Its a bad day

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I wake up the next morning and I am not feeling the best mentally. I feel drained and just can't be arsed with anything or anyone today. It's still early it's only half 5 so I decide to get up and get ready. I get everything ready and book a taxi to go to the gym. I check my phone and nothing Leah never phoned or text last night it was about half 12 I sent a text saying I was going to bed and hoped she was having a good night. When the taxi arrives I put my headphones in and sit and think all the way to the gym. When I get there I say good morning to Michael on the front desk then go straight to my office locking the door. I go through some of my emails then go onto billing stuff when I've had enough so go up to the gym. It's after the rush hour so should be nice and quiet.

I start off doing an hour jog on the treadmill to really get my heart racing. I then move onto doing some pull exercises to get the burn in my chest muscles. I'm about to move on to do some repping when I feel a hand on my arm so I quickly spin around "Chris? Are you alright?" "Oh hey Tony yeah good you?" "Yeah just your working out" "yeah I know" "you're not supposed to be working out" "and why not exactly?" "Because of your seizures" "haven't had one in months." I walk over to the bench press "yeah but Chris that doesn't mean you can't have one" I start lifting my weights "is that all because you're interrupting my work out?" "Chris.." "Tony I'm working out so do me a favour and leave me alone, or if you are watching do it quietly."

~Leah's POV~
I wake up and my head is banging I may of celebrated a little hard last night. I check the time on my phone and see a text from Chris

Chris - I'm going to bed now, hope your having a good night x

"SHIT!" I instantly try to ring her but there is no answer so I keep trying as I get ready and go down for breakfast "Leah what's up you're looking stressed?" "I can't get hold of Chris" "is she not just busy?" "I don't know Kiera I haven't spoke to her since the game yesterday" "did you not ring her like usual last night?" "No I fucking forgot because I was too drunk" "ok Leah calm down ring her mum or yours and see if they know what she has planned today" "yeah great idea thanks Kiera." I decide to phone my mum first just with Xander being there "hey baba how are you?" "Mum have you heard from Chris?" "We were just about to ring her actually why what's going on?" "I've been trying to phone her for 45 minutes but she's not answering" "ok I will try, you phone Diane and see if she has heard anything" "thanks mum." I hang up and phone Diane "hey Leah you alright?" "Diane have you heard from Chris no one has heard from her and she isn't answering her phone" "no let me just ask Kieth, KIETH HAVE YOU HEARD FROM CHRIS?" I'm trying to hear what he is saying "no one has heard from Chris and she isn't answering her phone... No he is with Amanda... ok... Leah Kieth is going to yours now to see if she is there ok so don't worry we will be in touch" "thanks Diane." We hang up and I just squeeze my phone "please be ok baby."

~Chris' POV~
"Holy shit what a work out" "feel better now?" "Was nothing wrong with me Tony I thought I would have heard from Xander by now." I check my pockets "shit my phone is in my office!" I run downstairs grabbing my phone and there is so many missed calls but there is only one with urgency "hi baby I'm so so so sorry I missed your call I forgot my phone" "mummy I runged" "I know you did baby I promise I didn't mean to miss it I was busy with Tony and left my phone in the office. Did you have fun with grandma?" "Yeah mummy I sleeped allll night" "that's because you're such a good boy..." my office door flies open "what the? Dad what you doing here? Baby I will ring you back in a minute." Before  have a chance to do anything my dad engulfs me in the biggest hug "are you alright kid? What happened?" "What are you talking about? Dad what's going on?" "Leah has been trying to get hold of you for 2 hours she is freaking out" "oh well, I was wondering why I had so many missed calls" "oh well what do you mean oh well? Kid this is your fiancé yous are literally getting married in a few weeks, what's going on?" "Nothing dad sorry" "talk to me kid that what I'm here for." I start crying and he pulls in for another hug "my head is just full at the moment" "ok so here's what's going to happen, I'm going to get Amanda to drop Xander off at ours and yous are going to stay with us tonight and if you still feel like this tomorrow then you will stay with us again until you start to feel better ok?" "Ok" "but please phone Leah back she is going out of her mind" "ok."

Leah and her soldierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora