Leah's birthday

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I wake up early and go downstairs I want to make sure everything is perfect. I put all of Leah's presents in the sitting room and then start cooking breakfast. "Hey Chris" "shhhhh" I whisper "I don't want to wake Leah up just yet" "sorry, what's all this about?" "It's Leah's birthday so I'm just getting everything sorted" "oh yeah that's today" "yeah please don't say you forgot you said you would watch Bella for us because I have booked a night away" "no no, ok yes I forgot but don't worry I'm going to see the bairn I will take Bella with us we are going to the park" "ok phew" "Chris why are you so nervous?" "I just want everything to be perfect that's all" "I'm sure it will be."

I finish cooking pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausages the whole works. I lay it all on the table and Tony starts picking at it so I slap his hand "Oi not until the birthday girl comes down" "how long is that?" "I'm going to go see her now don't touch I mean it." I run upstairs and quietly go into the bedroom climbing on the bed "good morning my love" "hmmm good morning baby" "happy birthday my love, I have a surprise for you downstairs" "thank you baby, is it you naked?" "With Tony down there? Noooo that's tonight I have the whole day planned for you starting now so time to get up" "awww baby noooo" "yes my love this way we can fit everything in I promise you can sleep all day tomorrow" "urgh fineeee." I go back downstairs and let the Arsenal girls in "shhh she is coming downstairs now come this way." We go into the kitchen and they get the party poppers ready. Leah comes downstairs "so ba.." everyone sets their party poppers off "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" "what the fuck" "breakfast with the girls" "uh hum" "your included in that tone" "cheers mate." Leah looks at all of the food laid out "did you do all of this?" "Of course I did my love you deserve nothing but the best, now let's get eating I've already had to stop Tony from eating it" "what it smells amazing." Everyone sits down and Leah comes over and gives me a kiss "thank you baby" "any time my love but come on let's eat."

Once everyone finishes eating I clear up along with Kim, Jen and Lotte. "Thank you for helping" "thank you for cooking" I look over at Leah laughing with everyone and smile "was totally worth it, right baby are you ready for your presents?" Leah gives me a funny look "what presents?" "Ermmm your birthday presents what did you think that this was it?" "I should have known it wasn't" "come with me." I take Leah's hand and walk her into the sitting room where she hits me in the arm "ow what was that for?" "This!" She points to all of her presents "you haven't even opened them yet how do you know it's not just a few small things" "because I know you Christina Taylor" "oh hush and open your presents."

Leah sits down and opens her presents, I got her clothes, trainers, skin care stuff and then she opens the second last present "I'm going to kill you" Leah stands up and starts running towards me" "shit!" I start running away "get back here" "no!" Leah sprints and jumps on me "seriously the Rolex?" "It will look so good on you my love" I turn around and face Leah "baby it's too much" "no it's not Leah I love you more than life and want to give you the world, it's not that £6000 one I promise it was a little less this one is more you" "your so lucky I love you" "I know" I give Leah a kiss and she goes back into the sitting room opening the box "it's beautiful I love it" "just one more to go baby." Leah opens the last present and it is the earrings "oh my god where did you get these?" "I had them made for you" "what is it Leah?" Leah shows everyone the earrings then comes and sits on my knee "baby you are way too much" Leah gives me a kiss.

Once everyone leaves me and Leah get ready and head over to her parents house "hi everyone" "hey bubs happy birthday" "thanks mum" "happy birthday loser" "your the loser" Leah and Jacob start messing about with each other "alright calm down you 2." Jacob has Leah pinned to the floor "what you going to do now Leah? What you going to do?" I know exactly what's going to happen now "baby help me please" yep there it is. I walk over and pick Jacob up off Leah "Jesus Chris your strong" I just laugh and help Leah up "are yous finished now?" "Yeah only because I will win" "I don't need to fight back anymore when I have my big protector here." I have a big cheesy smile on my face a Leah kisses my cheek "get a room." We both laugh and go into the sitting room "so ladies what's the plans for today?" "Yes Chris what do we have planned for today?" "I guess you will find out when it happens won't you" "worth a try." Leah's grandma and grandad arrive and Leah opens all of her presents off her family "are you ladies hungry?" "Oh no thank you Amanda I couldn't eat another thing" "me either mum but thank you" "did you have a birthday breakfast?" "Oh yeah let me show you." Leah sits showing her family the events of this morning and everything she got. "Well Leah you've certainly been spoilt" "I know" Jacob comes and puts his arm around my shoulder "you know it's my birthday soon" "annndddddd" "I also like Rolex's and cars actually" "good luck with that one mate" I laugh "you know you might be my in law one day" "that's the hope mate" "soooo" "so what?" "What you getting me for my birthday?" "A clip round the ear if you don't leave me alone" "Jacob leave Chris alone" "aww man."

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