The first full day

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You wake up at 0500 to your alarm going off. You get up and get dressed, brushing your teeth and tying your hair into a bun. You write the girls a note saying they are to meet you downstairs and come as a whole group. You then head down to the canteen for your breakfast where you see Georgie brains and fingers "good morning all" "yeyyyy your still alive see your night wasn't so bad." You scowl at fingers "alright you cocky little shit but I was interrogated like you wouldn't believe" "have they come round to you then?" "Some not all."

Yous all sit and talk and laugh when the all of the team come down for breakfast just behind them your Sargent walks in "2 section" you all stand to attention "I hope you ladies are all ready for one hell of a work out" "YES SIR!" "Let's move ladies" you turn to brains and fingers "yeah come on ladies" "10 extra press-ups Taylor" "aw sarge come on" "20" "god dammit" "30" "Jesus" "40" you run out of the room "sorry sarge can't hear you on my way to start laps" everyone laughs "what you lot laughing at you best get moving or you will be joining her." Brains, fingers and Georgie run out to the field and try to catch you up on your laps. Once yous are finished with the laps yous head to the obstacle course where yous are raced off against each other. You are half way through the course when the team come out for training. "Right ladies press-ups" yous get down and start your press-ups everyone finishes when Beth shouts "don't forget your extra 40 Chris!" "Thanks miss Mead really appreciate that" "back down Chris 40 more to go" you get down and continue with your press-ups once you are done you're dismissed for a shower.

You go up to the apartment and have a shower you're busy getting dressed when you hear the apartment door open. You pick up your side arm and leave your bedroom with it drawn. You round the corner then you hear a scream "fuck I'm so sorry I wasn't expecting anyone are you alright?" "Yes I'm fine" "please look at me Leah I didn't mean to scare you I'm so sorry." Leah looks up with tears in her eyes "you called me Leah" "oh erm I'm sorry I was in panic mode but are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine I forgot my shin pads" "ok you get them and I will escort you downstairs" "you might want to put a top on first" "what?" You look down and realise your standing in you combat pants and sports bra "oh shit!" You run to your room and put a top on when you come out Leah is laughing at you. "Is this you warming up to me miss Williamson?" "Absolutely not" "ok just checking" yous continue to walk down to the pitch when you get there you stand at the side keeping guard.

~Leah's POV~
As me and Chris walk down to the pitch in silence I'm sure I seen her stealing glances at me. When we get to the pitch she stands at the side watching us and I go over to the rest of the girls "Leah what's Chris like because these seem to have heart eyes for her?" "You know what Caitlin she's not too bad" "she's very easy to look at I mean her blonde her is it natural? And then eyes I could get lost in them for hours." I whisper under my breath "you should see her body" "what was that Leah?" "Oh erm nothing Kim. What's your guys like?" "Well they call ours fingers but he won't tell us why" Kim says "they call ours brains we don't know why he is not the brightest" Caitlin says "does your girl have a nickname?" "Don't think so I think that would of came out in the many questions Lia asked last night" "what we were told to ask questions" Jen throws her hands up "you asked how here parents were murdered Jesus Lia who does that?" "Ok I might of gone to far" "jeez you think" Kim jumps in "right come on let's get training before you all kill each other."

With that we all start training, I keep finding myself glancing over at Christina. Why though that's the part that's confusing me ok yes she is good looking, fine she is fucking gorgeous, them abs just wow and them eyes. I could stare into them eyes for hours I wonder what it would feel like to be held in them strong muscly arms I bet she smells amazing. Jesus Leah what the hell are you doing? Nope not happening no chance your not letting your walls down. The next thing I know I'm lying on the floor holding my ankle with sharp pain going through it I look to my left and see Jordan getting up "what the fuck you playing at Jordan?" "You should have been focused" "fuck you, my fucking ankle" I look up and see Chris bent over me.

~Chris' POV~
I'm watching the team train after my group finish bickering again. Honestly I don't know how they play together and I'm sure Leah keeps looking over probably giving me evils. But she seems distracted what's going on with her? I then see Jordan slide tackle Leah and she lying on the floor holding her ankle. I run over to her as quick as my legs will carry me and I am quickly kneeling at her side "Leah are you alright?" "It's my ankle it's killing me" "come on let's get you to medical" you go to help Leah up and she snaps at you "I can get myself up" "alright sorry."

Leah tries to stand up and falls straight back down in pain "right you can hate me Later but right now I'm helping" you pick Leah up bridal style and carry her inside "Christina I can walk" "we both know you can't so just accept the help." You take Leah to the medical bay and put her down on the bed where she is examined "you know you called me Leah again right?" "Can I tell you a secret?" "Yes" "I don't actually have to call you all by your surname it's just a game I play to see how long I can get away with it" "so now I know the game you will stop calling me miss Williamson?" "That's how it works please don't tell the others I want to see how long it will go on for" "ok deal." "Leah what have I done to piss you off so much? I mean I get that your mad with the situation but all I'm doing is trying to protect you all" "it's not you it's just being stuck here with everyone I like my peace and we are always fighting at the moment it's just too much" "ok well just tell me when you need space and I will back off but still keep you in sight" "thank you Chris."

The medic comes back "good and bad news Leah good news it's just a sprain bad news your in a boot and on crutches for 2 weeks" "ok thank you." Yous leave the med bay and head to the canteen for lunch you sit with fingers, brains and Georgie.
"Want to tell us what happened out there on the pitch Chris?" "I helped Leah to med bay what's wrong with that Georgie?" "Just the only time I've seen you move that fast is when there is a man down" "tbh I think that's what I seen just man down and ran to help. How yous finding your groups?" "Yeah they are very cooperative" "of course." "Chris we are going to spend the evening in the movie room tonight" "no problem miss Walti I will sit at the back." The girls spend the afternoon in the gym Leah stays in the med bay which is directly opposite so I can watch the door to make sure no one goes in. She told the team it is so she can elevate and ice her ankle, we both know it was for the peace.

Once everyone is finished we head back to the apartment where everyone has a shower and puts comfortable clothes on to go down to the movie room. You are sat at the back when the rest of the team walk in "oh god don't tell me I'm stuck with you two" "awww Chris you love us" brains puts his arm around you "Jesus brains have you showered today?" "I haven't had time" "how could you not have time? Everyone else has showered sit over there you stink them poor lasses man" "alright ok I'm nervous about one of them walking in" "go shower now we will watch your group" "oh god thank you" brains runs off "fingers how do we deal with him?" "I have no idea." Everyone settles down to the movie and after a little while brains comes back down. Once everyone is ready for bed they all start to head to their own apartments I notice Leah is asleep and none of the team are willing to carry her 'incase they hurt her ankle' so I carry Leah up to the apartment and put her to bed. When I'm carrying her all I can smell is her perfume god she smells amazing and she is so beautiful. I brush the hair off her face then turn her light out before going to bed myself. I have a feeling I am going to have sweet dreams for once.

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