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WEI TING woke up by sound of kids laughing, screaming, and giggling at outside his room. His eyes were hurt by the ray of sunlight through the window. What time was it now? Wei Ting glanced at the clock wall. It was seven thirty in morning, too early for children to wake up and made too much noise in front of his room. Wei Ting grumpily pulled the blanket over his head, trying to ignore the noise and going back to sleep. But then he remembered about something.

"Oh my God, it is freaking 7.30 now! I'm late!" Wei Ting just remembered about their schedule today. He supposed to get up early and get ready by seven in the morning. He had overslept because of taking care of Rounan last night. Wei Ting hastily left the room to check on Rounan.

'How is she feeling today? Does she feel better?' Wei Ting hastily opened the door but when he stepped out of his room, his body instantly froze at the sight in front of him. Rounan was playing with two kids around age seven and five, laughing and running around in front of the guesthouse.

"I got you!" Rounan managed to catch the girl and hugged her tightly, preventing her from escaping. The boy who was around age of seven, just laughed amusingly at the little girl. Probably those kids were siblings. But Wei Ting's attention was not on the kids. He stared at Rounan who was laughing happily. She looked so fresh and fine, as if she had never fall sick last night. The boy noticed that they were being watched, immediately went to Rounan and whispered something to her.

"Wei Ting Ge!" Wei Ting straightened his body when Rounan called out his name with a cheerful voice. She released the girl in her arms. The little girl immediately hugged Rounan's leg, refused to let Rounan move away from her. The boy also quickly held Rounan's hand and stood close to her.

"It's okay guys. He is a friend," realizing how Rounan had to reassure those kids that he was not someone dangerous to them, Wei Ting realized that he must look ugly and messy right now. Wei Ting had always loved kids. He believed those kids would like him more than Rounan if he started mingle with them, but he did not dare to come closer because he had not even taken shower yet.

"Who are they?" Wei Ting shouted from his place.

"Owh, they are Mr and Mrs. Han's grandchildren. They just arrived from Seoul this morning," Rounan explained while looking at those kids in adoration.

"They understand Mandarin as well?"

"No, but they can speak English," Wei Ting just nodded his head, obviously impressed at how young generation today had started learning foreign language especially English at very young age. Wei Ting watched Rounan was talking something to them. Those kids just nodded happily and left the place, probably went back to their grandparents' house.

"It's already 7.30. Why the production crews are not here yet?" Wei Ting asked in confuse.

"Owh, they were here just now but I have asked them to start a little bit late, so you can get rest first," Rounan clarified the situation as she approached him. Wei Ting could not help but to smile when Rounan pushed back the shooting time because of him. She must feel bad for disturbing him last night.

"How do you feel today?" Wei Ting did not forget to ask about her condition today. Rounan looked at him with wide smile on her face, standing straight in front of him and gesturing him to take a close look at her.

"I am 100% fully recovered. Thanks to your best care and service," Wei Ting chuckled over Rounan's compliment. A small scream escaped from Rounan's throat when Wei Ting vigorously patted her head and pinched her cheeks afterwards.

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