Who Are You [Complete]

By levitating10

150K 8.1K 638

Freen and Becky are childhood bestfriends. Although they are very different from each other, they care for ea... More

1. First meeting?
2. Silly Girl
3. Freen
4. Be my friend
5. I will be your friend
6. Freen
7. Becky
8. My dreams and you
9. Stupid
10. Incident
11. Chakimha Family Mansion
12. Surprise and confessions
13. Who are you?
14. I love you
15. Anong
16. I rememberd
17. P Nam
18. Sneak out
19. Assassination
20. Preed
21. Saint
22. Fountain Garden - I
23. Birthday Party - I
24. Birthday Party - II
25. My Girlfriend
26. Dandelions
27. Polo
28. Fountain Garden - II
29. I remember everything
30. Making things right
31. Finding Freen
32. Ex-boyfriend
33. It's over now - 1
34. It's over now - 2
35. USA
36. Becca
37. Real Ones Stick Together
38. Unexpected encounter
39. Only I care
40. Freen's 20th birthday
41. 1999
42. Apple?
43. My Freen?
44. Message from the future
45. Inner turmoil
46. Be my girlfriend!
47. Jealous and regrets
48. Dumb and angry
49. Silent treatment
50. Is it cheating?
51. My love came back to me
52. Date on beach - I
53. Bomb blast - I
54. You saved me
55. It's September
56. My Solace
57. Death can't be fooled
58. Blood fountain
59. 2001 Aftermath
60. Unveiling the evil
61. Breakfast
62. I will always love you
63. Who are you
64. I know what to do
65. 1999 USA
66. Sneaking into hospital
67. Who am I?
68. My girlfriend
69. An odd place
70. I am not her
71. Spoilt brait
72. Can I trust you?
73. Stay calm
74. Facing the truth
75. Slipping away
76. I am from 2023!
77. What 2023?
78. The uncle and the aunt
79. My house my rules
80. Tee
81. Yes sir!
82. College test
83. Breakfast and morning
85. Lunch
86. Trip
87. Road trip
88. Dare hide and seek
89. Not today!
90. Why am I sad?
91. One question - I
92. One question - II
93. My favourite view
94. New timeline
95. F.S.C.
96. Suspicions
97. Rebecca's Birthday
98. Daniel
99. Stop running away
100. Is something missing?
101. Clearing things
102. Freen?
103. Invitation
104. Time travel is no joke
105. Date on the beach - II
106. My Home
107. You and Me
108. Party - I
109. Party - II
110. The Aunts and the nieces
111. Why is this happening?
112. The new year
113. The memories
114. Super-cute
115. PhiNong
116. Always her
117. That love of mine
118. Ride
119. You are special
120. Flirty lawyer
121. Deal
122. Christmas Eve morning, 2001
124. Apocalypse - I
125. Late
126. Apocalypse - II
127. You have a BOYFRIEND now
128. The done deal - I
129. The done deal - II
130. Chandelier
131. Cruise
132. My preparations
133. Night on the cruise
134. Uncertainty
135. The perfect dream?
136. Accusations
137. The voices - I

138. The voices - II

956 45 15
By levitating10


Freen POV

Before I could say anything to my past self, I was back in the darkness.

I regret treating Becca like a casual fling in the past, that silly girl instantly decided to fall in love with me, how did I got so lucky to have her and to get courted by her!?

As I can remember, after waking up she would not remember meeting me because she was drunk.

We met on new year's eve, but that was not the correct time for us to meet. I am lucky that I will meet her again in the future and will fall crazily in love with her.

Suddenly everything turned white, I closed my eyes and when I opened my eyes, I was back at my home in Thailand. But this is still not my TIME.

I am in my bedroom and I saw myself sleeping on the bed, she is sweating as if she is having a bed dream.

"Wake up Freen" I said to her. She started moving and sweating more in her sleep.

After sometime PNam came and woke her up.

No matter how much I try, she cannot hear me but she can definitely feel my presence.

I followed her the entire time, I even followed her inside the car, continuously trying to somehow get my message accross her, but nothing seems to work. She doesn't want to listen to me.

Because of me screaming continuously, she was getting more and more uncomfortable and unable to ignore me anymore in other words she is getting more and more defeated by the voices in her head.

"Please take us to the nearby clinic" PNam said to the driver.

"I am fine PNam" she said.

"No you are not Freen" PNam replied and they stopped near a small clinic.

I succeeded in saving myself by delaying us, so Mr Chen's car took place of my car and got into the deadly accident.

"Thank you PNam" I said and turned to look at current me.

As I turned, I got transported to my house in USA where I stayed before moving in with Rebecca.

I don't know why exactly I am here.

I am sleeping in my room. I came outside and in the living room I found Tee, Daniel and Ethan passed out on the floor drunk.

Daniel's mobile phone was ringing.

Daniel: hello

Jack: (crying) Where are you and Tee!? Something bad has happened...

Daniel is worried and got up. He shook Tee to wake her up.

Daniel: Tell me what's wrong. You are making me worried Jack. Are you crying?

Jack: Last...last night... Rebecca and Irin left for home together from the party, there was a big accident near Rebecca's house. Both...both of them died on the spot.

"What day is it?!" I ran to my room to look at the date, today is the day after the fresher's party. This is in the past, but nothing like this ever happened in my past. Becca... I want to come home.... I don't like this anymore... How can this happen?.... That day, I met Becca on my yacht and I dropped her home at this time in the morning.


I sat on the floor crying.


When I opened my eyes, I was at the fresher's party night. I saw myself leaving the party early.

I wiped my tears, I have understood my task now. This is my chance to save Rebecca and Irin. I followed myself and kept chanting the sentence "Turn around. Go back to the party". If I keep on saying this there is a tiny chance that she might be able to hear and interpret few of my words correctly.

After my several attempts, finally she heard me and she turned around the car to get back in the party.

She will go back to the party, Rebecca will recognise her and will go to the yacht party instead of going home and getting into any accident.


I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Suddenly out of nowhere I heard Rebecca's voice.

"Babe! I am full..." I heard Rebecca's whispering to me from the back of the car. When I turned around, I was transported to the day of Christmas Eve, 2001. We were doing lunch with our friends. After finishing the lunch, Rebecca held my hand under the table, hiding this from everyone. The current me blushes and nods to Rebecca silently.

Looking at them, today I understood what people mean when they say that we look very good together. I must admit that we are perfect for each other...

"You are stupid to keep lying to yourself and not admitting that you love Becca" I said to myself, but she cannot understand it as her mind is clouded by voices.

I remember that this day, I kept hearing barks. Should I try to force my past self to save Bonbon this time?

If I don't then Bonbon will definitely die again. I should at least try...

The whole day, I kept walking around my past self asking her to leave the resort.

Soon she leaves, but behind her, she leaves Rebecca without any explanation. My lawyer girlfriend is very hurt and angry.... Everything has happened exactly like how it happened with me. Whatever I did, it didn't changed anything.

I know that we are already late, but I cannot stop now, we can atleast help Bonbon to get a peaceful death. Poor puppy has been suffering for so long alone near the road.

After the entire day, now she is more alerted and open for taking my instructions and she drove as I instructed her.

"Stop" I said and she stopped the car.

I got out of the car and I saw Bonbon lying injured beside the road. He is in bad state, just like before. I saw my past self getting out of the car, trying to understand why she is here.

Before I could do anything, I was transported into nothingness.


When I opened my eyes, this time I am on the beach, playing with Heng, Ethan and Fluffy.

I know exactly why I am here. I am here to guide myself about the bomb on the cruise.

This day was the last day when I heard any voices in my mind, so I think this is my last stop before going back to my time.

"You can do it Freen! After this, you can go back home to your Rebecca, father, mother, brother and Fluffy!" I motivated myself.

I saw Rebecca grabbing me and making me sit with her.


As my past self was sleeping in Rebecca's arms because of headache, I saw Fluffy walking towards me.

"Can you see me Fluffy boy?" I asked.

He barks and runs around me in circles.

"My smart boy!!" I sat down to hug him, but I am not able to touch him.

"Go and stay with PNam, don't follow me. If you want to follow then follow that Freen" I said pointing to my past self who is sleeping.

"Freen..there! You understand!" I made Fluffy learn my name.

I tried to teach him to go to the past me when I say the word Freen, but he kept following me.

"Fluffy, don't run towards the waves alone" Rebecca came and grabbed him.

I have understood this that whenever I travel to any time, then the real me starts getting headaches and hearing strange noises as a side-effect. The past me is still sleeping.

Rebecca and I played with Fluffy, but Rebecca does not know that I am here, only Fluffy knows.

In the evening we are on the cruise now. While Freen was going towards her room, I asked her to pick up the crew bag which was lying unattended in the lobby. She followed my instruction.

Then I left and went to the engine room, as I know that she will come here. As I was waiting for Freen, I witnessed Saint coming in the engine room. He is wearing the crew uniform and he is wearing a mask on his face. I saw him hiding the bomb below the tiled floor.

He soon left and after few minutes, I saw my past self coming here. I guided her and eventually she found the bomb.

As she diffused the bomb, I got transported back to my bedroom.


I immediately checked today's date and time. I am back to my real time, but how these many hours has passed. It's dark outside now.

I went to close the curtains when I saw a ring on my finger. Even though this ring looks familiar... I don't remember having this design.

"I am here to collect my mumus now wifey" Rebecca announced and came into the room. I immediately hid the mysterious pocket watch in the drawer and turned back to look at her.

Whatever this watch is, it's origin is ambiguous and if this falls in the wrong hands it can destroy everything as anyone can alter the past/future. I have to keep it secure and hidden....

I haven't decided on what I will do with this watch. But I know one thing that I never wish to use it again. I will never let myself be in a situation where I need to use this magical stopwatch.

"Yes, let me compensate you properly..." I smiled and hugged Rebecca. Going to the past was scary, it would have been better if I would have never seen Preed's, John's and Mr Chen's real face and rememberd them only with good memories. I was scared thinking about what if I never come back out of that nothingness/darkness, I don't want to go to that place again ever.

"Anything is wrong?" Rebecca asks looking into my eyes.

"No, nothing can be wrong when you are with me teerak" I kissed her ear. We stayed hugging like this for sometime.

"Let's just sleep today. You look tired." Rebecca looks at me.

I pulled her on the bed over me "I am not tired" I argued.

"You are lying!!" Rebecca kisses me on the forehead.

"What gave me away?" I asked.

"I was right!" Rebecca says with a sly smile.

I rolled my eyes and left her.

"Good girl! I will get changed and then we can sleep wifey." Rebecca kisses my ring finger and get's up.

"Did she kissed this ring? But Why?" I thought.

As Rebecca was about to get into the bathroom, she turns "You will have to compensate me for this with interest tomorrow wifey. AND I WANT A MATCHING PROPOSAL RING!!!!" Rebecca says and left me dumbfounded on the bed.

Ring? Wife? Proposal?... I have seen this ring before...but when....?

"Think Freen! THINK! I said to myself.

I never proposed to Rebecca and she has also never proposed to me, apart from the one dream that I had when I was in a coma after the accident on the cruise.



"I HAVE A FIANCEE NOW!!" I yelled in excitement and fell on the floor from the bed.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!" It hurts! MY BACK!!

"BABE! WHAT HAPPENED!!?" Rebecca came running out of the bathroom in a towel as she heard my scream.


Rebecca helps me in getting up. "How did you fell on the floor Freen?" Rebecca asks.

"I... I slipped" I replied.

"Liar..." Rebecca says looking me in the eyes.

"I am not lyinggggg" I hugged Rebecca to coax her. Usually she is very good in interpreting body language, but I know how to divert her attention! AM I BAD FOR USING HER WEAKNESS TO GET AWAY BY LYING?

I missed her proposal! It was past me whom she proposed but not current me...I mean real me...umm...I mean that was me, but not me as she was from another time...ahh... this is frustratimg me...I am jealous of me...past me...how shameless of her to act as me even knowing that she is not me... I have to fix this... I will plan a proposal for Rebecca, a proposal much grand that the proposal that past me got from Rebecca. I will plan such a grand proposal that the previous proposal will become void. YES!

"Umm... Freen... You are wet now" Rebecca says. I got wet by her as her towel was wet.

"It's all because of you!" I moved her away and gave her an angry look. HOW CAN SHE PROPOSE TO PAST ME?

I was gone for half a day and she already have a fiancee now! Just because that was past me, her suspicion radar was off! HOW CAN SHE BE SO DEFENCELESS AND BLIND IN FRONT OF THAT PAST ME!


"Then let me help in changing your clothes..." Rebecca smiles and kisses me on the lips.


Umm...I guess we are perfect for each other as we both are fools in love.

"I love you" I whispered to her in between the kiss.

"I love you too" Rebecca whispers back.


The end


Author's note: Finally we reached the end of this journey. I would like to thank you all for keeping up with this story and my sudden publishing schedule. Initially when I started, I had the target of writing a small 30 chapters story, I don't remember when the time travel got out of my hands and this story got dragged to 138 chapters. I like sci-fi, so I enjoyed writing this story very much.

For me, if there is a theme song for this story then it's DANDELIONS. I don't even remember that how many times I have used this song here in this story. This song suits perfectly to Freen and Becky of this story.

I hope that all of you also enjoyed the thrills, ups-and-downs of time travel and romance in this story, like how I enjoyed writing those. I loved reading your comments and your theories about this story.

This story was a big thrilling journey for all of us. I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing this.

All the best everyone and thank you for reading this story.

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