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ROUNAN felt relief when she had been symptoms free for two days now. No nausea or vomiting, and she started having good appetite and craving a lot of things. Just last night, she had bad legs cramp and her muscles still sore until now. When they visited several shops at Jeju International Airport, she picked few small packs of dry preserved foods and pickled fruits.

Even though she brought the medications along, these sour snacks could help her with nausea later. Wei Ting did not ask much when she told him that she needed these snacks to help her with nausea as she was having upset stomach. Later during dinner time, Rounan drooled over the foods that the landlord had prepared for them. Besides grilled pork belly, she suddenly wanted to eat spicy raw marinated crab.

"It's okay, Wei Ting Ge. I recently have an upset stomach. I might vomit if I drink alcohol," Rounan panic when she saw Wei Ting wanted to pour alcoholic drink into her glass. She quickly took it away and filled it with plain water. However, she regretted the excuse she had given him because Wei Ting forbade her to eat spicy marinated crab. He even brought the plate away from her.

She begged him to have a small bite only, but he ignored her plea. She suddenly became so sensitive and easily tearful, but it had done great favour to her. Wei Ting looked up and surprised to see the tears rolling down on her cheeks.

"Are you really desperate to have it right now? You can have it when your stomach feels better," he tried to coax her, but it did not work.

"But a bite won't do harm to me," she pouted sadly. He then finally gave up and placed back the plate of raw marinated crab on table. Rounan knew that raw foods were not good for pregnancy, so she just ate few pieces only. Believe it or not, she also surprised with her big appetite tonight, that her stomach still had room for Dalgona.

She was satisfied with the foods tonight, that she went to sleep with full stomach and happy smile on her face. But her happiness did not last long when suddenly she woke up late at night with the urge to vomit. She immediately left her room and ran to the toilet. She could hear Yuxi was calling her name from behind. It seemed all the foods she ate just now had come out.

"Rounan! Are you okay?" then she heard Wei Ting's voice as he knocked the door from outside. Why he was here? Was she making too much noise until it disturbed his sleep? She vomited again before she could reply him.

"I'm okay," her answer was contradicting because she continuously vomited until she felt so tired. When she opened the door, Wei Ting quickly scooped her body and carried her back to her room.

"I'll come back in a while," he did not tell them where he wanted to go, and Rounan did not stop him. She just ate the medications Yuxi gave to her and dozed off. Her energy had been drained out from vomiting just now, but she could not rest or sleep because of nausea. Plus, she was waiting for Wei Ting to come back. One hour later, he finally returned to her room a bag inside his grip.

"I went to Mrs. Han's house and prepare the ginger tea for you. Come, drink it. It is good for an upset stomach," she was surprised to find out that he went all the troubles around this hour just to prepare the tea for her. Then tell her how could she stop love this man? She cried out her heart as she recalled all the good things he had done to her in these five years.

"I told you many times previously, I can't help but want to protect you. It hurt me to see you fall sick last this. Next time, you must listen to me, understand?" Wei Ting pinched her cheek to make she feel better, but she ended up hugged him and cried on his shoulder. Then tell her how could she unlove him? And she had a second thought of holding onto him by telling him about her pregnancy.

Please tell her does it make her as a bad person if she changes her mind and want to keep him by her side? On their last night in Jeju, after dinner with Mr. Han and his wife, Rounan helped them to clean the table and do the dishes. While collecting the dirty plates, Rounan watched Wei Ting was playing with Han Sarang and Han Seo Jun. Those kids grew fond over Wei Ting as day passed, and they liked him more than they liked her. He had more experience in handling kids and had a lot of ways to get into their hearts.

A LIFE WITH THE FUTURENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ