By MimieLover

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WHAT would you do when you fall in love with an unexpected person and at unexpected time? Zhang Rounan, he ha... More



72 1 3
By MimieLover

WHEN WEI TING confessed his feeling to her, Rounan thought her fairytale love story had finally found a perfectly beautiful ending. She thought that she would confess her love, too, telling him how she had loved him secretly all these years. However, she found it much scarier after her dream came true. Instead of living in the moment, she was more terrified of losing him later in the future.

"I really can't understand you, Rounan. He finally reciprocated your feeling. Why you let the uncertainty of the future stopping you from grabbing your happiness?" Rounan smilled bitterly because Yuxi's reply was exactly what Zixin had told her few days ago. After running away from Zixin for more than a month, she finally had the courage to talk to Zixin and apologized to him. On the other side, Zixin still kept Rounan in the dark about Wei Ting had discovered her true feeling for him.

"Because I could not imagine how the future will be when he has stopped loving me, when he finally realizes that his feeling for me is just a mistake, and what will happen to us and our son if we really break up,"

"Did he already propose to you?" Yuxi squealed at the other side, thinking that Wei Ting had proposed her. She hated to disappoint Yuxi, but she had to know the truth. Wei Ting only confessed his feeling to her, never asking her to his girlfriend even though they relationship now was like a lover. The only woman that Wei Ting had considered into marriage was Lui Lin Yi. No, he actually wanted to marry her! And how did she know about that?

Because Roby mistakenly had sent the picture of diamond ring to her when it was supposed to be sent to Wei Ting. Roby wanted to notify Wei Ting that he had picked up the ring from the store as requested by Wei Ting. However, the message was deleted in a spilt second, and she pretended that she never read the message anyway. Wei Ting had been together with Lui Lin Yi more than a year actually when he finally disclosed about their relationship to Rounan

Perhaps she and Zixin would receive the wedding invitation from him soon. She heard that Lui Lin Yi would leave for France soon to pursue her career internationally. Perhaps he wanted to propose before she left. Rounan did not pay attention much to them until Wei Ting involved in the road accident few months later. Lui Lin Yi never left the France to visit Wei Ting in Hong Kong, so it had raised her suspicion about their breakup. He then finally told her that they broke up a month before Lui Lin Yi go to France. He never told her the reason of their breakup anyway.

After ending the phone call with Yuxi, Rounan returned to her room. It turned out Wei Ting was still in meeting with his CANOTWAIT team. They were discussing about New Year promotion, and the company was going to release New Year limited edition collection in few more weeks. As Wei Ting mentioned last time, he could really manage his company from here because he had a trusted and competent team in his company.

Rounan quietly returned to the couch and resumed her reading, not wanting to disturb him anyway. Wei Ting was sharing his idea with the team and as the leader, he opened to any feedback and suggestion from the team member. Instead of reading the magazine in her hand, Rounan was more interested in Wei Ting. He was sitting on the chair and facing the laptop screen, looking serious and handsome with his glasses on. Sometimes he would push up the glasses, and sometimes he would run his finger through hair whilst listening to his team members.

Rounan had no idea how long she had been staring at him, but he had caught him red-handed. Her cheeks were hot and red from embarrassment. Rounan pretended to read magazine. However, she could feel his sharp gaze on her, so she sneakily glanced at him. Wei Ting was leaning his back against the chair, his eyes were still on her, and he was pulling a teasing smile. The team had finished discussing the business anyway. They were talking about their plan for Christmas and New Year, which was about six weeks away from now.

"Boss, when are you going to come back to Beijing?" asked one of his staffs. Rounan assumed that none of his workers knew that he was currently in England with her.

"I'm going to sign out now," he did not answer the question and quickly left the meeting. He then looked back at Rounan, spreading out his out and calling her to come to him.

"Come here," he called her tenderly, eyes were still on her. Rounan wanted to ignore him. In fact, she felt like running away from him but her body was betraying her. Her mind and body refused to work in sync today, which later she found herself was walking towards him. Wei Ting gently pulled her onto his lap.

"Did you know that you have been such a naughty girl?" Rounan frowned in confuse when he said so. What had she done anyway? She looked at him closely. He is the definition of aging like fine wine.

"I hardly keep myself focused just now," he gently attacked her neck, kissing and biting the skin over there. He knew what she did just now, sitting on the couch and pretending to read magazine when she actually was staring at him all the time. Rounan had found no word to defence herself, so she would accept any punishment from him.

Wei Ting smiled when he caught the sight of gold necklace on her neck, the birthday present that he had given to her few days ago. His lips now moved to her lips, kissing her passionately as his fingers ran through her hair. The kiss was getting sloppy and intense, and one of his hands had made the way under her shirt. Unfortunately, their moment was interrupted from Wei Ting's ringing phone. He wanted to ignore it initially, but Rounan managed to glance at the ID caller on the screen phone.

"Your Mom," she managed to say between the kisses, yet he seemed have not heard what she just saying to him. Wei Ting groaned when Rounan gently pushed him away from him.

"Your Mom," Wei Ting was confused initially, until Rounan took his phone on the desk and passed to him. She left his lap and moved away, quickly fixing her hair and clothes. Wei Ting was about to answer the video call from Mrs. Chan when Rounan noticed how inappropriate his look right now.

"Wait! Wait! You have lipstick stain on your mouth," she quickly grabbed a wet tissue on dressing table and went back to Wei Ting to wipe his mouth.

"It has stopped ringing," His phone finally went quiet. He was about to kiss her again when his phone was ringing again.

"You should answer it," Rounan took few steps away from him, but Wei Ting was faster. He snaked his arm around her waist to prevent her from running away.

"I will give her a call back later. I believe that my Mom knows better what her son is doing when he is not answering the call," he was giving her a mischievous smile before lifted her body and carried her to the bed.


EVEN THOUGH the ground was covered with orange and yellow leaves as those leaves kept falling out from the true, it was still a breathtaking scenery for Rounan and Wei Ting. As daytime is shorter during autumn, they went to the nearby park after 2pm and strolled around. Wei Ting would hold her hand and sometimes he would wrap his arm around her shoulder whilst strolling in the park. The weather is getting colder because Winter is approaching

"Are you tired?" Rounan shook her head when he asked her so. Truthfully, she was slightly tired after he had drained her energy out in the bed this morning, yet it did not stop her from coming to this park. She needed the fresh air anyway. The day was getting dark, so he brought her to the bench beside the pond to watch the sunset. There were still a lot of people in the park anyway, waiting for the sunset just like them.

"This reminds me a lot to our last day in Korea," he suddenly brought up their last trip to Korea.

"Luckily you are wearing suitable shoes for today," Rounan chuckled, looking down at her feet because it reminded her how he had put the pink fluffy sandals to replace her tight shoes. The sandals had become popular after the station aired the last episode of their show. Just like last time, they shared a comfortable silence while watching the sunset.

After Wei Ting had secretly discovered her true feeling for him, he really wanted to get inside Rounan's head when she had decided to hide her pregnancy from him. It must be difficult for her. How exactly did she feel when she gives him the friendship bracelet last time and put their friendship padlock at Namsan Tower?

'Because she has believed and accepted that you will never love her back,' Wei Ting was intrigued, but he could not directly ask Rounan what really makes she think that he could never fall in love with her? Is it because they had been friends for so many years? Rounan looked at him when he gently squeezed her hand. Instead of watching the sunset, he was more drawn to look at the beautiful woman beside him.

"I love you," he blurted out. And Rounan never failed to look surprised every time he uttered those three words to her. Slowly he moved his face closer to her and kissed her lips. She might fall for him first but just like the dramas he had acted in previously, he found himself falling harder for Rounan. Wei Ting broke the kiss after hearing click sound of camera. Did any fan or paparazzi was taking their picture?

"Perfect," it turned out it was Ming Zhu who captured their picture. Even though Ming Zhu only captured their silhouettes kissing during the sunset, the picture surprisingly was beautiful.

"Let's go guys. We need to pick up Hoaran in the train station," Ming Zhu shouted from her place, not minding other people around them. Rounan almost forgot that Feng Hoaran would return home tonight for his winter break and holiday season.


THE first time Wei Ting laid his eyes on Feng Hoaran, his jaw slightly dropped watching how different he looked from the picture that Rounan had shown to him few days ago. He is about 185cm tall, has medium-build body, and he is such a handsome guy, making Wei Ting wanted to court Feng Hoaran as one of his models if he is interested to become one.

"Don't tell me that you guys had shown him my pictures during teenage years?" Feng Hoaran found it very unfair that his cousins had betrayed him by showing his ugly pictures to Wei Ting. He still had braces on his teeth at that time. Ming Zhu only shrugged her shoulders and ignored him afterwards.

"It doesn't matter how ugly do you look in the past. Because you definitely had a major glow up in your life," Wei Ting could not really take his eyes off Feng Hoaran. As the person who is running the fashion and clothing company, he must say this boy had successfully caught his attention. Feng Hoaran glanced at Wei Ting. Even though he was meeting Wei Ting in person for the first, he actually had done background check up on Wei Ting before returning to Somerset.

Truthfully, he had good relationship with Rounan and Ming Zhu but he was not really close with neither of them. He was not a nosy type of person either, but because Aunty Shihan would occasionally mention about Rounan to him, so he knew that Rounan had a boyfriend before Wei Ting. Sometimes, Feng Hoaran forgot that Rounan was one of the popular actresses in China. They went to nearby restaurant for dinner after that.

"I guess I won't be bored during my winter break. Your gossips and news in China are spreading like a wildfire," Feng Hoaran did not mean to be rude anyway. He just stating the truth. Few days ago, Rounan's fans were extremely upset when Rounan chose to stay quiet from social media during her birthday. Paparazzi were stalking and following Zixin everywhere, hoping they could track her down by doing that. Unfortunately, their efforts went in vain.

Wei Ting's birthday is just around the corner. He had been quiet in social media since he came back from USA. Fans did not take it well about his scandal with her, and urged his agency to release the statement to clear up his name. Fans also wished that they could celebrate his birthday together, which his agency requested him to go live in social media during his birthday.

Fans also did not see him around either in Beijing or Hong Kong, and they speculated the rumours about him with Rounan might be true, that she had cheated with him behind Zixin's back. However, neither Zixin nor their agencies had confirmed the rumours about it. Fast forward, tomorrow is Wei Ting's birthday.

And he finally agreed to go live on his social media tonight, after being persuaded by his agency and Rounan. He blushed recalling the moment where Rounan had successfully convinced him to agree with his agency's plan for his birthday. She was on top of him, looking so beautiful and sexy, especially when the necklace she was wearing was bouncing along with her. He gave her the gold necklace with heart-shaped pendant, where there is dancing diamond at the centre of it.

Anyway, the fans exhilarated and rejoiced when the agency confirmed the live party for his birthday. He would not use his personal social media but his official agency's account. To celebrate his birthday, Aunty Shihan had prepared the barbeque party for him. The foods were delicious, and he was having so much fun until he had to excuse himself to attend live party for his birthday.

So, he went inside the room, starting the live party thirty minutes before 12 midnight and thousands of his fans joined the party. He lied to them that he was feeling sick, that the reason he only stayed inside the room. He dodged all the questions related to Rounan, his scandals, and also his current location. This one-hour live party was probably the longest and most tortured party he had ever felt in his entire life, because he could not wait to celebrate the real one with Rounan.

Wei Ting was not trying to make it obvious that he could not wait to end the party but as soon as he signed out, he hurriedly left the seat and made the way to the door. However, when he opened the door, Rounan had waited for him at the outside, holding a plate with a cupcake on it. She even lighted the candle for him. She then sang a birthday song to him.

Even though she was not the first person that had sang this song to him, at least she could be the first person to wish him after he stepped out of the room. Wei Ting did not expect this surprise from Rounan anyway because he thought she would just wait for him at the downstairs until he came out from the room.

"Make the wish," she said after finished with the birthday song. Wei Ting obliged. He closed his eyes, quietly making the wish and blowing out the candle a minute later. Anyway, he had made long wishes which he hoped the God would grant most of them.

"The real birthday cake is at the outside. Let's go now. They are waiting for you to cut the birthday cake," Rounan was about to leave when Wei Ting gently grabbed her hand, snaking his arm around her waist and pulling her closer for a kiss. Luckily, she did not drop the plate when he surprised her with the kiss.

"I think they will understand what is going on if you don't return to downstairs," he whispered seductively whilst showering her face and neck with kisses. Rounan did not have chance to react because Wei Ting had pulled her inside the room and locked the door behind them. Meanwhile, Aunty Shihan and Feng Hoaran could no longer wait at the outside because the night was getting colder. They were about to get inside when Ming Zhu came out with a big grin on her face.

"Are they coming down?" asked Feng Hoaran, starting to yawn as he was getting sleepy. However, his eyes turned wider after seeing Ming Zhu shamelessly cut and ate Wei Ting's birthday cake without waiting for him.

"We can start cleaning the table and do dishes. They will not come down because he is having his 'birthday cake' now, inside the room," Ming Zhu licked the cream on her finger, pulling a sly smile on her face yet Feng Hoaran still could not get the meaning behind it. Probably he was too sleepy or his stomach was too full for his brain to function properly at this hour.

Aunty Shihan did not question Ming Zhu much and started to clean the table. Because the couple was taking too long to come down, Ming Zhu went to check on them. However, she quickly herself behind the wall the moment her sight caught Wei Ting was kissing her sister. The next thing she saw Rounan had been pulled inside and the door was closed tightly. Ah, it must be really good to be in love!



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