My new plan

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~Leah's POV~
I arrive at the hospital the next morning. Chris is allowed to come home but she is going to be very sleepy for the couple of days. I arrive on the ward and Chris is fast asleep so I go over and kiss her head. This wakes her up but she is very groggy "hi baby how are you feeling?" She just puts her hands together putting them to her face "you will be tired plenty of bed rest the next few days and no work" she just nods. I think this one scared her it certainly scared me "baby can I talk to you about something?" She nods "I was thinking about the wedding" she now looks worried "it's nothing to worry about I promise but I was thinking how would you feel about getting married before the wedding? Just us but we still have the big wedding for everyone but we will already be married" "I don't understand" oh god that was so weak talk about heart breaking "what I'm saying is Christina Rose Taylor will you marry me before the wedding?" She has a huge smile on her face "when were you thinking?" "As soon as you're back on your feet. Next week maybe we can just go to the town hall and get married there just me and you and no one else will know" "parents?" "No, no parents just me and you but they will never know no one will what do you think?" "We book when home." I give Chris a kiss "I love you so much baby and yesterday proved how fragile life is and I want to call you my wife from now and not wait 5 months for it" "I love you my love and I will marry you tomorrow if I could" "we'll wait until next week baby get you rested."

Eventually Chris is told she can go home so I get her in the car and drive back. She instantly goes straight to bed and I sit in the sitting room I don't want to disturb her. Some of the girls stop by to see how she is but she is still fast asleep. Tony comes home from work "hey Leah" "hi Tony do you have a minute?" "Yeah of course where's Chris?" "That's what I need to talk to you about" "Leah what's going on?" "Well yesterday Chris wasn't feeling very well and had a massive seizure. I'm talking 24 minute seizure" "fucking hell is she alright?" "Well when the paramedics got her seizure to stop so did her heart" "Leah what are you saying right now?" "They managed to get it started again and she spent the night in hospital but she is so exhausted from it she is in bed right now and hasn't moved a muscle. Tony it is going to be quite some time before I let her go back to work" "I don't blame you not for a second. I will hold an emergency meeting with the managers tomorrow and let them know what's happening" "thank you Tony."

Katie and Steph are getting impatient and really want to go see Chris "fine give me a minute I will see if she is up to seeing you all." I go upstairs and Chris is fast asleep I hate that I'm waking her up right now. I lie beside Chris stroking her face "baby" "hmm?" "I'm so sorry but Kim Jen Steph Beth Viv and Katie are downstairs I've been trying to hold them off but they are getting impatient and want to see you" "hmmm" "I'll tell them your not up to it. How are you feeling?" "Tired but it's fine just can they come up here?" "Only if you're up to it baby" "mhmm." I go downstairs "right yous listen and I mean really fucking listen. That is my fiancé up there the love of my life who died for 4 minutes yesterday she has said yous can go see her but she is really tired do not overwhelm her and Katie that means you" "Leah I promise they will be on their best behaviour" "thanks Kim come on then."

We go upstairs and Chris is asleep again "guys do we have.." Katie has climbed on the bed with Chris "Katie what the fuck you doing?" "Waking her gently" Katie starts stroking Chris' face and I start towards her but Kim grabs me shaking her head "hmm" Chris puts her arm over Katie but then starts feeling around her stomach before I know it Katie is on the floor and Chris has her arm up so I climb on the bed beside her and she cuddles in "what did you push me for Chris?" "Not Leah" "what?" "You're not me" "yeah I know I'm not you Leah but why did she push me on the floor" "because Katie you're not me. You need to realise that Chris has specific things she likes after a seizure and one of them is being close to me" "do you mind if we join you Chris?" She shakes her head Jen sits at the bottom of the bed with Katie, Beth and Viv sit on either side of the bed whilst Kim and Steph join us at the top of the bed. Viv takes Chris' hand "you really scared me yesterday" Chris makes a fist rubbing her chest with it "what does that mean?" "She is saying sorry. You're too tired to talk aren't you baby?" She just nods "it happens after big seizures" "I can't even imagine how you feel after them" Chris puts her hands together then to her face "they make her feel tired" "can we get you anything Chris is there anything we can do for you?" She nods which surprises me then points to Jen then the guitar in the corner "you want me to play the guitar?" Chris nods before pointing to the rest of us and crossing her arms over her body "she wants cuddles" everyone cuddles in "it's a good job we have a big bed" Chris nods and I kiss the top of her head.

Leah and her soldierWhere stories live. Discover now