Twisted Ties///BloodMoon Amne...

By perildeath

20.8K 958 1.5K

The BloodMoon twins find everything change in the spam of one hour, how? Sun hitting them in the head with a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Wendigo Drawing
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Halloween Art!
Wow !
Stupid doodles
Quick Character Analysis or something
He's Goofy


153 8 4
By perildeath

Galaxy let out a irritated growl as he looked over the daycare, cleaning cleaning cleaning cleaning. It's always the same, constantly missing Sun and the others but of course, mostly Sun, dealing with the pain of picking objects up and the struggle of holding them, Sunrise's constant chattering and inability to see social cues.

It made Galaxy wanna do a mix of breaking down sobbing and punching and barrel across the daycare, of course Galaxy was well aware of the fact that it is highly unusual for him to be aggressive. He worries about that quite a bit, normally he's more accepting but Sunrise's existence just peeves him bad.

The fact he was this stupid vibrant eyesore remake of his crush and person he loved very much made him this awful mix of sad and angry. Galaxy knew Sunrise couldn't help being created but his existence just seemed wrong. Sunrise yelled "Friend you're going to need to clean when the kids are around!" Galaxy's ears twitched in annoyance.

Grabby kids.

Why even try to clean with them around? 

"FINE" he snarled loudly as he stacked the stupid barrels, paws stumbling about as he tried to grip the barrels and steady them. He was amazed when he managed to stake the barrel tower in one go but deciding not to push his luck he left it behind. Suddenly he heard some obnoxious giggling and he saw a kid had already run in waving good bye to her parents.

A small little girl, about eight years old. Galaxy watched them for a second before going back to cleaning the small tables that Sunrise often used for arts and crafts and snack time. But of course, Galaxy existing suddenly in the daycare was bound to bring the little child's attention. Especially since he was a giant fluffy cat themed animatronic. 

He watched them run over to him out of the corner of his eye and watched them gawk at him, "fluffy!" she cheered, Galaxy's tail swayed side to side and he muttered dully "yeah... fluffy" the kid walked closer and got in the way of his cleaning by standing in front of the table.

Galaxy would say it was a brat move if the kid wasn't looking up at him with bright hazel innocent eyes, Galaxy knew they didn't know any better and while he was irritated by their existence he was going to act on it cause that would be incredibly wrong. The little girl hugged his leg and smiled "I like your fluffiness! You look like my cat Lucy!" Galaxy let out a startled growl from the sudden hug.

He was only startled but FazBear took it the wrong way, or either that or they were using it as an excuse. He yelped dropping the spray cleaner on the little girls face as a harsh shock went through his body, he hands jerked back and the shock stopped and what followed? The little girl crying, oh sho- "kid!" he cried, he body was shuddering slightly from the sudden blast of electricity.

He could feel his systems trying to cancel it out and discard it and believe me, it hurt. He was focusing on the kid though, Sunrise who had been focusing on a set of kids turned and rushed over, Galaxy tried to calm the crying child down.

"Shh shh" he said softly "I'm sorry I dropped the spray bottle on your face..."  Galaxy was well aware of Sunrise watching this in surprise, he's only ever seen the grumpy and rude side of Galaxy. A side Galaxy didn't feel or show often,  the child sniffled and Galaxy ruffled her hair gently with a paw and she giggled/sniffled "paw beans!" Galaxy smiled softly for the first time this entire FazBear experience "yeah paw beans" he showed the little girl his blue paw beans and she hugged his hand.

She's clearly already forgotten about the cleaner bottle incident somehow, Galaxy cupped her little red face, saw that the trigger of the cleaner spray bottle had scratched her cheek and cursed, earning a very nasty look from Sunrise. He looked over and said "oh excuse me! It's not my fault I dropped the spray bottle on a kids face!" no really, it wasn't his fault.

In the week Galaxy had known Sunrise, he had quickly realized that Sunrise HATED cursing of any kind, much less around a little kid. Galaxy said to the little kid "do NOT repeat what I just said in any form or uhhhhh, the police will come and uhh... take you" the kid stared in fear and Galaxy said "shh shh, the police will not come if you don't say it" the little girl said "oh! Okay! But won't you go to jail now?" Sunrise watched this curiously.

Galaxy could tell that Sunrise was very weary to let him into the daycare with little kids, rightfully so from how Galaxy made himself seem around him, and had been watching him like a hawk the entire time and had been expecting Galaxy to attack a child or something. Galaxy could tell he was surprised and curious about Galaxy's sudden change in behavior.

"No" Galaxy replied to the kid, "because I have earned the right to say it" the little girl said "ooooohhhh" Galaxy patted her head and scooped her up. Galaxy turned to Sunrise and said "what?" Sunrise stared silently at the scene rays twitching and pouted "why don't you treat me nice?!" because your a copy of someone I love very much.

"1: this is a little kid, 2: FazBear sucks" Galaxy replied carrying the little girl to the front counter, wondered why the heck a Roxanne picture was there for the fifth time this week, and set the kid down in one of the spinning chairs. Sunrise said "friend, no kids are allowed back there-!" Galaxy turned and put a thick finger up "shh, I'm just cleaning her face, also the parents are going to be so mad." Stupid FazBear. Galaxy grunted taking some disinfectant and some cotton balls. 

The little girl reached for the little tag on his collar and Galaxy gently pushed her hand away and asked "what's your name kiddo?" the little girl cheered "Olivia!" Galaxy's ears twitched "Olivia?" he said in a slightly irritated voice, but it was still soft. Sunrise was watching him very close, watching him like I was a crocodile or something and making sure I didn't snap and suddenly kill the child.

Galaxy was a little hurt by this fact.

He covered it up.

"Yeah!" Olivia cheered and Galaxy said softly "okay, now Olivia this will sting a little but I need you to be a big girl and stay still, can you do that?" Olivia looked nervous then and Galaxy grabbed a bandaid, the cut wasn't big but well, he wasn't risking infection considering how nasty this place is.

Best to get it cleaned up, he struggled to put the disinfectant on the cotton ball and the kid noticed this and asked "uhh... Mrs kitty?" Galaxy coughed at that and said "one, I'm a boy. Two, my name Is Galaxy" Olivia gasped "oh! Sorry!" Galaxy grunted "it's fine kid" and Olivia asked "what happened to your claws...?" Galaxy stiffened having sudden flashbacks of the experience.

The pain.

The suffering. 

The pulling.

He shook his head pushing it back.

"I- uh- don't worry about it kid-" Galaxy said voice a little shaky, he missed his claws so much... but he still didn't regret protecting Sun. Galaxy said quickly before the kid could ask questions "okay, I need you to sit still, this will sting but be a big girl and maybe Sunrise will give you sundrop!" the kids eyes gleamed at the idea of the caramel treat. 

That's right, they are still drugging kids and getting away with it somehow.

It was kinda genius on FazBears part in a very twisted way, give the kids a lot of sugar, make them wild and make the daycare attendants deal with it, give them sugar crash, then top it all off with a moondrop, a ridiculously large dose of melatonin that was way to much for a grown man and yet they shove it in a candy in give it to kids.

Galaxy was so concerned from the amount of melatonin, Moonrise often told him that kids who come here and have the Moondrop often struggle with sleep after which makes Galaxy worry about some shady addictive chemical that isn't melatonin.

Moonrise and Galaxy both suspect it.

Sunrise however does not.

Galaxy leaned over holding Olivia down gently with a paw and dabs the cut with the cotton ball gently, he watched her wince and he said "be a big girl, then you can have a piece of candy and play with your friends" Galaxy watched Olivia close her eyes tightly dramatically at the stinging feeling face scrunching up.

Galaxy finished disinfecting the cut and put the bandaid on, he discarded the cotton balls "good job!" he spun Olivia gently in the chair and she giggled as she spun around in circles a couple of times before Galaxy stopped it and scooped her up gently.

He felt happier then he has felt all week.

He grunted and walked away from the front counter and gave the kid to Sunrise "your problem now" Sunrise jumped back looking at him in surprise before shaking his head and said "right right Friend- off you go-" Galaxy grunted now annoyed and he went back to the small tables and wiped the crumbs into a rag from the previous snack time. 

He walked to a trash can and dumped the crumbs out, he has not forgotten what FazBear did. They were the whole reason that the kid got an almost entirely full spray bottle of cleaner dropped on their face. He felt a little guilty but he was mostly mad a FazBear, he wetted the rag in a sink nearby.

He was quite amused by the little sinks, they were quite cute. Little sinks for the kids to use before snack time or to clean up after arts and crafts, they lined the wall and they were painted dark blue to fit the theme of the daycare, they were covered in stickers and glitter glue. Why Sunrise hasn't cleaned that, Galaxy has no idea he doesn't care to find out either.

Galaxy squeezed the rag out and dropped it in the sink on accident, he cursed and picked the  wet rag up and wiped down the tables in quick swoops. Olivia ran over and asked sweetly "whatcha doin'?" Galaxy looked down at her as she grinned widely. 

"Cleaning" he muttered and Olivia grabbed his paw "come on come on! I wanna show you something!" Galaxy grunted "kid-" Olivia pouted and Galaxy's tail dropped and he dropped the rag "fine, make it quick-" Olivia said "I want you to draw with me!" Galaxy said "that's not showing me something-" Olivia hugged him "plllleeeeaaasssseeeeee!" she whined.

"I wanna draw with you!" Galaxy could feel his heart melting and he groaned "fine..." he was preparing for the struggle that he now knew would become of drawing and writing or just using simple things. Also his paws were giant compared to the crayons here so that's also great. Awesome.

"YAY!" Olivia cheered and Galaxy got led to a little table, Olivia fit just fine Galaxy however... uhh... He's be better off sitting on the table. So Galaxy had to improvise, he awkwardly pushed the small plastic chairs aside and curled up around the table and lifted the top half of his body up onto it so that he could "draw" on the table and not on the soft padded floor. 

He's a very big robot 

He heard Olivia giggle at this "you're like a kitty!" she giggled and Galaxy muttered embarrassed "yeah yeah... shut it" but he meant it half-halfheartedly, he quite liked Olivia. So here he was, drawing silently with Olivia and Sunrise standing nearby questioning everything he thought he knew about Galaxy.


Well more like he was struggling to draw, his paws were too large for the tiny crayons, they kept snapping and breaking. He growled in annoyance (he was glad FazBear wasn't shocking him for that) as he struggled and he felt someone tap his shoulder, he turned and saw Sunrise. Sunrise smiled sweetly and held out a pen, something Galaxy could work better with. "Oh! Thank you" Galaxy said taking the pen and Sunrise does a quick thumbs up and runs off to the kids.

Galaxy could function better with the pen.

The two of them were drawing for a while before Olivia said cheerfully "Mr. Galaxy! Look!" Galaxy looked up and she showed him a drawing of... him. He melted, awwwwwwwwwwww. "I love it!" he said and Olivia grinned but Sunrise yelled "Olivia! Your daddy's want you!" Olivia looked over and pouted.

"Awwww! But I wanna stay with Mr. Galaxy!" she said, Galaxy found it so adorable that she called him Mr. Galaxy. He was going to miss her too, she made his day a lot better in this... well hell hole. He got shocked for growling for hecks sake!

He scooped her up and she pouted as he walked over to the big gates and set her down. Her parents saw him and murmured to each other "new animatronic?" one said and the other said "I don't know... they look fluffy though and Olivia seems to like them" Olivia whined hugging  Galaxy's leg "I don't wanna leave!" she pouted and one of the dads said "Come here Olivia, say good bye to your... uh... friend, were getting Twisty Treat!" Olivia cheered "ice cream! She hugged Galaxy's leg tightly "bye!" Galaxy smiled and patted her head "bye Olivia" Galaxy was a little sad as he watched Olivia walk away with her parents chatting them off. 

He walked over to the table and saw she left her drawing, he picked it up and turned to run to them to give it to her only to see they were already gone. He sighs softly and puts it in his chest compartment, his chest compartment was less visible than Sun's because it was covered in  thick fur, guess I'll keep it... he thought sadly.

He missed her already.

And he also missed Sun again.

Some hours passed and Moonrise jumped down from the balcony for naptime carrying sleeping bags, Galaxy groans ignoring the pain in his paws and his tail swishing back and forth. What a day... time to sleep in the replaced toy house.

He still hoped Sunrise didn't suddenly jump on it and destroy it again, he walked up the stairs and into his little room. He shoved himself into his little toy house and yawns softly. Sleep time... he thought softly eyes were drooping as sleep took over.

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