Por MimieLover

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WHAT would you do when you fall in love with an unexpected person and at unexpected time? Zhang Rounan, he ha... Más



57 1 4
Por MimieLover

ROUNAN frowned in her sleep and opened her eyes few seconds later. She did not know when she had fallen asleep, but the hospital room was dimmed and quiet. What time is it now? She tried to move around but something was holding her hand. She looked at the side. Wei Ting was falling asleep beside her bed, and only used his arms as the pillow. One of his hands was still holding hers, even though the grip was loose. Rounan felt a tug in her heart.

She believed it was more comfortable to sleep on the couch, but Wei Ting chose to stay closed to her. Rounan glanced at the clock wall. It was 2 in the morning. Then she threw her gaze outside the window. It was snowing at the outside. Even though the heater inside the room was working well, why Wei Ting's skin was cold? Rounan gently touched his hair, recalling the moment where he had proposed her this evening. She felt surreal. The man she loved finally proposed her.

She should feel happy. She should tell the world this happy news. Wei Ting really loved her. And she loved him. Should not two people in love get married and live happily ever after? And why she hesitated to accept his marriage proposal? Wei Ting frowned in his sleep when she gently caressed his cheek. Few seconds later, he woke up from his sleep.

"Oh, you awake! Do you need anything?" he rubbed his heavy-lidded eyes while peeking at the clock wall behind him. Did Rounan need to use toilet? Or was she hungry? They had fruits in the fridge if she wants it.

"I need to pee," she said casually, not feeling shy anymore. As her tummy grew bigger, she needed to use toilet more frequent. Wei Ting helped her to get down from the bed and put the slippers on her feet. He had always been so sweet to her, so attentive and caring.

"Don't forget to check your pad,"

"I know," she replied shortly when he reminded her to check her pad, to see if her water still leaking or not. So far, her pad was still dry. After Rounan finished her business in the toilet, she stepped out and saw Wei Ting was preparing a warm milk for her. He, the man who had decided to leave everything behind just to be with her. He even sacrificed his dream for her. So, was his efforts and sacrifices not enough for Rounan to accept him as her husband? Does he need to jump off the cliff for her to say 'Yes' to him?

"Drink this," he passed the glass to her.

"Thank you,"

"Do you need anything else?" he asked after she finished her milk. He took the glass from Rounan and put it away on table. Rounan did not reply him and just lying down back on the bed. Wei Ting helped her with the blanket.

"GeGe, I need something," Rounan looked at him when he brushed away the strand of hair on her face.

"What is it? Do you feel hungry?"

"No," she shook her head. Then what she wanted? Wei Ting frowned when Rounan opened her arms, as if she wanted him to fall inside her embrace.

"I need you to keep me warm," that request had pulled a smile on his face. Rounan had gotten used of sleeping inside his arms. She felt incomplete and started missing his warmth against her body. If not because of Rounan's current condition, Wei Ting might do more than just hugging her throughout this cold night. Oh, he loved the most when she breathed heavily in his ear, her soft cries and moans when he entered her and he loved watching her coming for him.

"Hurry up. I am so cold right now," she pretended to shiver when he remained stiff at his place. Wei Ting surrendered watching Rounan started pulling a sulky face.

"Okay, okay. I am coming," the hospital bed was spacious enough to accommodate another person. So, Wei Ting slipped underneath blanket and pulled Rounan inside his arms. Rounan happily snuggled against his chest, inhaling his masculine scent. Wei Ting hugged her closer.

"GeGe," Rounan called his name softly.

"Hurm.." he hummed as a reply, hand gently stroking her back.

"About the audition offer...,"

"I thought we have done talking about it," Wei Ting cut her words. However, his tone was still soft. Rounan bit her lips in guilty. She knew Wei Ting had made up his mind and decision, but she did not want him to regret in the future. Wei Ting changed his position and now his face was at the same level with Rounan.

"Do you think I will be happy if I accept the offer?" he then questioned her back, which Rounan absolutely had zero confidence that he would be happy if he goes back to Hollywood.

"I don't know. I just don't want you to regret in the future," Rounan finally disclosed her concern to him. Wei Ting stared at her for seconds before curled a small smile. He placed his palm on her soft cheek and caressed it.

"You know what I've regretted the most about us," he said in whisper, causing Rounan to look at him in confuse.

"That I had failed to be with you since the day you discovered your pregnancy. I have missed the halfway of your pregnancy. I know that you hid it from me because of my Hollywood career but I just wish that you could just tell me about it at that time,"

"Do you still remember the day you brought me to visit the park in the Tangerine farm?" Wei Ting quietly nodded his head.

"Since you have found out my true feeling, I won't hide it anymore from you. It is true that I have loved you all these years but I had decided to do something about my feeling for you. I should get a closure for myself. The reason I accepted the offer to work with you was no matter how closer we got you would never fall in love with me. After all, you only see me as younger sister, not more than that. So, I decided that I will love you unconditionally. No more hope. No more pain," Rounan's voice was trembling as she was trying to control her emotion.

"When I found out that I'm pregnant with our child, there were multiple times I'd considered to tell you about it. I even asked myself, am I going to be a bad person if I ask you to take responsibility and stay with me forever when I know that you never love me as a woman? But then, when I saw you were running under the rain, overjoyed over the news that you had received from Roby, I realized that I should never do something that could ruin your future career, your dream. You looked happiest on that day,"

This time Rounan could not hold back her tears. Wei Ting felt the sharp tug in his heart. He just realized how hurt Rounan was at that time. She had gone through a lot in the past. She even decided to be with Zixin, fell in love with Zixin but then she realized that she could never stop loving him the day he involved in road accident in Hong Kong few years ago. Zixin had told him everything anyway. Wei Ting wiped away Rounan's tears and kissed her lips.

"You know what Rounan, when I was in USA, during my break or free time, I could not think anything else but you. It seemed I could not wait to finish everything and go back to China, so I can see you, hug you and touch you," it was Wei Ting's turn to confess what was inside his mind.

"Before this, I was confused with my own feeling but the day I left your condominium, I realized that I like you more than just a friend," Wei Ting slightly moved away, cupping Rounan's face so he could look straight in her eyes.

"I have been in love before. I knew that I'm falling in love with you yet I was too afraid to acknowledge it yet. I was afraid at that time. I was afraid of having unrequited love and it would affect my performance if you reject me at that time. I wanted to explore it and talk to you about us after I return to Beijing. That was why I never brought anything about us when I was still in USA," Rounan was speechless over Wei Ting long explanation.

"When you suddenly disappeared and stop contacting me for a month, I was totally lost. I feel so empty. I was completely insane yet I still lied to myself, thinking I probably got so used of your presence by my side. After all, we had spent more than six months working closely with each other. Then one day, I found out your true feeling for me. I was secretly overjoyed but at the same time, I felt bad. I felt bad for keeping you waiting for me for too long,"

"Rounan, you may think things are going too fast between us. You may think that I want to marry you out of sympathy. But the truth is I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to build a family with you. I know I may sound desperate but I really hope that you can accept me in your life. Nothing else matter to me right now. Not even my Hollywood dream because I want to stay by your side right now, I want to be with you and our son. So, please let me stay by your side,"

Wei Ting rested his forehead on hers. Rounan sobbed and hid her face on his chest. It felt surreal that she finally was getting proposed by him. It was a dream came true, yet she did not know what had hindered her to say 'Yes' to his proposal. Wei Ting kissed the top of her head. After all, he did want to pressure her too much about his proposal.


"HOW is your wound Zixin? Is that really bad? I am really sorry for everything," Rounan apologized non-stop ever since Zixin accepted her video call. She was blaming herself for everything that happened to him last night. The pictures of Rounan and Wei Ting had become viral, and now people found out that they were expecting a child. Fans did not take it well about Rounan's cheating scandal, and reporters were after him to confirm the truth.

'It is never your fault. We broke up long time ago,'

"But people did not know about it. We lied to them, to our fans about our real status," truthfully, Rounan did not mind received all the blame. She deserved all the hate for hurting Zixin in the past but what she regretted was Zixin got injured because of her. Even though he just sustained sprain ankle and bruises on his arm, but she still felt bad about it.

"You shouldn't be too worried about this issue. You need plenty of rest or else you may go into labour anytime soon," Zixin knew that Rounan currently was hospitalized due to leaking episode and required inpatient management. It was Wei Ting who told him last night, when he called his assistant, Alex, to get an update regarding his condition.

"Then, how about you? How long are you planning to stay in hospital?"

"Let me think about it. Hurm, a week maybe," Zixin leaned his back against the headboard, smirk formed on his lips. His injury did not require the hospitalization anyway, but he insisted for the admission just to scare those reporters. He could sue them if he wants to. And he did not have any trouble to find the best lawyer if he needs one.

"Plus, I can use my injury as the excuse to take a short break from the hectic shooting schedules," he added. For sure the staffs would talk gossip about him and Rounan. Rounan just chuckled at his words. He had been busy since last month. He deserved a short break.

"I guess a little lie could be accepted," it seemed Rounan supported his naughty idea. They chuckled for a little while before they suddenly became quiet. Truthfully, they always had a trouble thinking the best way to announce their breakup to the public. Even though neither of their agencies had responded to the news, people should know that she was no longer with Zixin.

"Seriously Rounan, you should ignore all the hate comments and focus on your health and baby," Zixin's tone was serious. It was unfortunate that many things happened to them in just a day. Rounan remained quiet for a moment, hesitantly to tell him at first about Wei Ting's marriage proposal. Thinking Zixin had undisclosed her true feeling to Wei Ting, he should take responsibility for it.

"Zixin, I know that you had told Wei Ting Ge about my feeling for him," Zixin's eyes widened in surprise. It was supposed to be a secret between him and Wei Ting.

"Chill. I am not mad at you. After all, it just the matter of time. He will find it out eventually. It just yesterday, he had proposed me into marriage," Rounan finally decided to share this good news with Zixin.

"Oh, he finally did it. Congratulation Rounan," Zixin genuinely congratulated her. However, Rounan did not expect this reaction from him. He reacted as if he had known all along that Wei Ting was going to propose her.

"Wait, why you didn't look so surprise? Don't tell me that you know that he is going to propose me?" Rounan asked Zixin in confusion. Judging how Zixin ran his gaze to somewhere else while clenching his lips, Rounan had detected that he was hiding something from her.

"Zixin....," Rounan's tone changed into serious, as if she was going to fight him until he tells her the truth.

"Fine, I will tell you everything that I know," Zixin finally surrendered. Since Wei Ting had betrayed him, he was going to spill Wei Ting's secret to Rounan. It was payback time.


DURING the visiting hours, Rounan had purposely making Wei Ting left the room by asking him to get her few croissants and breads from nearby pastry shop. At first Feng Hoaran offered himself to get those pastries for her, so that Wei Ting could keep her company. So, she had to use their baby as the excuse.

"GeGe, the baby only wants to eat the breads that are purchased by you. I don't think I will have any appetite to eat if they are bought by somebody else," she whined sadly. From the corner of her eyes, she could see that Ming Zhu almost puke from watching her pouting face.

"Alright, don't be so sad. I will get them for you," Wei Ting pecked her lips before patting lightly her head. This time, it was Feng Hoaran who made vomiting sound.

"Ergh, I got goosebumps just by watching the two of you. Wei Ting Ge, I'll wait for you at the outside," Feng Hoaran left the room, and Wei Ting followed him a minute later. Now there were only Auntie Shihan and Ming Zhu left with Rounan inside the room.

"Guys, I need you guys to tell me the truth," both Aunty Shihan and Ming Zhu looked at each other in confuse.

"Woah, what is that about? I don't think we are hiding something from you," Ming Zhu replied confidently.

"Is it true that you guys have known all along that Wei Ting Ge knew about my true feeling? And he comes her with intention to propose me?" from the bed, Rounan now moved closer to them. She was shocked when Zixin revealed that Wei Ting actually went to her parents' house and had asked her hand for marriage. She wanted to confirm herself with her parents. Unfortunately, they had boarded the plane to London few hours ago.

"He has proposed you?" Ming Zhu suddenly became excited.

"Just answer my question first," Rounan dodged Ming Zhu's question.

"Yes, you are right. It was your Dad who told me about it," Aunty Shihan finally spoke. She then moved to sit beside Rounan, reaching her hands and gently squeezed it.

"We knew from the beginning that Wei Ting is here to propose you. We didn't mean to lie to you," Rounan was speechless right now.

"But he has his own reason. Rounan, for the past few months Wei Ting is here with us, I can see that he is truly loves you. Love is always comes with risk but don't let your fear stops you from grabbing your happiness," Aunty Shihan looked at Rounan with soft gaze. She has considered Rounan as her own daughter. So, as a mother, she wanted Rounan to be happy.


ROUNAN was still awake by the time Wei Ting finished taking bath. The television was still on yet he noticed that Rounan's mind was at somewhere else. She also was unusually quiet today but Wei Ting assumed that she might worry about her parents. The flight was scheduled to touch down at 8 am local time. Wei Ting stepped closer but Rounan was still spacing out, until she felt his warm lips against her cold cheek.

"Oh, you have taken bath!" she looked at Wei Ting who was wearing white plain T-shirt and long pants.

"Yeah," he whispered before kissing her again. This time his lips moved to her neck. His damp hair touched her skin, making she gasped and squeezed his broad shoulders. They knew where they were right now and they were completely aware that sex should not occurred between them because of her current condition. They just wanted to be close and intimate with each other.

"GeGe, can I ask you something?" asked Rounan, looking at the ceiling as Wei Ting's lips kissed and sucked her collarbones. He just hummed as the response.

"Is it true that you went to my parents' house last time?" Rounan decided it was better to ask Wei Ting herself about it. He stopped kissing her. Rounan looked at his calm face. He was quiet at the beginning but at the end, he finally told her the truth. She could not help but crying after that.

"Why are you crying?" he kissed her wet cheeks. Wei Ting had done everything to prove his love for her. And she loved him so much that she decided to throw away all her fear. Rounan went to hug him.

"I can't believe that you are finally mine. I want to spend my whole life with you and our kid," she sobbed on his shoulder. Wei Ting was surprised to hear that. Does it mean that she finally accepted his proposal? Wei Ting then removed Rounan's arms around his neck and move to get his bag on the couch. He took out something from it and went back to Rounan after that.

"Rounan..," Wei Ting then opened a small cubic box in front of her, revealing a beautiful diamond ring inside it.

"I know this is not a romantic proposal. I initially plan to propose to you during our maternity photoshoot next week but things doesn't go according to my plan. Yes, I have decided to make you as my wife before I come to Somerset," Rounan noticed his trembling voice, but it was not as obvious his shaking hand when he slipped the diamond ring on her finger. Luckily, she did not gain too much weight during this pregnancy because the ring was a little bit tight for her finger right now.

"Zhang Rounan..," Rounan closed her eyes when Wei Ting's face approached closer.

"I love you," he whispered and kissed her lips. They had kissed many times before yet Rounan's heart still drummed erratically against her chest.

"And I love you, too," she whispered between the kisses. This was the first time Rounan said those words to him, and he was obviously grinning in joy against her lips. 


Enjoy reading

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