Lifes busy

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I am currently getting ready whilst Leah gets Xander ready for nursery. "Baby can you watch Xander he doesn't want to come downstairs yet" "why don't you want to go downstairs yet bubs?" "Cebause i want you mummy" "what's wrong with mama?" "I want you" "have you noticed he does this every time one of us gets him ready he gets clingy to the other?" "Yeah I have" "ok I will bring you down I will be down in 5 minutes I'm just sorting my bag out" "ok I will see you gorgeous people downstairs" "I think mama is more gorgeous isn't she bubs?" "Mama pretty" "mama is what I like to call irresistible" I wink at Leah and she blushes. I walk over to her "noooo did I make mrs Leah Williamson blush?" "Oh hush you" I whisper in her ear "I'll make you blush more later" I kiss her cheek.

Once I get everything sorted I go downstairs "Ermm baby where is Xander" "he came down with you" "no he didn't" "yeah baby he followed you downstairs" "baby where is Xander?" I see Leah start to panic so I unzip my bag "rahhh" "oh you little shhh.. mummy's dead" "oh no" I gently put my bag down and run away with Leah chasing me. When she catches me she pushes me up against the wall kissing me deeply causing me to moan. I pick Leah up so she wraps her legs around my waist and start moving down to her neck "MAMA HUNGRY" "remember a time where I would be carrying you upstairs right now?" "Yeah?" "They seem so far away now" we both laugh and go into the kitchen "right my prince what are we having for breakfast?" "Errmmm ramble egg" "scrambled eggs coming right up mama would like to get the drinks?" "Coming right up what would everyone like?" We both say together "3,2,1 orange juice" "how did we know bubs." Leah gets the drinks and I make the breakfast "breakfast is served" "what do we say to mummy?" "Fank you mummy" "you are so very welcome baby."

Once we finish eating we get Xander in the car and head to nursery. When we arrive we are greeted by the assistant "good morning Leah, and good morning Xander how are we today?" "I scare mama" "oh did you?" "Yes he very much did" "and who do we have here?" "Mummy" "hi I'm Chris it's nice to meet you" "hi Chris I'm Michelle should we go in now?" "Yes pwease bye mama" Xander runs off and that hurt I think Leah seen on my face "baby he gets exci.." Xander comes running back and hugs me "wove you mummy" "I love you more baby boy now go have a good day." We go back to the car "want me to drop you off at work?" "Do you mind dropping me off at the high street please?" "Erm yeah. The high street?" "Yeah I have an appointment" "ok then" "what have you got planned today?" "Meeting up with Jordan for a couple of hours" "Jordan?" "Yeah my cousin the baby is due soon so she wants to meet up and do some last minute baby shopping" "oh that sounds fun" "it will be nice" "oh I know I was being serious my love yous always have fun with Jordan."

Once Leah drops me off I go to the opticians "mrs Williamson?" "Yep coming." I go into the room and do the eye test "ok so you need glasses for when your reading and watching tv" "okie doke" "if you go out front and pick a pair of glasses that you like the assistant will be right with you" "no bother thank you very much." I pick the glasses I like and have to come back in an hour for them luckily these do an express service not many places do that anymore. I decide to go to the shops and get Xander some clothes for holiday I didn't really plan on buying clothes but I did. I go back and collect the glasses then head to work "busy morning Chris?" "Could say that I need to hide these clothes from Leah so I don't get in trouble. Do you need anything before I settle down Catherine?" "No thank you" "ok I will catch you in a bit."

I go upstairs to see Tony "dude did you seriously take most of the morning off to go shopping?" "Dude nooo I had an opticians appointment and had to wait for my glasses so I picked Xander some holiday clothes up" "you have glasses?" "I do now yeah" "where are they?" I put the glasses on "damn that's hot" "what?" "Shit did I say that out loud?" "Yeah! Dude what the fuck?" "Chris I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" "what did you mean?" "Chris.." "Tony tell me!" "Ok I've had feelings for you for a while but obviously just kept my feelings to myself" "I don't know how to deal with this so how about we just stick to work yeah?" "Good idea" "have you thought any more about the uni course?" I have suggested we do a business course and an anatomy course to help us progress the gym further "yeah I think it's a good idea" "ok I will get it sorted" I go to leave the office "Chris?" "Yeah?" "I'm really sorry" "it's fine." I go down to my office locking the door "what the fuck?" I decide to ring Emily "Chris hey" "emz I need your help with something" "what's going on you sound a little panicked" "dude Tony slipped up and accidentally confessed his feelings for me" "WHAT?!" "I know emz what the fuck do I do?" "Well he obviously knows nothing is going to happen" "obviously" "dude you need to just ignore it" "how the hell do I do that?" "Easy you done it for years until you met Leah" "omg that's so true" "there you go feel better?" "100% better thanks."

Leah and her soldierWhere stories live. Discover now