You broke me for nothing...

By Suusari

50.3K 2.5K 390

What will Chris do when he finds out he left her for nothing... When he realizes he could have had it all had... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Trigger warning...)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 5

1K 39 3
By Suusari

Chris pov...

"Please tell me that baby is not yours..." Megan says looking at me.... "What...?!" I say as i had just walked into her office. She had called me in, saying it was important. She throws a magazine in front of me on the desk... I look down and groan as i see a familiar scene on the cover... Me and Kate as she is pushing and punching me...

"No... The baby is not mine...." I say through gritted teeth... Megan looks at me raising an eyebrow... "You look like someone stole your favorite toy..." She says and i sigh and sit down... "This was the reason you asked me in here?" I say ignoring her last remark and pointing to the magazine... Megan nods... "Well, the baby is not mine... This was the first time in 10 years i saw her again... That... Is Kate..." I say and Megan's eyes grow wide. 

"Kate?" She says sitting up and i nod... "THE KATE..." She says her eyes boring into me... I nod...  "Kay-kay... Kate... The one you dumped because she got sick, Kate... The one that got away... The one every woman gets compared to..." Megan says and i roll my eyes... "I dont compare them..." I mumble and Megan scoffed... "No of course, you dont... There is another reason you look like you're in pain... There is another reason why after 10 years you are still single... I mean it is not like you didn't have offers... Women are dropping at your feet..." Megan says in a mocking tone and i give her a death stare...

Megan ignores my death stare and just continues... She is never impressed by my moods... "Seeing the pictures, i am guessing it was not a nice catching up chat..." Megan says and i sigh... "Nope... She ripped my heart out... And i deserved it..." I mumble and Megan tilts her head squinting at me... I take a deep breath. "The hospital made a mistake... She was never sick..." I say and i start to cry while Megan looks at me shocked... 

"Wauw... That is... Well, it is a twist i did not see coming..." Megan says and i scoff through my tears... I take a deep breath and wipe them away forcing myself to stop crying. "Was there something else you had me coming here for?" I ask as i just want to go home again...

"They made a mistake...? Like she was not sick at all?" Megan asks me, ignoring my previous question. I shrug my shoulders. "I dont know... I guess so... She didn't really let me ask questions..." I sigh and Megan nods... "How are you feeling about it?" She asks and i give her a glare... "Just peachy..." I growl and she sighs... 

"Well we need to talk how we are going to handle these rumors..." Megan says and i groan... "We are not... It will blow over..." I sigh and Megan sighs... "I dont know Chris... Maybe we should ask Kate how she wants to deal with it..." Megan says and i look at her and tilt my head... "And how do you propose to do that.... I dont have her number..." I say and Megan blushes... "Megan?" I say and she turns bright red and avoids looking at me at all costs... I look at her my eyes growing wider... Something is going on... She knows more then she is letting on and i dont know how to feel about that...

"MEGAN!" I hiss feeling my anger rise as i want to know what the hell is going on and she sighs... "Please dont be mad... Tara called earlier... She is still in contact with Kate... I dont know the details exactly but i promised Tara to deal with this to have Kate kept out of the crossfire..." Megan sighs and i look at her in shock... "Tara? Tara is still in contact with her?"  I ask in shock. I talked with Tara about Kate many times... She never let on that she still was in contact with Kate. I had the idea that Kate cut everyone off. To me she disappeared... 

"I tried to call Kate earlier, but she is not answering..." Megan sighs and i just look at her in shock... "So let me get this straight... Tara is still in contact... You have her number because Tara wanted you to keep her out of this mess..." I whisper in total shock... Megan nods looking a bit guilty...."You have her number?" I ask again and Megan nods a little unsure... "Give it to me..." I say and Megan sighs... "Why? You said yourself she was not happy to talk to you... What do you think having her number will accomplish?" Megan says and i feel myself getting annoyed... I feel betrayed by her and Tara... Especially Tara... I have talked and poured my heart out to her about Kate over the years... And all this time she was still in contact with Kate... I just can't believe it... 

"Give me the number... I will deal with it myself... You and Tara lied to me..." I say and Megan sighs... "Sorry..." She starts to say but i shake my head. "Sorry for what...? What was all that about earlier... The whole... Kate... Kate? Pretending you had no idea who she was..." I say feeling myself getting angry...

"Chris... We are just trying to..." Megan starts to say and i sigh and cut her off... "No... Never mind i am going... I am going to give Tara a piece of my mind... I need to go before i say things i am going to regret. Because right now Megan.... I am not your biggest fan... Nor Tara's..." I say and stand up... Without another word i walk out....

I text Tara asking were she is and that i need to speak to her now... I wait in my car for her to text back... She is at home so i start my car and make my way to Tara's. I want answers.

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