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WHEN WEI TING confessed his feeling to her, Rounan thought her fairytale love story had finally found a perfectly beautiful ending. She thought that she would confess her love, too, telling him how she had loved him secretly all these years. However, she found it much scarier after her dream came true. Instead of living in the moment, she was more terrified of losing him later in the future.

"I really can't understand you, Rounan. He finally reciprocated your feeling. Why you let the uncertainty of the future stopping you from grabbing your happiness?" Rounan smilled bitterly because Yuxi's reply was exactly what Zixin had told her few days ago. After running away from Zixin for more than a month, she finally had the courage to talk to Zixin and apologized to him. On the other side, Zixin still kept Rounan in the dark about Wei Ting had discovered her true feeling for him.

"Because I could not imagine how the future will be when he has stopped loving me, when he finally realizes that his feeling for me is just a mistake, and what will happen to us and our son if we really break up,"

"Did he already propose to you?" Yuxi squealed at the other side, thinking that Wei Ting had proposed her. She hated to disappoint Yuxi, but she had to know the truth. Wei Ting only confessed his feeling to her, never asking her to his girlfriend even though they relationship now was like a lover. The only woman that Wei Ting had considered into marriage was Lui Lin Yi. No, he actually wanted to marry her! And how did she know about that?

Because Roby mistakenly had sent the picture of diamond ring to her when it was supposed to be sent to Wei Ting. Roby wanted to notify Wei Ting that he had picked up the ring from the store as requested by Wei Ting. However, the message was deleted in a spilt second, and she pretended that she never read the message anyway. Wei Ting had been together with Lui Lin Yi more than a year actually when he finally disclosed about their relationship to Rounan

Perhaps she and Zixin would receive the wedding invitation from him soon. She heard that Lui Lin Yi would leave for France soon to pursue her career internationally. Perhaps he wanted to propose before she left. Rounan did not pay attention much to them until Wei Ting involved in the road accident few months later. Lui Lin Yi never left the France to visit Wei Ting in Hong Kong, so it had raised her suspicion about their breakup. He then finally told her that they broke up a month before Lui Lin Yi go to France. He never told her the reason of their breakup anyway.

After ending the phone call with Yuxi, Rounan returned to her room. It turned out Wei Ting was still in meeting with his CANOTWAIT team. They were discussing about New Year promotion, and the company was going to release New Year limited edition collection in few more weeks. As Wei Ting mentioned last time, he could really manage his company from here because he had a trusted and competent team in his company.

Rounan quietly returned to the couch and resumed her reading, not wanting to disturb him anyway. Wei Ting was sharing his idea with the team and as the leader, he opened to any feedback and suggestion from the team member. Instead of reading the magazine in her hand, Rounan was more interested in Wei Ting. He was sitting on the chair and facing the laptop screen, looking serious and handsome with his glasses on. Sometimes he would push up the glasses, and sometimes he would run his finger through hair whilst listening to his team members.

Rounan had no idea how long she had been staring at him, but he had caught him red-handed. Her cheeks were hot and red from embarrassment. Rounan pretended to read magazine. However, she could feel his sharp gaze on her, so she sneakily glanced at him. Wei Ting was leaning his back against the chair, his eyes were still on her, and he was pulling a teasing smile. The team had finished discussing the business anyway. They were talking about their plan for Christmas and New Year, which was about six weeks away from now.

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