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TIME flew in a blink of eyes. Today was January 3rd, 2027, third day of New Year. It was going to be such a busy year for them. The Promises was expected to be aired in Jun or July while Wei Ting's Hollywood movie was expected to be in Cinema in December. After all, their absences in China was still the searched topics in the internet.

Some of the reporters and paparazzi were still after Zixin, but he never bothered to answer any of them. The companies agreed to release the joint statement regarding their breakup after her delivery. After all, netizen believed Rounan and Zixin had broken up, but their fans refused to believe it until the couple confirmed the news itself.

Then how about her baby? For how long they were going to keep him as the secret? Rounan caressed her round tummy. All her worries washed away in a second the moment baby kicked her hand. She smiled widely, especially when she looked at the jade bangle around her right wrist. it was so sad that Mrs.Chan had to return to Hong Kong today and Wei Ting was sending her to the airport.

It was such a huge bliss than Mrs. Chan adored her like her own daughter, and she even prayed for her to marry into their family soon. Rounan shifted her gaze to her empty fingers. They had not yet put any label to their relationship, so it would be weird for them to discuss about marriage. Nowadays, it was normal for couple to have kids out of the wedlock because marriage was not the only solution for it. Most of the couples preferred co-parenting rather than committed themselves in marriage.

Rounan did want to think much about it either because she still did not have any courage to confess her true feelings for Wei Ting. The problem was not Wei Ting but herself. Because she was still not confidence with his love for her. Rounan snapped out when her phone ringing. It was a phone call from Yuxi.


"Hello Rounan, have you heard anything about Zixin? About what happened to him last night?" Yuxi sounded worried, which it gave anxiety to Rounan.

"What happened to him?"

"Last night, some crazy fan left a threat in front of his house. We still haven't found the culprit," they had no idea how the culprit managed to slip inside Zixin's residential area but the obsessed fan left a decapitated stuff toy with blood on it, telling him not to break with her. After all, some of their obsessed fans were suspecting Zixin was having an affair and cheated on her. That was the main reason she took the sudden hiatus from entertainment industry.

"How is he doing now?" Rounan was concerned about Zixin. The last time they had conversation was on the New Year Eve, where he sincerely wished her to have a happy life with Wei Ting.

"He is doing fine. He did not bother much about that threat, saying those crazy fans had so much free time to do these immature things to him," Rounan was quiet for a while, thinking some of their fans hated Wei Ting as well. Did Wei Ting also receive a death threat previously from their fans but hid it from her? After reassuring Rounan about Zixin's latest condition, Yuxi was excited to get the new update about her relationship with Wei Ting.

"What? You haven't told him about your true feeling?" Yuxi was obviously disappointed with her. And Yuxi did not have to dig further the reason Rounan kept hiding her feeling for Wei Ting.

"Haven't you believed or convinced enough that he is truly love you? He even rejected the audition for his second Hollywood movie because..," Yuxi instantly stopped her statement, realizing she had slipped the tongue about Wei Ting's secret because she was too disappointed with Rounan.

"What did you just say? Audition for second Hollywood movie?"

"Rounan, I just blurted out nonsense. Just forget about it," Yuxi tried to cover it, but it was too late.

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