Back to reality

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~Leah's POV~
I wake up and Chris isn't in bed which worries me a little because she spent all of last night throwing up but there is no noise from the bathroom. I get up and go downstairs but she isn't here so I go back up and go into the bathroom and there she is on the floor. I run over "Chris? Chris baby wake up" "hmmm no" "baby wake up for me please" "what?" "You're on the bathroom floor what happened?" "I couldn't stop throwing up and must of just fell asleep here" "come on baby let's get you back to bed" "ok." Chris stands up and when she gets into bed she wraps herself in the quilt like a burrito and is shivering "I'm going to get you some paracetamol" "ok." I've never seen Chris unwell and let me tell you I don't like it.

I go downstairs and get some paracetamol "morning Leah is Chris ready?" "Morning Tony. No Chris spent the night throwing up and is currently shivering away in bed she is really unwell" "right ok I think she had a couple of meetings today I will get them cancelled and tell them that Chris will contact them about rearranging" "thank you Tony, I'm going to take these tablets up to her" "ok I will see you tonight Leah" "see you tonight Tony." I go upstairs and Chris is asleep I can't believe I have to wake her up again "baby" "hmm yeah?" "I got you some tablets and some water" "thank you my love" Chris takes the tablets "Tony is going to cancel your meetings for you" "ok thank you" "baby if you need me today just ring ok" "I will be fine my love I promise" "Chris I mean it" "ok I promise."

I finish getting ready for training then give Chris a kiss on the head she is flat out of it "I love you baby." I text my mum asking her to pick Bella up so Chris doesn't have to worry about her then head off to training. When I arrive at training I'm jumped on by Kim, Steph, Beth and Jen "congratulations Leah we are all so happy for you and Chris honestly" "thanks kimmy" "what's up you don't seem happy?" "Oh I am trust me I am, I'm just tired is all" Katie comes up behind me putting her hands on my shoulders "it'll be all that engagement sex" we all laugh "no Chris isn't well she spent the night throwing up" "aw bless her hope she is better soon" "me to Jen" "so are you going to show us the ring?" "Oh yeah here" I show everyone the ring then I see the smile on Steph's face "why you smiling like that I thought you would be the first to want to see it" "hmmm I've already seen it though" "what how?" "Chris asked me to take her to pick it up" "you sneaky Aussie does that mean you knew what she was doing?" "No that part she kept quiet so we need all details." I see Jonas heading towards us "at lunch I will tell yous everything" "hi Leah congratulations" "thank you Jonas" "as exciting as this news is we have training to get ready for."

We head in and get ready for training and head out onto the pitch for drills. We start by warming up then moving onto drills from there. We have a quick 10 minute break so I decide to text Chris to see how she is but she doesn't respond "have you heard from Chris?" Kim is sitting beside me "no I think she might be asleep" "how will being unwell affect her seizures" my eyes must go wide "what?" "Her seizures Kim I fucking forgot about them! Fuck!" I ring Chris over and over and over again but still not getting an answer so I try again "hello?" She sounds weak right now "baby?" "Leah? What's going on?" "Baby how you feeling" "like shit Leah I love you and you know that and I always love hearing from you but why did you ring over and over again?" "Baby have you had any seizures today?" "What? No at least not that I'm aware of. Baby tell me what's going on?" "Baby you've never been unwell and we don't know how it will affect your seizures" "ok but I promise I am fine in that sense" "Leah back on the pitch please" "don't worry I will speak to Jonas" "thanks Kim, baby I need you to keep your phone on loud and I will keep checking in on you" "baby please" "Chris you keep your phone on loud or I'm coming home" "phone on loud read loud and clear baby now get back to training and I'm going to sleep some more" "ok baby I love you" "I love you too baby bye."

I hang up and run back onto the pitch "how is she?" "Not good and not very happy I have told her to keep her phone on loud so I can ring her" "but it's for her own good" "yeah she knows that." We continue to train up until lunch time I do my check on Chris again it takes a couple of times to answer then I sit down for lunch. "Uh hum" I look up and the whole team is stood "can I help you lot?" "We believe you owe us a story" "I did say lunch time didn't I come on then." Everyone pulls up a seat and I go through the entire day with them in detail because she did it so perfectly every detail needs mentioning. A few of the girls have tears in their eyes and everyone is smiling "well I think it's safe to say I speak for all of us when I say our partners have a lot to live up to when it comes to proposing" "she did do amazing didn't she" "you know we always liked Chris she treats you good" "thanks Kim I like her also" we all laugh then head along to the gym.

Leah and her soldierNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ