Family BBQ

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With us flying through the group stages and halfway through the knockout stages Sarina thought she would treat us to a massive BBQ where we can invite a couple of family members. Of course I went with mum, dad, Chris and my gorgeous boy. Xander has been doing so much better at leaving because we don't say goodbye now we say talk tonight hug next game. If I'm being honest it works for me as well. Everyone should be arriving within the next hour so I have a shower and get ready. This summer has been so hot it just has to be shorts again.

Once I am ready I go downstairs and see some of the families have arrived. I say hi to some of the ones I know and currently talking with Beth and her parents. "No your right I think with the crowds we are pulling in this cou..." "MAMA!" I turn around but don't see Xander yet "watch this mum it's the cutest thing" "MAMA!" I see Xander and Chris points me out to him so he squeals and runs towards me. I pick him up and throw him in the air "there's my handsome boy have you been good?" "Yeah mama I miss you" "I miss you too bubs" "hi my love sorry I took so long I'm just not as quick as this little rascal" "that cebause I fastest mummy" I mimic him "that's because I'm the fastest mummy, well guess what I can kick your monkey but." Leah laughs but Xander puts his stern face on "no you won't cebause mama won't let you" "well I will just do it when mama is not there" "no mama tell mummy no" "omg are they still winding each other up? 2 days Leah that's how long this has been going on for" "have you and mummy been winding grandma and grandpa up?" "No" "yes!" "Alright Amanda we weren't that baddd, yeah no we really have been sorry."

I give mum and dad a hug and Chris gives me her pouty face "what's that face for?" "Where's mine?" "Well you were too busy arguing with our 4 year old son" "I'm not now though" "come here then" "wait hold on." Chris takes Xander and passes him to mum "hold this please Amanda" Xander sticks his tongue out at Chris so she does the same "a child, I'm marrying a child" Chris laughs and gives me a massive hug "I've missed you my love" "I've missed you too baby how's the knee?" "Good yeah as you can see no brace so doing a lot better" "I'm glad but baby?" "Yeah my love?" "Are you going to let me go?" "Do I have to?" "Are you alright?" "Me yeah why?" I pull back "just your normally only like this when there is something going on?" "Leah my love we have been sleeping in separate beds for 6 weeks so yes I miss you" "ok baby sorry."

We head out to the pitch catching up and I start playing with Xander "mummy wook what mama teached me" he tries to do keep ups "wow you will be a master in no time" "yeah I show mama what off teached me" "off? Who's that?" "Poff he's been coming around with fingers and Georgie" "ahhh right so what has Poff taught you then?" Xander gets down and starts army crawling towards mum who is talking to Beth and her mum. He jumps up "rahhh gama" "oh I wish you would stop doing that." Xander runs towards me laughing "I scared gama" "I seen you were so quiet well done." Chris does not look impressed "what's up with your face?" "Oh what's up with my face? Let's see shall we, hey Xander baby what you going to do when you grow up?" "Be a soldier like mummy" "ohhhh" "yeah I keep telling them to stop but no they don't listen but I can't do anything about it because of my damn knee" "bubs you continue running around for a moment please" "ok mama."  I go sit next to Chris taking her hand "baby he is 4 he is going to change his mind about what he wants to do so many times, don't worry about it please" "I'm sorry I just couldn't even imagine him seeing what I've seen" "I know baby."

I continue to play with Xander until he gets tired so once I cuddle him in for him to go to sleep. I just watch Xander with a big smile on my face "it's nice to have these cuddles again" "he really is missing you so we started a count down for the final game and he puts a cross in everyday" "aww that's so cute but we don't know if we are going to make it to the final" "yous are trust me on that one." I kiss Xanders head because no matter how much he thinks he misses me I miss him 10x more "you know he watches all the YouTube videos Leah" "yeah I know he tells me all the time dad" "he has also been learning the chants for his aunty Beth and tooney and Russo" "has he really?" "Yeah he has them mastered now" "I can't wait to hear them."

Leah and her soldierDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora