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IT was thunderstorm in Wenzhou City on that day. Many of the roads were closed due to flood, so did the main road to Rounan's house. Many people stranded due to bad weather, so did Wei Ting. The taxi he was riding was stuck in the traffic due to flood and there was a minor accident that had occurred at the nearby road.

"Are we still far from the destination?" asked Wei Ting as he looked outside the window. It was still raining heavily.

"The house is only 15 to 20 minutes away. But the road is closed due to flood," the middle age man with white beard glanced at him through rearview mirror. Wei Ting checked his phone. It seemed there was a shortcut to Rounan's house if he walked, and it only took about 10 to 15 minutes. He might take less than 10 minutes if he runs to her house. Wei Ting had made his mind.

"Then I just get off from here,"

"Are you sure? It is still rain heavily? Do you bring the umbrella with you?" Wei Ting answered none of the questions. He just paid the fare and grabbed the bag beside him.

"Don't worry about me. Thank you so much," he then immediately closed the door and ran through the rain. He did not mind getting drench as long as he gets to see Rounan. He practically begged Yuxi to disclose Rounan's location but she told him that she had no idea where Rounan's was hiding right now. Wei Ting doubted her if she was telling the truth.

'I seriously have no idea where is she now. Maybe you can get the answer if you go look for her parents,' and she was generous enough to give him the address of Rounan's house in Wenzhou City. Wei Ting kept running until he arrived at the desired destination. After confirming that he was at the right place, he pressed the bell button multiple times.

"Is there anyone at home? Rounan, are you inside there?" because of heavy rain and loud thunder, he doubted if anyone could here him at the outside.

"Rounan, can you hear me? Please open the door. I need to see you. I need to talk to you. Please?" he shouted again after pressing the bell button. He would be in huge trouble if anyone spot him here, proving that he and Rounan had affair behind Zixin's back. But he did not give a damn care about the possibilities of troubles he might cause because of his recklessness. He was desperate to see Rounan right now.

Few seconds later, he heard a man's voice from the intercom, asking him to come inside as the entrance gate had been automatically unlocked from the inside. Without wasting a second, he pushed the gate and stepped inside Rounan's parents house for the first time in his life. However, his steps halted the moment his gaze locked with Mr. Zhang's eyes. He was standing at the entrance door, both hands tucked inside pockets and there was no smile at his face at all.


"I AM totally against this marriage. He is not suits for our daughter," Mrs. Zhang fumed in anger. Right now, people were accusing her daughter as a cheater, and she hated how Zixin and Wei Ting chose to remain quiet about this issue.

"Weren't you the one who insist for Wei Ting Ge to take responsibility when we found out for the first time about Rounan Jie's pregnancy?" Zhang Jingyi, the youngest daughter of the family, spoke bluntly.

"The fact that he is coming here, looking for our sister to ask her for marriage, is it not good enough to prove how serious he is to marry Rounan Jie?" Zhang Hoa Yang added, earning the sharp glare from Mrs. Zhang. Why everyone was taking Wei Ting's side right now? She glanced at Mr. Zhang who was quiet in his seat.

"Honey, you must not tell him where is Rounan right now. I don't care if my daughter ends up being a single mother. I can look after my grandkid and take care of her. I don't want she ends up in marriage just because Wei Ting is sympathy of her," Mrs. Zhang went to sit beside her husband, squeezing his hand gently to get his attention.

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