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We arrive at inamo restaurant in soho and get seated "so what's this about then?" "Can we not just spend time with our daughters Leah?" I take Leah's hand "you's can but yous usually don't so spill" "your so skeptical Chris" "and your avoiding" "ok fine clever clogs you win" "so come on then what's going on?" "Me and your dad want to talk to you" "ok but why are Amanda and David here?" "Because you listen to them" "I resent that" "me and your dad want you to move in with us." I instantly start laughing until I see their serious face "you're not serious?" "We are very serious" "no, no way that's not happening" "Chris you living by yourself is not a good idea at the moment" "Amanda me and mum living together is not a good idea, I love you mum I really do but it's not happening" "and what happens when you have a seizure when your on your own it could kill you" "I won't be on my own mum I get that your worried but.." "there is no but Chris please think about it" "mum Leah asked me to move back in with her" "do yous not think it is a bit soon?" "That's why I'm thinking about it dad but I am leaning more towards yes." Mum looks at Leah "fine so you either live with us or Leah make your decision now" "Leah" "wow not even a moments thought" "why would I need a moment to think about it? Look mum I love you and don't ever doubt that but us living together would be a nightmare, you would stress to much, I would get annoyed, we would argue and we would both get on dads tits" "I don't have tits" "not yet but I still think you should let me get you trained" "so are you's moving back into the flat?" I look at Leah and smile "no we are going to stay at the house so there is a garden for Bella and if everything works out then I think we should look at a place to buy."

"Are you actually going to tell us what the doctor said then?" I sigh "do I have to? It's only going to stress you out and make you worry more than you already are" "yes Chris you do" I look at Kieth "fine, so I'm not allowed to drive, I'm not allowed to do personal training, I have to reduce my stress and figure out what triggers the seizure to try to prevent them" "why do you not want to tell me these things Chris?" "Because I don't want to stress you out more than you are, then you get people to spy on me like Catherine" "I told her to stop telling me things and as for stress your my daughter that's what mothers do we stress about our kids isn't that right Amanda?" "100% right" "at least you don't have to worry about us getting pregnant." Leah laughs "you have always said you didn't want kids Chris" "I have always said that mum" I can feel Leah's eyes burning the side of my head "what about you Leah?" "I can't imagine my life without kids." I realise we have never discussed this before I try to give Leah's hand a gentle squeeze but she takes her hand away. "Who's planning your hen night Diane?" Thank you Amanda "I'm not having one" "oh but you are me and Leah could plan it couldn't we baby" "Hm oh yeah" I sigh.

The rest of the meal is pretty quiet when we get home Leah is still is being very quiet with me "are we going to talk about this?" "What's to talk about I want kids you don't" "I never said that" "you said it in the restaurant!" "No i didn't I said that was something I have always said but have you heard me say that?" "You're not the type of person to change your mind Chris" "fuck you Leah you're judging me on something I said 7 years ago and not even willing to let me talk." I walk away and go upstairs.

~Leah's POV~
I watch as Chris walks away and sigh "she's right Bella I didn't give her a chance and it's not like we have spoke about it before." I go upstairs "Chris?" "What? Come to have another go about something else we haven't talked about?" "Ok I deserved that, I'm sorry Chris I should have give you chance. We haven't talked about this before" "oh really you don't say" "alright I'm trying to apologise" "there should of been nothing to apologise for Leah we should of spoke about it" "I know I messed up I'm a fucking idiot but what I heard was you didn't want kids and all I kept thinking was all I've ever wanted was kids and I thought I would loose you and I couldn't figure out which one was worse. Baby I can't see any part of my life without you" "Leah I said years ago I didn't want kids, I also said that I never wanted to get married but things change because of certain events, events that change the course of the future" "what events?" "You! Meeting you, falling in love with you! Every fucking thing about you changed every aspect of my future, fucking hell Leah when are you going to learn that! All you had to do was talk to me" "I'm talking to you now baby, I'm so sorry." Chris just lies on the bed staring at the ceiling so I go sit on her straddling her "talk to me baby" Chris just raises her eyes at me so I lean forward and start playfully kissing her and tickling her. Chris starts laughing, I love her laugh "stop please" "are you going to talk to me" "no" "then no" I continue kissing and tickling her, "ok, ok I'll talk, I'll talk." I stop and Chris sits up "so baby have you ever thought about having kids?" Chris laughs at me "you know what my love I've always said I never wanted kids, I never thought I would but then I never thought I would meet someone who I would fall in love with and who would turn my world upside down, I would love to have kids with you and marriage and" Chris pulls me into her "lots" she kisses me "and lots of sex" Chris kisses me again "you know when we have kids the sex might deplete a bit" "hmmm can I change my mind on kids?" I laugh "no" "suppose we will have to use the grandparents, baby there is something I would like to say though" "ok" "I don't want to carry a kid I want to adopt, spending so much time in foster care and seeing how many kids need homes I want to.." I kiss Chris "sounds perfect baby."

I'm lying on Chris with my head on her chest "Leah?" "Yeah baby?" "Please don't tell anyone about my seizures I don't want anyone to know" I lift my head looking at Chris "they are nothing to be ashamed of baby" "they are everything to be ashamed of Leah" I put my hand on Chris cheek "baby you have nothing to be ashamed of this has happened because you served your country and because you protected me, you will never have to worry about ever being judged I promise" "I don't from you but not everyone is like you, please Leah" "ok I won't tell anyone" "thank you." Chris is such a proud person I have no idea how she is going to cope with this new condition, and as for not being able to train anyone anymore let's just hope that doesn't move across to Chris not being able train I think that would make her spiral. Chris falls asleep but she is still fully clothed, I don't want to wake her she probably got zero sleep last night but she is in jeans. I start stroking her face "baby wake up for me" she starts pushing my hand away "nooo" "baby you need to get ready for bed and take your tablets" "ok" "I will get your tablets" "mhmm." Chris gets ready and I run and grab her tablets. Chris takes her tablets then climbs into bed falling asleep straight away.

The next morning I wake up before Chris so I decide to make her some breakfast. I go downstairs and start cooking when I feel arms around my waist "your supposed to be asleep" "hard to be asleep when your not in bed beside me" "well I was trying to make you breakfast in bed" "my best breakfast in bed would be you." Chris kisses my neck "so rude" "but you're so beautiful though I can't help myself" "wow someone's woke up in the mood this morning" "mhmmm." Chris starts kissing my neck and my legs go weak "b-baby I-i have t-training" "awww baby but.." she slides her hand into the front of my pants "oh fuck me" "I'm trying to my love but you are saying you have training" I remove her hand "because I do baby" "awwww your going to make me wait all day aren't you?" I kiss Chris "your breakfast is ready" "is it you?" "No it's bacon sausage and scrambled eggs" "fine I'll settle for this which tastes delicious by the way" "hmmm nice save, what you got planned today?" "I have called an emergency meeting with my managers to let them know what's going on" "how you going to cope with that?" "I've asked mum to come with me in case I get to stressed and you know it happens" "I'm proud of you baby" "no point denying this it is what it is I have to embrace it and yeah work with it" "ok who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?" "Ha ha your so funny" "no seriously baby" "I don't want it to be shout from the roof tops but it's not going to ruin my life or my business so working with it" "I am so unbelievably proud of you right now, but I think you need to get one of them medical bracelets" "what why?" "So if you're not with us and do have a seizure people know" "can I think about it?" "Of course this is your life and your medical condition I just want to help where I can" "I know my love and I love you so very much for it." We finish getting ready and I drop Chris off at the gym before going to training.

~Chris' POV~
Once I get to the gym I go to my office sorting through a few things before my mum arrives "you ready to do this sweetheart?" "I am yeah." We head along to the meeting room "hi everyone thanks for being here, I know all of you are wondering why I've called this meeting and also probably why my mum is here." I take a deep breath "so I just got out of hospital yesterday because I had a seizure, a pretty big seizure and it turns out I have been having seizures over the last few weeks" "fucking hell are you alright?" "I'll be fine it's just a new adjustment but there are now somethings I am not allowed to do which includes personal training so Tony I need you to find my clients a new trainer" "it's done don't worry about it" "let's get this straight I am not epileptic this is been through multiple head traumas, however I am going to be backing off for a couple of weeks because I have to reduce my stress as that triggers my seizures, but I am always reachable and will be working from home so please don't hesitate to contact me but I do need to get this condition under control" "we have your back Chris whatever you need" "thank you I appreciate that." I finish the meeting off and when everyone leaves I get a little emotional "come on sweetheart let's get you home" "thanks mum." Mum takes me home and I spend the afternoon planning mums hen party which I will run through with Leah when she gets home.

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