The second week at arsenal

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Week 2 and let me tell you the attempted attacks on the girls are increasing but are easily dealt with. That doesn't mean they aren't annoying though. But we do what we need to in order to keep the girls safe and I do what I need to in order to keep Leah safe. I wake up to Leah's head on my chest it's a nice feeling she sneaks into my room every night and most nights we fall asleep. I kiss Leah's head gently but repetitively it's the nicest way I can wake her up. I hate that she has to go back to her room every morning. Leah starts waking up "nooo I'm staying" "I wish you could baby I really do" "I could if we just told the girls they will be fine I know they will." Oh did I forget to mention that Leah wants to tell the girls in the apartment? "We can't baby and you know why too many people already know, Leah you know I would shout it from the roof tops if I could I hate you being a secret" "Chris only 2 people know" "yeah and how many times has it nearly been slipped up" it's the same conversation every time it is brought up. Leah thinks I like keeping her a secret and of course I don't I love this woman but if it got out who knows what the consequences would be.

Leah gets up and I know she is upset because she normally gives me a kiss before leaving. I don't like her being upset so I run after her "Leah wait" "what Chris?" "I hate seeing you upset especially if it is because of me sooo" I take a deep breath "if you think it will be fine then I trust you so tell them."

~Leah's POV~
Is this happening did she just say what I think she said? "What did you just say?" "I said I trust you so if you think it will be fine then tell them" the girls have come out of their rooms "tell us what?" "Before anything is said yous have to swear yous won't say anything to anyone and not talk about it outside of this room." "Leah it's us we promise now tell us what's going on" I don't say anything I just take Chris' hand in my own then I just kiss her and she kisses me back we ignore the girls cheering then she rests her head on mine and I just smile "now yous know" I turn and look at the team who are just smiling at us.

Steph comes running over and hugs us both "finally I can now be happy for yous and yes before anyone says anything of course I knew because I'm not blind and I saw the way they looked at each other when the other wasn't looking honestly I'm surprised none of you figured it out." "So are yous a proper item?" "No Beth we are just seeing where we go and so far things have been going really well, please though yous can't say anything if people find out Chris will be sent away and punished" "we won't say anything we promise but if the risk was so high why tell us?" "Because I am so sick of sneaking in and out of Chris's room every morning and night but it's still early and we have the day off so I'm going back to bed." I take Chris's hand and we go back to her room. When we lie back down I can feel the nervous energy coming from Chris. I realise it would have took a lot for her to do that and in that moment I loved her that whole lot more. Wait did I just say I love Chris? Oh who am I kidding of course I do what's not to love.

~Chris' POV~
I wake up and I am big spooning Leah. I'm not going to lie now that Leah isn't sneaking in and out of my room I like it but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't shitting myself. But Leah trusts them and I trust her so in the words of some random person I don't know 'let the chips lay where they land' or something like that anyways we will just see what happens. Leah starts to stir and wakes up, ok I will give her credit where credit is due I don't feel bad for her to wake up naturally for a change I forever felt bad for having to get her to leave the room before everyone woke up. Jesus what is she doing to me she is making me soft. "Good morning baby" "hmm good morning see isn't this better" "would be better if we were naked" "that can be arranged" "oh really" I pull Leah onto her back and start kissing her when my door flies open and I quickly jump back as the girls run in and jump on my bed "ok so that last statement will never be happening" "are yous 2 planning on getting out of bed today we have the day off so going to have a PlayStation and movie day unless you can get us out shopping again Chris?" "Not a chance McCabe" "worth a try come on then get up" "yous are all lying on us so we can't" "come on everyone get off them and Chris can cook us breakfast." "And why am I cooking breakfast?" "Because Christina yous owe us for keeping your secret" I knew this wasn't going to be easy "ok I'm getting up."'I get up and make everyone a full English before going in the shower I just put some joggers a vest and hoody on. It's nice to be comfortable and not be in combats.

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