Leahs home!

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I wake up super happy this morning and pat the bed beside me. Bella comes up and I start making a fuss of her "mummy's home today, yes she is, come on let get this day over with." I get up and have a shower before feeding Bella and taking her for a walk. I then head to the gym I take Bella with me because Leah is not going to be back until later on this evening. I arrive at the gym at 9 and head straight up to the main gym "so Tony what do you think of your office then?" "Chris I can't believe you did all this" "my gym manager needs to have a comfortable office enjoy it mate. I will have your new contract finished in the next couple of hours" "thank you Chris so much." I go downstairs to my office and mainly focus on Tony's new contract. As soon as I finish I give it to him to look over and head down the bakers "and there was me thinking you found somewhere better to eat" "somewhere better than here? Never no such place exists" "you're such a charmer" "I get told that quite often, can I just have a chicken salad today please?" "Of course coming right up, so where have you been the last couple of days?" "I had appointments and then went to my friend's school that they teach in for career day to do a talk" "how did that go?" "It reminded me why I hated school" "oh that bad" "believe it or not it was the older ones that were the problem" "oh I believe it Chris, here you go 1 chicken salad and 1 sausage for my favourite fur customer" "your going to get me in trouble off Leah" "Leah also gets a sausage for her" I gasp "that little sneak thanks see you later" "bye Chris." I go back to my office and have my lunch and answer all the emails I should have been answering whilst I was 'working from home' yeahhhh regretting that now. I get a phone call from Kat "hi Kat is everything alright?" "Yeah everything is fine but I need another favour" "oh god you're not going to have me talk to more school kids are you?" "No never again" "ok then ask away" "could you possibly come over tonight?" "Tonight?" "Yes tonight" "could it possibly be tomorrow night?" "No I need you Freya is bringing a friend over from uni and I'm nervous I can put a face to a name for everyone except this one please Chris" "Kat Leah is home tonight" "I know and I'm so sorry I wouldn't ask but I don't know I get a strange feeling about this one" "ok ok i will be there" "you know I love you Chris" "I know I love you too but I need to go I have a PT session" "ok I will see you soon" "see you soon Kat." Shit.

I go up to the gym and Tony is in his office "hey fancy some company?" "Don't you have a PT session?" "I do that's why I wanted to see if you wanted Bella" "ahhh Bella of course" "but if it was me you wouldn't?" "You're too much of a distraction where as Bella is just cute" "no loyalty at all." I go over to Jemma "hi Jemma you ready to get started?" "Yeah are you joining in today?" "No not today" "oh right." I am guiding Jemma through the exercises "where's your energy today Jemma you seem to be struggling" "well most of the time I have you working alongside me so that gives me the motivation" "I can't I haven't had the all clear to work out yet" "ohhh so your not avoiding me then" "and why would I do that? Your my own very first PT" "well your now in a relationship and you don't have to be here that often" "right so I'm in a relationship what's that got to do with my business?" "Nothing sorry I shouldn't have said that I'm just tired stress at work and all" "don't worry about it you ready to carry on?" "Yeah." We continue and when we get to the end of the session I get Jemma push hard "that's it well done you did great for your first session back" "thank you Chris." Jemma packs her stuff up and I clean down the mats and equipment then put it all away. I turn around and see Leah making a fuss of Bella "omg what you doing here? I thought I was picking you up later?" "We got back early so Viv and Beth dropped me off" I go over and hug Leah breathing in her perfume "I've missed you" "I've missed you too my love, come on let's go down to my office." I put my arm around Leah and we walk down to the office. As soon as the door closes I pull Leah in giving probably the most meaningful kiss I have ever given before. When I pull back I just stare into her eyes "wow you really did miss me" "you have no idea, but now I have a favour to ask" "ok I'm listening" "Freya has a friend from uni coming over tonight at Kats and Kat is nervous because she is can't put a face to this one and asked if I can come over but I want you to come with me please" "it's not the one that went on a date with you is it?" "Absolutely not" "ok then I will be there" "and this is one of the many reasons I love you. Should we head off now?" "Come on then" "and when we get home I will order us some food and run you a nice bath for you to soak in" "you don't have to do that baby" "I want to you have just flew half way around the world and now your coming to Kats with me" "that's what people in relationships do" "really I never knew that?" "I've missed your sarcasm" "great because I have lots to give."

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