Leah and her soldier

By Victoria742696

153K 3.1K 152

After trouble at Arsenal that puts the girls in harms way arsenal are forced to get protection. Will the girl... More

Trouble at arsenal
The first full day
Day 3
Taking Leah to her see her family
Pep in my step
Poff is staying
Does Georgie know?
Kingie arrives
Am I in trouble?
Game day
R&R day 1
The day after the night before
Time to go back to the colony
Poffs sleep walking again
The second week at arsenal
Can I fix this?
I miss her
Is this goodbye?
The struggle
Chris' struggle
The first physio session
Sneaky Sneaky
I cannot resist
The ex and the game
Physio part 2
Leah is off to the world cup
The first week
I get to see Leah
Its time to walk
My head hurts
Its almost my birthday
Its my birthday
The party
Not story
The holiday
The holiday part 2
Finding myself
No matter what
Dead to me
Christmas and new year
She's ignoring me
Time to open the gym
What is family?
Training abroad
Keeping busy
Whats going on then
Time for school
Leahs home!
Time for dress shopping
The plan
The hen party
The wedding
Leah is leaving
Staying with Kat
The meeting
Dry spell
Post covid
Opening the gym
Date day
The interview
Ring shopping
Taking mum to her first football game
Arnold cup final
Leah's week from hell
Leah's birthday
I'm engaged
Back to reality
Meetings meetings and more meetings
The weekend
My new plan
The future
The appointment and the first visit
The first meeting
Friday night/meeting Emily and Kat
Current situation
What have you done now?
Wedding planning
Game day
Lifes busy
The family holiday
Family holiday part 2
Surgery day
You should of told me
Getting ready for internaional break
New plan
Day 1
The opening ceremony
Family BBQ
A day in the life
The semi final
Its a bad day
The final
Home Time
The breakdown
Its finally wedding time
The honeymoon
He's coming
Zade and Xander meet
Its just a bump in the road
Its all about the views

But i love you

1.2K 29 2
By Victoria742696

It's been just over 2 weeks since we got back off holiday. Leah is back at training ready for pre season but it's currently Saturday and I'm getting ready to meet up with a couple of old army buddies they are over from the American forces, I'm very excited for this "holy fuck baby" "yeah? Is everything alright do I look alright?" "Alright? You look gorgeous? Since when do you wear check shirts on top of your t-shirts?" "Since the weather is getting colder my love so you like?" Leah wraps her arms around my neck "very much so, I also like that you are going out socialising by yourself I'm so proud of you anddddd I also love that your not on crutches anymore" "I love you baby thank you for believing in me" "I love you too Chris it's me and you always and forever." I give Leah a kiss then finish sorting my hair out "right baby my taxi is here" "you know I could of dropped you off and picked you up" "no my love you have a full night of relaxation I'm not interrupting that" "ok well I am walking down with you then" "thank you my love." We get in the lift "how are you feeling about this?" "Nervous this is the first time going out without you, your mum, my mum, Kat or emz" "you'll do great baby I know you will" "thank you my love and thank you for coming down with me but now go enjoy your night" "you too baby I love you" "I love you too" I give Leah a kiss then get into the taxi.

Once I arrive at the bar I stand outside for a moment taking a couple of deep breaths before going in. Then I see her don't ask me how she is only 5ft 1 but what can I say her personality is massive. I go over and tap her shoulder "YES YOUR HERE!!" She jumps into my arms "and hello to you too Catalina" "look into my eyes" this makes me laugh. It was something we used to do because when I said look into my eyes she had to jump up and first to laugh lost, we are pretty even with the game "I don't think I'm allowed mate not until my physio says I'm allowed to squat again so you need to look into my eyes." She wraps her legs around my waist staring into my eyes but then I start pulling funny faces and she laughs "right miss get down" "wowww you used to be able to hold me for ages" "that was before I had my knee blown out." She jumps down "I heard about that I heard it was touch and go for a while" "yeah it was but I'm all good now well almost just the knee" "someone said you met someone as well" "Jesus nothing gets past you Americans does there" "you did! Who?" "Her name is Leah she is a footballer and yes I'm very much in love with her." I can't help but smile "omg look at you, you really are in love aren't you?" "I am indeed" "so what does she look like?" I show Catalina the photo's of me and Leah "you look so happy" "I really am." "What she like then?" "Funny, kind, caring, I honestly feel like the luckiest person on the planet. What about you how is Andrew doing?" "No one told you?" "Told me what?" "Andrew died Chris, 2 and half years ago" "no, no he didn't" "he did there was an I.E.D at the side of the road and he didn't make it" I reach across and take Catalina's hand "omg Lina I'm so sorry no I was never told" I give her a hug kissing the top of her head.

After a couple of hours of talking and catching up a good looking tattooed man comes over and takes a seat which confuses me a little bit "Chris this is Dolus" "and Dolus is?" I know exactly where this is going "Dolus is my boyfriend" boom knew it "it's very nice to meet you Dolus I hope you are taking good care of this one for me?" "I certainly am."

~Leah's POV~
Chris is out and I actually have no idea what I'm going to do. I decide on having a proper soak in the bath Chris had a tv built in with sound system so we can watch a movie or listen to music when in the bath. I absolutely love it so I settle on one of the tv shows I've been watching and fill the bath I even put in a bath bomb. After 2 episodes I get out and get my pyjamas on then order a pizza. I'm finding my mind often wondering to Chris wondering how she is doing but then I'm also hoping that if something happened she would phone me. Sometime later the buzzer goes so I answer it but it's not my pizza like I was hoping it's Jordan. What is Jordan doing here? She comes up "hi what you doing here?" "Is it ok if I come in I need to talk to you" "erm yeah come on then" we go in "do you want a drink?" "No thank you" "so what's this about then?" "You might want to take a seat" I sit down now starting to worry "Jordan tell me what's going on" "it's Chris!" I knew it somethings happened I jump up "what about Chris? What happened to her?" "Leah she's cheating on you" "what?" "She's chea.." no I heard what you said but how can you come out with such a Blanton lie?" "Leah I'm not lying" "you are because Chris would never cheat. I want you out get out of my flat" "I have proof" "what proof?" "Photo's from tonight I was at the pub and I seen her with some girl" "she is meeting up with some old army buddies" "so why was there just 1 there Leah just look at them please." She shows me her phone and there they are clear as day some girl with her legs around Chris' waist staring into each other's eyes. Chris hugging and kissing the top of her head. Hand holding across a table "I need you to leave please" "but Leah" "GET OUT!!" Jordan leaves and start pacing "how could she do this to me? I love her so much she said she loved me but that can't be true she fucking cheated!!"

~Chris' POV~
"Well it been amazing seeing you Lina and meeting you Dolus but now it's time to get home" "I'm sorry the others couldn't make it they said they will make it up to you" "don't worry about it honestly it's been a blast." I give Lina a hug and shake Dolus' hand before getting in my taxi I can't wait to tell Leah about my night. I decide to text Leah
Me - Hi my love just letting you know I'm on my way home. See you soon. Love you xx
Leah doesn't respond which is strange but then if she is in the shower or something. I get home and go into the apartment and see Leah walking from the bathroom but has her hands full "hi my love" I go to kiss her but she moves away "what the fuck?" I follow Leah into the bedroom and see she is packing her case "Leah? What's going on?" She goes to walk past me again but I step in the way "Leah talk to me what are you doing?" "Packing thought that was obvious" "why are you packing though?" "Because I'm leaving Chris" I feel sick "why are you leaving did I do something wrong?" "Did you do something wrong? Are you fucking serious right now?" "Yeah very serious if I've done something wrong I need to know so I can fix it" "YOU CAN'T FIX THIS CHRISTINA" "how? What did I do?" "You cheated!" I'm now in shock "YOU FUCKING CHEATED!" "No, no i didn't I promise I didn't I could never do that Leah" "I have the proof Chris you can't deny it" "proof? What proof?" "Photo's you said you were meeting up with army buddies" "I did well just one because the others couldn't make it" "what a coincidence" "can I see the photo's?" "Why? You experienced the real thing" "Leah I didn't cheat who told you I cheated where did these photo's come from" "that doesn't matter" "oh so you can accuse me of cheating but i can't know the source how is that fair?" "I'm not the one in the wrong here Chris" "neither am I Leah I didn't cheat I love you please let's talk about this properly tell me who said this?" "Jordan" "your cousin?" "No" "your ex?" "Yes" "you believe your ex and don't believe me?" I actually feel like I'm going to be sick right now. "She showed me Chris so you might as well just tell me" "I DIDN'T CHEAT!! I thought you knew me. I thought you knew what I was like how could think I could cheat?" "BECAUSE I SAW THE PHOTO'S" "SO SHOW ME THEN!" "I need to finish packing" "don't do this Leah I'm begging you" "I'm leaving Chris and that the end of it" "Leah please don't leave please trust me" "how can I?" "I don't understand how you can trust Jordan but not me" "because she showed me" "but you won't show me!" "Move out of my way please Chris" "no" "Chris move!" "No you're not leaving we need to sort this!" "MOVE!" Leah barges past me "please Leah don't do this" "it's too late" she opens the door "but I love you" Leah doesn't look back and Leaves closing the door behind her. I fall to the floor crying.

~Leah's POV~
"But I love you" it's takes all of my will to walk out that one statement right there shattered my heart.

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