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TIME flew so fast. Days. Weeks. Three months went by in a blink of eyes. They were getting less sleep with jam-packed shooting schedule. More difficult scenes to be filmed as the storyline getting intense, so did the love between Wang Bo Jin and Han Ru Xuan. They were madly in love and had decided to take their relationship into the next level.

Wang Bo Jin woke up when he felt empty spot beside him. The sunlight was hurting his eyes, so he looked away as he thrusted up his body to sit on the bed. He looked across the quiet room. Han Ru Xuan was not here. The wedding gown and suit that scattered on the floor last night, now were placed at the end of bed. The sweet memories of last night replayed in his head, causing him to smile widely. Especially when he saw the wedding ring on his finger.

He got off from bed and grabbed a new short inside the drawer to wear. He did not need a shirt because he usually topless inside his house. The smell of frying bacon filled inside the house when he stepped out of the room, making his lips curled a wide smile. He went to kitchen and saw Han Ru Xuan was preparing breakfast.

"Good morning," she greeted him after noticed his presence there. It was not unusual scene watching Han Ru Xuan in his oversized shirt, walking around barefooted inside the kitchen as she prepared breakfast for them. Yet he was overwhelmed with happiness because she was no longer his girlfriend, but his wife. They had registered their marriage yesterday and planning to hold the wedding ceremony later.

"Morning," he replied in bedroom voice, hugging her from behind and inhaled the scent of her shampoo.

"Babe, I'm cooking. Stop.." Han Ru Xuan giggled when his kisses tickled her. Suddenly Wang Bo Jin turned off the stove, turning her body around, lifting her up and put her on the counter. He did not even give her the chance to react because he immediately crushed her lips and passionately kissed her. He even ripped down her shirt, leaving her in lacy black bra. He pale skin flushed from oxygen deprivation.

"Wang Bo Jin," she gasped his name between kisses. She thought she could at least stop him for a while, but calling his name right now was a huge mistake. He lifted her butt, causing Han Ru Xuan reflexively wrapped her legs around his waist. When he brought her back inside the room, she knew there was no way to escape. Not at all.


THOSE kissing and bed scenes had drained out their energy which they really need foods right now to fill their empty stomachs. Because of jampacked schedules, they were not having decent meals lately. Today they had about two hours long break because the other co-stars were shooting their scenes in between.

"God, I'm starving!" Wei Ting hungrily shoved a chuck of breast chicken into his mouth, while Rounan helped him to unpack other side dishes.

"Slowly. You will choke later," she reminded him, like a mother reminded her little kid to eat slowly. She even handed him a cup of cold water to drink.

"Thank you," he said with a full mouth, causing Rounan chuckled amusingly. Rounan was about to have a meal when her assistant, Yuxi, came to tell Rounan something.

"Rounan, you should come out. There is a surprise for you at outside," Rounan looked at Yuxi in confuse.

"A surprise?" she asked in confuse. Yuxi just gave a small nodded. Wei Ting just shrugged his shoulders when Rounan looked at him. He too, was curious about it. So, he did follow Rounan out to check on it. Suddenly his face turned dark after found out about that surprise.

"Zixin sent you the coffee truck. I promise you that I have no idea about it," Yuxi was telling the truth. Both their agencies had agreed that the dinner they had last month would be the last act for them to cover their breakup. The Moon and The Stars had aired until half of the episodes and the fans loved the story. Zixin was getting more offers of dramas, films and endorsements, and his packed schedules had caused them to grow distant and decided to end up romantic relationship later. That was the plan!

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