Day 1

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Last night was horrendous poor Xander he just cried from the moment Leah left until he fell asleep. I had to put him in our bed so he didn't feel abandoned. I wake him up it's currently 8.45am but Leah has promised to FaceTime him every morning and night and today is an early practice "Xander baby it's time to wake up" "mama home?" "Not yet baby" he's starts crying again I don't know how much more of this I can watch he is breaking my heart. I pull Xander onto my lap for a cuddle and set the laptop up. I know Leah is excited to speak to him because I thought it best she didn't last night just with how upset he was I know it would have upset her.

Xander has started to settle down and the laptop starts ringing so I answer it "hey baby who's this?" He turns and sees Leah on the screen "MAMA!" "Hi bubs" "mama come home" "I will soon baby I miss you" "miss you mama" "how have you been bubs?" "Sad" "awww baby don't be sad you're going to have so much fun with mummy I promise, plus some people want to say hello to you is that ok?" He just nods "hey kiddo" "aunty wotte when you come home?" "Well me and mama have a trophy to win with all your aunties, aunty Beth is also here do you want to see her?" He nods again and I just wipe his tears "awww bubs don't cry please" "who's crying? Is my nephew crying?" Beth comes into the frame "awww buddy what's wrong?" "Aunty beff I sad" "awww why you sad?" "Miss mama" "and I know mama misses you but I also know you will see her soon" "mama?" "Yeah bubs?" "You bring me present?" "What would this present be for?" "Make me happy" "well I will see what I can do then, but baby I have to go now but tonight I will phone you again and we will watch a movie together how does that sound?" "Yeah Toy Stowy" "ok baby speak to you then" "bye mama" "bye bubs, I'll message you later baby" "ok my love have fun."

~Leah's POV~
After I hang up I put my head in my hands "god this is so much harder than I expected" "your doing so well though Leah" "thanks lotte now I need to find my little dude a present I think Amazon is going to be the way forward" "speaking of presents I found that guitar you were after and it's with Kim she just wants to know if you want her to give her it on her birthday or not." I jump on Lotte "you are amazing honestly but I'm under strict instructions no birthday until we win the final" "no pressure then" "tell me about it."

We head out to the field and start training. It feels so good to be training with the England squad again it's always nice when we get together. We get through the first part of training but we are currently taking a drink break it's so hot outside. I decide to take this time to order Xanders presents "what you doing?" I look up and Ella, Russo and Mary are stood in front of me "your never go on your phone during training" "Xander said I should get him a present to cheer him up" they all laugh "we've heard so much about him from Beth and Lotte do we get to meet him?" "You will yeah" "what you getting him?" "A paddling pool and a football goal with a new ball" "you'll spoil him" "I know but he has cried for the last 24 hours this is the first time I've been away training since he has come to live with us" "bless him can't wait to meet him."

We get called back out onto the pitch where we train until lunch time honestly though we laugh so much during training. Sarina said it's ok as long as we still take it seriously. They are recording the sessions for YouTube for the fans to be apart of. When I get my phone at lunch time I see a text off Chris

Chris - £320 on Amazon please tell me that isn't Xanders present? Xxx
Me - Ermmm noooo of course not xxx
Chris - Baby we said we weren't spoiling him I thought you would just get a teddy or something like that xxx
Me - Ok I feel guilty for being away from our son sue me. Anyways this will last years xxx
Chris - Oh dear god what have you got him? Xxx
Me - You will see when it arrives they will be there before 10 tonight xxx
Chris - They? What do you mean they? How much have you bought him? Xxx
Me - Love you so very much baby xxx
Chris - Leah Catherine Williamson you are going to get your arse kicked xxx
Me - You couldn't because you love me xxx
Chris - Your right I couldn't xxx
Me - So what you going to do then xxx

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