Time to go back to the colony

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~Chris' POV~
I wake up Leah is still asleep she has her head on my chest. I really want to kiss her right now but knowing my luck I will wake her up and after last night she really needs her sleep. Ahhh last night I really hope the walls aren't thin in this hotel there was so many orgasms last night. Tbf though I reckon I could of kept it going longer if it wasn't for the fact we have to go back to the colony today. That makes me sad because now we have to go back to pretending, pretending I'm not head over heals for this women, this incredibly beautiful women who is lying on me, who I have spent these amazing 2 days with. "Penny for your thoughts?" "When did you wake up?" "Only just and saw you were deep in thought again. Are you thinking about what happens when we go back?" "What you mean going back to sleeping separately and sneaking kisses in bathrooms and acting like you don't mean the absolute world to me? No not at all" "it's going to be hard baby but it's not for long just remember that" "oh that's another thing right there back to names no slip ups" "I know we will be fine I know we will" "I know I'm going to have a shower before packing up" "ok." I go in the shower I'm just standing there letting the water run down my body when I feel arms wrap around me "would you like some company?" "From you? Always" "now how am I going to keep my hands off you when we get back?" "Quite easy I hope so we don't get caught" "nothing about this is going to be easy" she is placing gentle kisses on my shoulder so I turn around and see her just stood in front of me and I take in every bit of her body just admiring it. Well that's until a cheeky smile comes across my face "what you thinking about?" "Me? No nothing I'm not thinking about last night at all" Leah puts her arms around my neck "oh really and what about last night?"

Leah is lying underneath me I have 2 fingers inside grazing over her g spot and her nipple in my mouth creating circles around it with my tongue. I keep going stimulating her her clit with my thumb until she moans out in ecstasy.

"CHRIS" I'm brought back to the present "sorry just remembering." "Oh really well your going to have to lock them in your fault just like I will and bring them out in my dreams." We finish in the shower a very elicit shower very enjoyable then pack up before going down for some breakfast then go back to the room, "are you ready to go?" I take a deep breath "I guess let me take your bag" "no it's alright I've got it" "please" "alright" I take the bags then take Leah's hand and we walk down to reception. After handing in the key we make our way to the car and as soon as we get to the door of the hotel Leah let's go of my hand. It hurt but I know why it had to be done. This is getting harder I didn't think it would be this hard.

~Leah's POV~
As soon as I let go of Chris's hand I can see the hurt on her face. I'm not going to lie that broke my heart a little bit. We get into the car and I take Chris' hand I send a gentle smile her way. The whole way back to the colony Chris has been very quiet I don't like it she's always a bubbly person I think we are going to really struggle after taking our relationship or whatever we are doing to the next level. Just before we get to the colony Chris takes my hand and kisses it and we both give each other a smile. I'm barely out of the car when Steph is pulling me away "Steph what you doing?" "We are talking I need info" "and you couldn't of give me a second to say I don't know see you around?" "Oh Ermm sorry about that do you want to go back?" I turn around and see Chris walking away "well if anything it makes it less suspicious" "what's going on yous seem down did something happen?" "No nothing bad happened it's just coming back and having to pretend to not me crazy about her" Steph pulls me into a hug then I have to dissect the last 2 amazing days with her.

~Chris' POV~
We have literally just got out of the car and Leah has been dragged away by Steph. No need to wonder what that's about. I have to have a chuckle, just as I shut the boot I see the captain "good to see you back Chris" "thanks boss" "how was it?" "Nice to sleep in a bed again" "was there any issues?" "None at all boss" "good well you go get changed and we will meet you for lunch" "yes boss." I walk up to the apartment and Georgie runs up to me "question game" "ermmm ok" "when was the last time you had sex" I laugh "this morning in the shower" "do you have any idea how happy I am that celibacy spell is over" "can I ask you something?" "Yeah your looking very serious right now is everything alright?" "What does love feel like?" "Have you never been in love?" "No I've never said it to anyone or anything but you know what I'm like Georgie I am very closed and guarded" "I know that's why I'm surprised your asking. What do you feel with Leah?" "Everything, I feel a warmth through out my chest, I feel like everything I have ever questioned now makes sense and when she's not around a part of me is missing, when we are close to each other even just in the same room I'm complete" "that my friend is love, let's get downstairs" "ok." I had been getting changed whilst talking with Georgie so we went straight to the canteen. "Chris is back" nice to see you too kingie how's things been here?" "Boss needs to update us on the progress of things" "well that can only be good or bad" brains comes to the table "hey Chris" "Daniels" "how you doing?" "My question is what are you doing?" "What do you mean?" "Well you come in and all hey Chris how's it going to apology no explanation as to what the fuck happened and expect everything to just be cool and back to normal not a hoping hells chance kid" "I'm sorry alright, my parents just told me they are getting divorced and I reacted badly" "gee you think, your parents are getting divorced so you thought you would bring my dead parents into it?" "I'm just used to having them both there you know?" "No I don't remember my parents died when I was young so were never around sorry the only time I got time with them was when I visited their graves so in no way is this any kind of comparison" "your right and I'm going to make this up to you" "2 section I have asked Jonas to keep the ladies in the gym whilst I give you a quick update. So the suspects arrested we had nothing on them so are now released under observation. We are still receiving threatening letters and some are pretty gruesome. I know a lot of you have been but now none of the girls go anywhere without you is that understood?" "Yes boss" "good now go find your groups in the gym" we go into the gym "poff Chris come here" "yes Beth how may we help you?" "Who can do the most pull ups out of yous 2?" "Who do you think?" "Well I think you but poff might surprise us" "I think poff" "thanks for the vote of confidence Lia" "sarge you know I can do more than you" "oh really poff that sounds like a challenge" "wait what?" "Get up on that pole and let's get going" "you know sarge I erm hurt my shoulder and.." "oh I wasn't asking poff" "yes sarge" as I'm walking over to the pull up poll Leah and Steph are standing to the left of it so I discretely wink at her and I see her holding back her smile but I can see it in the corners of her mouth. I jump up on the pole and we start doing our pull ups we seem to have accumulated a bit of an audience. "And just what are you 2 doing?" "Hey boss poff thinks he can do more pull ups than me and some of the girls doubted me so here we are" "kick his arse Chris" "always do boss" we continue the pull ups until poff cannot go anymore "and that's how it's done ladies." "You haven't even broke a sweat Chris how is that possible?" "Oooo that's a secret Kim" "would yous like to have a film night in the apartment with us tonight?" "I'm up for that how about you poff?" "Yeah can do" "brilliant now yous finish training then we can all get sorted." Leah comes up beside me and whispers "I'm so turned on for you right now" yep there's the flutters literally all over my body. The girls finish training and we all go to the apartment where everyone showers and we put a movie on. Leah pulls a blanket over me her and Kim who is sitting beside Leah apparently having it across all of us is a must because if one needs to get up another might be sat on the blanket or something I didn't fully get it but then Leah takes hold of my hand under the blanket and everything now makes sense.

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