... My manager answers the phone all perky and i roll my eyes... She immediately lets me know they already told them i had accepted... She had not wasted time... We talk details but it is hard to concentrate as Kate is distracting me with kisses in my neck, face and lips all the while her hands are wondering around my body... I gasp as i feel her hand dip in my pants... I grab her wrist stopping her and she giggles... "Yeah, yeah, yeah... Just email me the details..." I growl and hang up the phone before standing up and Kate wraps herself around me giggling... "Bad girl..." I growl... "What are you going to do about it..." She whispers in my ear in a soft husky tone...

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