The family holiday

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It's currently 3.15am Leah and Xander are asleep in our bed whilst I am making sure everything is sorted for the airport which we are leaving for in 2 hours. "Right Chris, passports, yep, tickets, yep, Xanders switch and iPad, check, I'm forgetting something what the hell am I forgetting?" I think for a minute "medication fuck sake Chris." I pack my tablets in my carry on and finish packing Xanders and Leah's carry on. Then I decide to make us some breakfast nothing fancy just some porridge. I put it on low on the cooker then go upstairs quietly laying out Xanders clothes. "Right Chris shower now!" I use the guest bathroom so I don't wake Leah and Xander up then get dressed. Oh god now it is time to wake these 2 up, I go into my bedroom and wake Leah up first "baby, Leah my love it's time to get up" "noooo go away" "sorry can't do that you need a shower then we will get little man up" "urgh fine" "I know my love but it is our first holiday with our son." Leah's eyes ping open "omg yeah" "shhhh don't want to wake him until you had your shower" "sorry baby, have you had your shower?" "Yeah why?" "Oh no reason you just could have joined me that's all" "wait...wwwww wait hold on you can never have too many showers" "I won't be long." Leah gives me a kiss and goes into the bathroom "god dammit."

I go downstairs to finish breakfast and once Leah is dressed she gets Xander sorted before coming downstairs "good morning handsome boy" "mummy I sleepy" "I know you are but we are going on an aeroplane soon so I need you to have a little bit of breakfast for me ok?" "Yes mummy." Leah and Xander eat their breakfast and I wash up "baby you need to eat" "I already did whilst yous were getting ready so I could wash up and that" "have I ever told you that I love you?" "No actually I don't think you have" Leah comes up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist kissing my neck then whispers in my ear "I fucking love you!" My whole body shivers so I turn and give her a kiss "all done mummy" "wowww look at that what a good boy." Once I finish washing up the taxi arrives and I load the suitcases and Xanders pram into the car. We are meeting everyone at the airport.

By time we get there Xander is fast asleep again "aww look at how damn cute he is man" "I know do you think we should put him in his pram?" "To be honest not really I think we should check his pram in there is enough arms for us not to get tired" "ok." We walk into the main area Leah is carrying Xander and I have the suitcases and the pram on a trolly. "There's my nephew!" "Shhh Jacob he is asleep" "why is he asleep he should be very excited" "he is but it is currently 5.15am and he is 4. He'll probably wake up soon though well once I wake him" "why you waking him baby?" "Passport control and I know once he sees Kat, Freya and Jacob he will not want to go back to sleep" "very true." We say hello to everyone then go to check in and they said it was ok we didn't have to wake Xander yet much to everyone's disappointment. We then go to security and as we are making our way down the line I'm trying to wake Xander up "excuse me but could you wake him up please" "trust me I'm trying, baby come on wake up for me uncle Jacob, aunty Kat and aunty Freya are here" "mummy I sleepy" "I know you are baby but I need you to walk through this mama is waiting on the other side to pick you straight back up." I put Xander down and he walks through the detectors and Leah picks him straight back up.

We get to the departure lounge where Xander wakes up properly "heyyyy look who's awake" "hi mama" Xander looks to me "UNCLE JACOB!" "Heyyy there's my favourite nephew" "mama we play?" "Have you asked uncle Jacob?" "Uncle Jacob we play?" "Of course big guy come on why don't we go to the arcade" "yeahhh." Xander goes and takes Kats hand "aunty tat come" "anyone else?" "Aunty fweya" "wow the whole clan then you enjoy." They all head off "ahhhh peace" I put my head on Leah's shoulder "you wouldn't change that little boy for the world" "not for anything in the universe dad." "MUMMY! MAMA!" "Awww not even 5 minutes" "MAMA! MUMMY" "yes bubs what's up" "mama planes come" "ok ok you coming now" "and mummy" "coming now buddy." As I walk past Jacob Freya and Kat "thanks for the 13 seconds of peace" "he wanted you and Leah sorry" "it's fine thanks Kat." We go over to the window to see where all of the planes are parked up.

Leah and her soldierWhere stories live. Discover now