Opening the gym

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I wake up before Leah and get my gym bag and work bag ready. I also get some suit trousers and a shirt putting them in my suit bag. Leah starts to stir so I lie on the bed and cuddle her "why you up so early?" God I love her morning voice "because my very beautiful girlfriend I open the gym to the public today" "your cute when your excited" "cute? Cute? Noooo I'm a big strong girl me nothing cute here" "baby you are the cutest" "noooo I think you'll find your the cutest my love, and super sexy with your super sexy morning voice" I give Leah a kiss "who finds a morning voice sexy" "me when it's yours why? You got a problem with that?" "No not at all, want a lift to work?" "Do you not mind?" "No not at all" "just wait my love just another 13 months without a seizure and I can drive you around" "I can't wait for that." I finish getting ready then go downstairs and make mine and Leah's breakfast "what's with the suit bag baby?" "I've got a meeting after work we are going to a restaurant so have some of the girls over and order pizza or something" "a dinner meeting sounds more of a date to me" "are you with me?" "Ermmm no" "then no date just a boring meeting but a restaurant is bigger so no mask." We finish eating Leah doesn't have training until later so she is going to walk Bella meeting up with Beth and Steph after dropping me off.

We arrive at the gym "do you want me to pick you up after your meeting?" "No my love you have fun with the girls" "are you sure?" "Yeah baby honestly I will just get a taxi" "you know I hate you getting a taxi when I have a perfectly good car" "I know but I hate you running around after me plus this means you can have a drink if you want" "ok baby if your sure" "I am sure my love but I need to get in there got lots to do today" "ok baby I will speak to you later" "I love you" "love you too baby." I give Leah a kiss then go inside "hi Chris" "good morning Catherine how are you?" "Good thank you" "that's good." I go to my office and it needs a bloody good clean so I start with that. Once I finish cleaning I can finally start working. I first have to sign off the wages now that is a process in it's self that takes me most of the day but so I don't get bored and make a mistake I dip into other tasks. There is a knock on my door "come in" "hey Chris" "hey Tony everything alright?" "Yeah it's time for you to train" "bloody hell is that the time?" "Yeah is everything alright?" "Yeah just been doing payroll" "ohhhhh" "I know" "Chris what's with the suit?" "Ohhhh I'm taking Leah's parents out for dinner tonight" "Leah not going with you?" "Nooooo I'm asking for their permission to ask Leah to marry me" "that's fantastic Chris honestly yous are fantastic together" "thanks Tony but I am shitting myself" "I was the same having that conversation with Sarah's parents" "yeah but it all worked out well for you" "and it will you Chris, are we recording this one?" "Why not mate."

Today is leg day so I get warmed up and start off with some leg presses. Tony records some of it then we move on. We do this for the next 2 hours and once I'm done we go into his office and edit the video adding music and post it to on the gyms Instagram page. Within 15 minutes we have a massive influx of new followers and I have a massive influx of new follower requests "what the fuck is going on?" I go on Instagram "shit" "what? What's happened?" I go to show Tony Leah's Instagram story but it has gone "Leah may of just leaked our relationship and the gym on her instagram" "how?" "She forgot to set her story onto friends and family and shared the gyms video" "how's that leaked the relationship?" "Oh your know the love hearts and the smiley face with love heart eyes on it" "ohhhhh." My phone starts to ring "Leah she will be in a panic now I bet you £10" "you're on." I answer and put her on speaker "hi my love" "baby I'm so so so sorry I swear I didn't mean to do it, I've taken it down but it's too late, I shared your gym video on my story on instagram and now everyone has seen it" "Leah breath it's fine honestly" "no, no it's not now everyone knows and your going to get hounded" "baby trust me it's fine I can handle what's to come plus you just won me £10" "what how?" "I bet Tony that your were phoning in a panic so hand over Tony" "yeah yeah" I take Leah off speaker "now baby will you calm down I will be fine the gym will be fine" "yeah but I'm seeing your followers on the gym just going up every time I refresh" "that's not such a bad thing" "I know but you said you didn't want me to promote the gym" "and you haven't baby you made a small mistake and that's it I promise everything will be fine" "and what about the press" "fuck them baby stop stressing we will be fine I promise. What are you doing now?" "Just getting ready to go home" "and did you invite the girls around?" "Yeah I did" "good so forget about what happened and enjoy your night and I will see you when I get home" "ok I will try" "there is no try only do" "your so quirky" "isn't that why you love me?" "One of the many reasons" "oooo many reasons can't wait to hear the rest" "right go do some work, I love you" "I love you too baby see you when I get home." I hang up and me and Tony have to laugh about it "told you" "yeah yeah, you know yous are so cute together and I better get an invite to the wedding" "Jesus she has to say yes, bloody hell her parents have to say yes to me asking her first" "oh come on Chris you know everyone is going to say yes" "I hope so but of course you would get an invite, right I need to shower then get ready I am meeting Amanda and David in an hour and a half" "ok well text me and let me know what they said" "will do mate."

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