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AFTER almost three months of shooting in several different states in USA, the production team finally threw the wrap party in one of the popular clubs in Los Angeles. In these three months, he had made friends with veteran actors as well as new rising stars among young generation. Wei Ting had always kept himself humble yet confident in his work, and he always received any criticisms with open-minded. That was the only way he could learn and grow to be a better actor.

The party was lit. Everyone was having so much fun. The night was still young anyway. After mingling with other co-stars and production staffs, Wei Ting went to bar counter to get another drink. Compare to other people who were getting tipsy and drunk, he was wide awake and conscious as he only had few glasses of drink so far.

"Juice please," he said, taking out his phone to check on something. He checked the messages he had received, and none of them were from Rounan. Wei Ting clicked his tongue in disappointment. This was not what they had agreed before he left the country.

"Why you did this to me, Rounan?" Wei Ting recalled their conversation before he left Rounan's home the next morning. He remembered how he had stripped her half naked, kissing her down to her collarbones, and that intimate moments were completely ruined by endless phone calls from Roby.

"Promise me we will talk about this when I get back," he said in between the kisses. Rounan did not reply but he assumed the deal had been sealed. First few weeks he was in USA, they were still in touch but the topics were never about their relationship. Their problem could not be solved just over the phone calls. As time passed, Rounan responded to his text messages or phone calls less and less until last month. Rounan and Zixin's breakup rumour had taken the internet by storm but Zixin had denied it.

"What are you doing here alone?" Wei Ting surprised when someone hugged his neck from behind.

"Just have some time for myself," he replied and politely removed those arms away from him. It was Susan Lee, the American-Japanese actress who played the role as his girlfriend in the movie. She pulled the bar stool and sat next to him.

"You should mingle, around, not sitting alone here. If you feel bored, I can keep you entertained the whole night," she whispered while lightly caressing Wei Ting's arm. Wei Ting just raised one of his eyebrows when Susan tried to seduce him. He was not a fool but he just ignored all her flirtatious smiles and acts towards him previously.

Susan was indeed a beautiful woman with model figure, and much younger than Rounan. She was just 22. The young version of himself would be tempted over her offer. Truthfully, he had done or tried many wild and crazy things previously which he was not proud of any of them. He could say that he had grown wiser over the years.

"I'm not interested," he replied in honest.

"Why? You are more interested over someone's girlfriend?" Wei Ting just smirked over Susan's question. It seemed she did check on him and interested over his personal life.

"What is her name again? Rounan isn't it? She is not that pretty anyway. I am far better than her," Wei Ting was pissed off when Susan had audacity to comment about Rounan. Even though Susan was a direct person and openly flirted with him, Wei Ting still had some respect for her, considering that she was his co-stars and still young. But now she really needed to learn about manner and respecting people's privacy.

"I think you should start learn about respecting people's privacy. Not everything you can cross the line," Wei Ting gave a piece of advice as he was preparing to leave the counter. He was not in mood to stay here. Susan was taken aback by the change in his mood, but she did not want him to leave.

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