Does Georgie know?

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The team are in the canteen eating so Georgie pulls me out the the pitches "right get talking" "right fine Jesus so it just happened and then continued to happen a lot when people aren't around" "what just happened I think I know what but I want you to say it" "the kiss and the many kisses after" Georgie squeals "omg shut up!" "I knew it I fucking knew it. So come on give me the details" "wait your not mad? Your not going to tell the boss?" "What no way it's about time you have some fun and all the times you covered for me and elvis. So come on what's she like" "I wish I could explain. She's beautiful kind caring loving and I swear that when I say it is taking everything I have to not walk up to her pin her to the wall and kiss her every time I see her I mean it. Then when we kiss it takes even more will power to not rip her clothes off" why is Georgie smiling at me so creepily? "Oh my fucking god" "what?" "You have feelings for her" "what behave" "you do look at that smile you can't deny it with me Christina Taylor you have feelings for her" "want to shout that any louder I don't think the boss heard you and yes ok I do right" "why didn't you say I can help yous out" "what can you give me will power because literally have none" "no but I can keep guard or lend you my medical room" "might have to take you up on that now that poff is in the apartment with us. But I'm struggling with something I hope you can help me" "I will see what I can do" "so as you know I don't lie but now I'm lying to the boss then Leah asked today if poff moving into our room was the only thing I was worried about and I said yes which ok I am but I'm scared. I'm scared that she is going to find out that her and Kim are the main targets I'm also scared that something is going to happen to her" "ok so about the the lying thing to the boss. Chris we're 22 and you don't even live. You live at the barracks you don't drink so we will call this living a little. And Leah she's not going to find out and even if she did I'm sure she will understand don't worry and just enjoy yourselves" "thank you Georgie now what the fuck do I do about poff he is going to piss me off big time?" "Smother him with a pillow" "don't tempt me.

Me and Georgie walk back inside. "Chris jonas has giving us the afternoon off so we are going to the chill room are you coming?" "Now miss Catley am I here to protect yous?" "Erm yeah" " and yous are going to the chill room?" "Yeah I just said that" "ok so that means I'm coming with you doesn't it?" "Wow someone's in a sarcastic mood" "maybe just a little. Georgie you coming with?" "Yeah I never get to join the fun" "Chris doesn't have fun she's to serious" I gasp "wow Steph that cut deep right in the feels with that one" we walk into the chill room and everyone is sat laughing it's nice to see everyone so relaxed instead of being stressed about the ongoing situation "Steph, Chris come here" we go over to Kim katie Caitlin Leah Viv and Beth with Georgie "Katie says they don't really know much about you" "I like to remain a mystery Caitlin it keeps yous all on your toes" "we know everything about brains and fingers" "that does not surprise me" "how do we get to know you better?" "Well that's a.." "play the question game with her" I look at Georgie "what's the question game?" "It's a game we play when there is a new recruit you can't lie it has to be quick answers" Leah looks at you with a smirk "let's play it" "fine let's play" "thanks for suggesting it Georgie" "no problem Katie" "how do we start it?" "Just ask a question" "is there is a limit on what we can ask?" "No" "this is going to be fun" "ok first question" "wait before we get started 1 person ask the questions it makes it less complicated so take 10 minutes to write your questions down then choose who is going to ask them and I'm just going to speak to Georgie for a minute" "me? What have I done?" "Nothing it's mission related" "oh come on then."

we go outside the of the room "what the hell did you do that for?" "It will give Leah a chance to get to know you better with no questions asked by anyone" "yeah and what if they ask questions that could drop us in it?" "Shit never thought of that sorry" "nothing we can do now" we go back in and I sit in the single seat or the hot seat as it is called. Leah sits directly opposite me. Is Leah asking these questions? If she is it means I get to stare into them beautiful eyes for however long this is going to take. "Are you my quizzer?" "Yeah apparently I have a gift of intimidation" "I would have to agree. Are we ready to start?" "Yeah so question one how old are you" "I'm sure yous have already asked this but I'm 22" "why did you join the army?" "Why not?" "That's not an answer" "I was running away" "from what?" "Family the thought scared me" " what about now does it still scare you?" "No I miss my foster mum and childhood best friend more than anything" Leah is holding my eyes she would do well as a police officer "how many foster homes were you in?" "Too many to count" "why so many?" "I was an arsehole purposely got kicked out" Why?"

I'm sure these questions aren't on her paper "because I just wanted my mum and dad" her eyes are now glazed over and she clears her throat "right erm yeah what were you like when you first joined the army?" "A total dick had a right attitude problem and a major temper" "what calmed you down?" "Sargent James kicked my arse into gear" "how old were you when you realised you were gay?" "14" "when was your last relationship?" "2 years ago" "I don't want to ask this question katie" "oh please come on Leah" "fine when was the last time you had sex? I'm sorry" "2 years ago" "why so long I'm sure girls are falling all over you" "I don't want girls I want a woman" "do you have your eye on anyone? If so who? I'm sorry these are what they have wrote down" "it's fine and yes I do and as for the who yous don't need to know because yous don't know them" I hope she sees through that lie and knows it's her judging by the twinkle in her eye I am assuming so "who is winning the wsl this season?" "Stupid question Arsenal" "if you weren't in the army what would you be doing?" "I'd probably be in prison or dead" "how come?" "I was in self destruct for many years" "glad to see your doing better" "thank you" "does your tattoo sleeve have a meaning?" "Yeah it symbolises loss growth and overcoming" "will you explain it to us?" "yeah so the train at the bottom symbolises loss so the loss of my parents. The poppies above are growth and overcoming from grief and everything that comes with it and the soldier at the top is who all that led me to become" "wow that's really sweet" "thank you" "are you good at sports?" "Totally useless" "what are you good at?" "That's a secret" "why do you and Georgie not have nicknames like fingers brains and poff?" "We tend to give them based on what the person is known for but females tend to not get them because the lads are too stupid and come up with something offensive" "why is brains called brains?" "Because we all wish he had some" "why fingers then?" "He's a ladies man it is what he is known for without going into to much detail" "and poff?" "Have you smelt him?" "If you could have a nickname what would you give yourself" "can I think on that one and come back to it?" "Sure."

These questions just keep coming for a good 20 minutes I noticed the paper went away a long time ago these are all Leah's questions she's really good at holding my eye contact "back to the question if you could give yourself a nickname what would it be?" "Honestly I have no idea no matter how much I try and think of one" "thank you answering our questions" "your welcome even thou I think 97% of them where yours alone" I laugh "you were giving short answer I wanted more information" "I can tell what's the plan now then?" "Blankets and movies I think" "okie doke" all the girls sit on bean bags and the sofas me and Georgie sit at the back "you know during that game you and Leah never looked away once yous just stared into each others eyes I don't even think yous blinked" "yeah my eyes were burning by the end I actually don't think we blinked I know I didn't" "you know I think she is really good for you" "I think I have to agree." So to answer the question at the start does Georgie know? Yes she does and I'm ok with that

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