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IT was freaking three in the morning when Wei Ting's phone on the bedside drawer was buzzing and vibrating violently, forcing him to wake up from his sleep and check his phone. His movement had stirred Rounan in her sleep. He felt bad because she just fell asleep about an hour ago after breastfeeding Yuchen.

'This crazy guy,' Wei Ting quietly cursed after saw Roby's name on the phone screen. As much as he tried to be delicate with his movement while climbing off the bed, he had disturbed Rounan's sleep.

"Ge..," she whined like a baby, hating the warmth that suddenly disappeared from embracing her body throughout the winter night. Rounan rubbed her sleepy eyes. Who was calling Wei Ting at this hour? He even walked away from the bed to answer the call.

"What? You are not joking right?!" Wei Ting was taken aback by the news he received from Roby. Rounan propped up her body when she heard Wei Ting's surprised tone. What is going on? He even dropped the call and went to get his laptop on the table. Rounan stepped out from the bed and checked Yuchen who was sleeping soundly inside the bassinet before approaching Wei Ting.

"Wei Ting Ge, what is going on? You look flustered and in trouble," asked Rounan anxiously while watching Wei Ting googled something on the internet.

"Roby called and informed that Zixin is holding a surprise press conference," Rounan's face turned pale upon hearing it. Surprise press conference? For what? Why she did not know anything about it when she and Zixin just had video call two days ago?

'I am sorry to startle everyone of you but I do appreciate everyone that is coming here,' Zixin who was wearing black, appeared calm with a small smile on his face.

'Lee Zixin, are you holding this conference to clear up the scandal that involving between you, Zhang Rounan and Chan Wei Ting?'

'So, it is true that Zhang Rounan is cheating behind your back and pregnant with someone else child? Can you enlighten us?'

'So, the rumours that she is pregnant with Chan Wei Ting's probably are true because of circulating pictures of them in England last month,'

There were so many questions from the floor as they were eager to find the truth of his real status with Rounan. They had been holding back to release the breakup statement for years now.

'First of all, the rumours that Rounan is cheating behind my back is 100% not true,' Zixin first statement had caused a stir from the floor because the pictures of Rounan was locking lips with Wei Ting were not seem edited pictures.

'How is that possible? The pictures seem real,' one of the reporters questioned the truth of his statement.

'It is because Rounan and I had broken up for almost two years now,' Zixin finally revealed the real status of his relationship with Rounan.

'Due to circumstances, I asked Rounan to keep pretending as my girlfriend. I know I have disappointed many people especially our fans that had rooted and supported us since day one. I'm sincerely apologized. Due to my selfishness, I have caused many troubles to people around me, especially Rounan and Wei Ting Ge,'

"What is he doing? Is he trying to take all the blame by himself?" Rounan was completely disagreed with Zixin. She was the one who ruined their relationship, but Zixin decided to take all the blames and hates to himself.

'Why decided to break up? Was it because of the cheating rumours between you and the newcomer, Han Lee Na, many years ago?' Zixin chuckled amusingly.

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