I get to see Leah

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Today is the day I get to see Leah again in what feels like forever. Yes I know dramatic but let me have this one I've never been in love before. Amanda drove me to sgp yesterday because... hold on let me clear my throat... uh hum huh "you're not going by yourself and I mean it Chris!" There was some finger wagging also. Damn these Williamson women are scary so she drove me and is staying in the hotel with me, separate rooms of course. I'm under strict instructions to talk to Leah today so I will do it in public, you know for witnesses who will need to identify my body after she kills me. Anyway I make my way to the main entrance Amanda has gone shopping so me and Leah can have the day to talk. As I get inside I hear "well here she is in the flesh hello Chris nice to finally meet you" I see G coming towards me "nice to meet you too G" "Leah is just in here want me to take you?" "Are you not meeting your family here?" "Not for another 10 minutes" "oh erm yeah if you don't mind" "not at all I can't wait to see her reaction she never shuts up about you." We walk to a seated area where is talking to some of the team we never actually set a time. "Hey Leah look who I found" Leah turns around and I quickly give G my crutches I think she knew. Leah runs at me and open my arms for her, as soon as her body hits mine I feel complete again breathing in her perfume I lift her up into a full body hug. "Hi my love" "hi baby I've missed you so much" "I've missed you too baby." Leah gives me a kiss "alright love birds get a room" "Chris this is Lucy" "oh yes miss bronze the woman who thinks her muscles are bigger than mine" "I guarantee they are bigger" "I think we need to see this." I look at G and Leah has a big smile on her face "I guess we will then" both me and Lucy take our tops off and both stood there in our sports bra. G, Steph houghton and Ellen white are the judges as they can be non objective. It was deemed an unfair contest as I was a soldier so of course I was going to be bigger. I'm finally allowed to put my top on, thank god because I can see Leah getting annoyed and I'm getting slightly uncomfortable with some of the girls staring. "So are you going to tell me why you're staying at my parents?" "One second G CAN I BORROW YOU A SECOND" Leah looks at me confused but Georgia runs over. I place her in between me and Leah "so I've been struggling a little ermmm mentally" "WHAT!" I hold Georgia firmly in place "I promise as soon as I noticed I spoke to your mum" "yeah my mum not me" I let G go and take Leah's hands "because I don't want you to stress I want you to enjoy this. So I'm staying in your room at your parents so I'm not on my own and I'm going to speak to someone. I promise Leah I'm absolutely fine." She takes a deep breath "talk to me please" "I'm sorry I haven't been there" "baby your going to win the World Cup I would much rather you do that" "but.." "no buts baby I need to do this on my own but it's not because I don't want you with me it's just I will end up relying on you my love and that then puts a lot of pressure on you. But do you mind if I take you out for a meal and we talk then, I'm a little conscious of everyone around" "yeah sorry I never thought of that" "don't worry about it."

We head out and go to a small restaurant and have ordered food "question game" I look at Leah worried shit I'm in for it "ok" "have your panic attacks started?" "Yes" "how long ago" "4 weeks" "fuck sake Chris" "I know I'm sorry" "have you actually been leaving the flat?" "Yes" "other than for physio" "yes" "to do what?" "Make you proud" "have you spoke to Emily?" "No" "do you plan on speaking to Emily?" "No" "will you think about it?" "No" "for me?" "Fine" "thank you" "I'm just thinking about it doesn't mean I will" "I know but  that's better than what you were 5 minutes ago" "is that the end of the question game?" "Yeah it is" "good" I take Leah's hand "I've missed you Leah but I have been keeping up with the training on instagram and YouTube. I see such a growth in you personally and as a footballer. I'm so lucky I get to call you my girlfriend" "not as lucky as I am to call you mine. What's it like staying at my parent's house?" "Good yeah Jacob never leaves me alone and we play a lot of PlayStation. I hate PlayStation but it's the least I can do and I seem to be doing alright on it though" "what have yous been playing?" "I don't know it's some strategy game not a clue apparently we are nearly done thank god." We finish eating "where are you staying?" "Just the premier in down the road" "good let's go I want to spend the afternoon cuddled up to you" "are you sure you don't want to go out somewhere" "baby I can see how tired you are obviously you aren't sleeping plus I can think of nothing better than being in your arms all afternoon" "I can do that my love."

I pay the bill I am a very firm believer in paying I would not dare allow Leah to pay for a meal, I'm a little bit old fashioned in that sense. We get a taxi back to the hotel and back to my room as soon as we get into the room I pull Leah in for the biggest and most meaningful kiss I have ever given. "Wow" I rest my forehead on Leah's "mhmm" Leah kisses me again, I have missed the feeling of her lips on mine. Leah pulls back "let's lie down" "oooo I love the way your thinking" I wiggle my eyebrows "ermmm for a cuddle" "I'm joking baby it's not like I can do anything anyway I started my period the other day" "hopefully not too bad this month?" "No I think all the medication I was on messed with them a bit" "quite possibly." We lie on the bed and Leah is instantly in my arms and everything is right with the world. Who knows how long we were lying there for before we fell asleep, I wake up and Leah is still asleep so I text Amanda to see if she is up for surprising Leah with tea which she obviously she was so I kiss Leah and she starts waking up "did you have a nice nap my love?" "Always when I'm in your arms" "well I'm taking you out for tea before you have to go to sgp" "does that mean we have to get out of bed?" "It does my love" she sighs "finnneeee." We get up and get sorted before going to the reception area "mum?" Leah looks at me "what the fuck!" Leah hugs Amanda "your mum brought me and has been looking after me so what better way to end the day than a meal" "this really is the perfect end to the day" we head out. "So have you told Leah everything then?" "I certainly have" "good so you're a face to face person" "yeah I just think it's only fair you know. I mean if it's no one important then it can be done over the phone" "fair enough, how did it go meeting the girls?" "Ermm Leah want to tell your mum?" "They pissed me off. So Lucy and Chris had a whole had the bigger muscle contest which I knew was coming with the banter between them but then watching all of the girls run their eyes up and down Chris' body I could of hurt them." "Jealous much Leah?" "No mum it's not jealousy it's disrespectful" "so yeah Amanda that's how it went." We finish eating then take Leah back to sgp before we head back to the hotel.

~Leah's POV~
I go back in to camp after saying goodbye to Chris and my mum. All of the girls are in the movie room "have fun Leah?" "Yeah but I want to say something" "ok everything alright?" "No actually it's, not how disrespectful were you lot to eye up my girlfriend's body like that whilst I'm stood right there. She is not piece of meat she is the woman I love and has been through hell recently and yous all made her feel uncomfortable. Lucy had her top off and none of you stared at her like that so why Chris?" "We're sorry Leah it shouldn't have happened" "no it shouldn't have. I will see yous tomorrow" "are you not watching a movie with us?" "No I'm just going to have a shower then watch something on my laptop" "ok Leah again we are sorry." I go upstairs have my shower then watch my laptop with Chris on FaceTime it is our way of watching a series together whilst away from each other. I look forward to these moments and I look forward to seeing her in the crowd at the matches.

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