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ROUNAN felt nervous because starting from tonight, she would not be alone in her room. She literally was forced by Aunty Shihan to accept the new roommate because there was no more vacant room in this house. After dinner, Rounan did not straight returned to her room. Instead, she dragged Ming Zhu into her room and persuaded Ming Zhu again to let she stayed in one room with her. Unfortunately, Ming Zhu refused to compromise. She even insisted her to stay with Wei Ting.

"Jie, you guys had slept together, did sex and get pregnant. He had seen everything on you and there is nothing to hide. So, what is the issue that you are too hesitant to let him stay with you? Are you afraid that he will find out your feelings? Or are you afraid that you might sleep with Wei Ting Ge again?" Rounan bit her lips in embarrassment over Ming Zhu's bluntness.

"Can't you please not be too straightforward about my sex life?" Ming Zhu just rolled her eyes when Rounan said so.

"Whatever. I won't change my decision. Please go back to your room," Ming Zhu dismissed her by continued watching the makeup tutorial. She was currently jobless after resigning from her previous office hour job four months ago. Knowing that she would not get anything from Ming Zhu, now she had one more option left.

She knew it might be failed, but it was no harm to give a try. So, she called Feng Hoaran, explaining her current situation to him and practically begging him to let Wei Ting stayed inside his room for few days until he returned home for holiday next week. Rounan pouted sadly even though she had expected the big 'NO' from him.

"Except cleaning my room, I will not let anybody stay inside there. What if he touches and ruins my Gundam collection? And Rounan Jie, what is the problem staying in one room with your boyfriend? You are even pregnant with his child," the 20-year-old Feng Hoaran found it absurd when Rounan refused to stay in one room with Wei Ting. He was about to give her lecture, but she decided to quickly end their conversation by saying good night. Now Rounan had nowhere to go except returning to her room.

"Good night, Jie. Have a sweet dream with Wei Ting Ge," Ming Zhu still managed to tease her after she chased her out from the room. Rounan stood in front of her room, chanting some prayer inside her heart before she entered inside. The sound of shower inside the bathroom hit her eardrums once she opened the door.

Since Wei Ting was taking shower, Rounan still got the time to calm herself. After entering the room and closed the door, she went straight to the bed. To avoid any awkwardness, she had decided to pretend to sleep before Wei Ting came out from the bathroom. Rounan slightly panic when the sound of running water ceased, indicating Wei Ting had finished taking a shower. He would not come out too soon anyway since he still needed the time to get dress before leaving the bathroom. So, she still had time left to proceed with her plan.

Unfortunately, the luck was not on her side. She was just about to slip underneath the comforter when Wei Ting stepped out of the bathroom with the shocking view. He just came out with the towel that dangerously hanging low from his waist. He was drying his hair with small towel but stopped his action when he realized that she was inside the room.

"Oh, are you getting ready to sleep?" he casually asked, noticing she was gripping the edge of comforter. Rounan suddenly felt very difficult to answer, as if there was a huge lump in her throat, blocking her voice from coming out. So, she just nodded without removing her gaze on him. Wei Ting curled a small smile and headed to the wardrobe. Rounan gulped her saliva as she watched the water was dripping down his abs and body.

Rounan knew that Wei Ting had to lose few pounds for his recent character, and it had made his muscles more sculpted and body chiseled. And she was never fond of tattoos, but she found herself attracted to the dragon tattoos on his back. Rounan quickly looked away when Wei Ting dropped the towel on his waist. Her face was hot and red from embarrassment. Of course, she had seen him naked previously, but she was not ready for this, especially when he dressed up under the bright light.

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