Date day

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~Leah's POV~
I wake up in Chris' arms thinking back to last night. The way she was looking at me was with love that's the only way I can describe it no one has ever looked at me like that before. But right now I'm lying here just watching Chris sleep she looks so peaceful right now. "Creepy" "there is no way you can see me right now your eyes aren't even open" "are they not so your not smiling right now?" "Wha? Eh how is that possible" she just laughs at me. I climb on Chris straddling her waist so she opens her eyes smiling at me "tell me your secret" "ermmm I'm scared of spiders" "baby that's not a secret we all know that anyways that's not the secret I was talking about" "you really want to know?" "Yes I really want to know" "hmmm, sorry can't tell you" I lean forward kissing Chris moving her arms above her head "please baby" "hmmm I'll have to think about it" "what if I do this" I kiss Chris' neck "hmmm" then there is clicking noises and Chris tries to move her hand "did you handcuff me?" I just smile "where the fuck did you get handcuffs?" "I bought them" "and they just magically appeared?" "I hid them just before" she tries to move her hands again "well played my love now let me out" "but if I let you out then I can't do this" I kiss her "or this" I kiss her neck "mmmm" "or this" I kiss down to her chest taking her nipple in my mouth creating circles causing Chris to moan so I suck on it "fuck Leah" "mhmm" I continue to kiss down Chris' body positioning myself in between her legs kissing the inside of her legs. I hear the handcuffs rattle again making me smile, I'm enjoying this power "baby please" nahhhh I'm not ready yet this is payback for the couple of times she has tied me up I continue to kiss around but not quite touching yet. Ok Chris is getting frustrated so I take Chris fully causing her to cry out. I am taking in as much as Chris as I can inserting my 2 fingers "fuck me" don't mind if I do. I keep going until Chris cries out with her whole body tensing up until it finally relaxes and I go up to Chris' eyeline "ok that was amazing but let me out now please" "hmmm are you sure?" "Yes very sure please baby" "ok." I go into my drawer getting the keys and unlocking the cuffs "are you alright baby?" "Yeah my love more than alright." Chris grabs me flipping me on my back jumping on top of me I laugh "how's your wrists?" "Shhhhh" she kisses me moving to my neck and I moan. Chris continues kissing down my body positioning herself in between my legs and I put my hands in her hair before I know it Chris has taken me in her mouth causing me to cry out. Chris uses her tongue to move up from my entrance up to my clit using her tongue to create flicks and there is constant moans coming out of me until she has me crying out. Chris flops beside me on the bed just smiling at me then starts giving me gentle kisses. Bella runs into the room jumping on the bed barking "damn Bella cock block much" "guess it's time to get up" "ok well I'm going to shower then we are going out for the day" "oooo where we going?" "Date day" "oooo yes."

~Chris' POV~
I jump up and go shower with the biggest smile on my face. I'm in love, I'm madly in love and I have her parents permission to marry her. Leah leaves for camp in 3 days so me mum, Kat and Amanda are going to go ring shopping then. Leah is excited for camp they have a new manager Sarina Wiegman and they are yet to be beaten and Leah has been captain I'm so proud of her "baby are you nearly done?" "Coming out now my love." I get out of the shower wrapping my towel around me "Bella has been fed" "thank you baby I will get dressed then take her out" "ok thank you baby." I quickly get dressed then take Bella out, I'm playing fetch with Bella when Rona runs over "hey Rona and where are your owners?" "Hi Chris" "hey Viv you alright?" "Yeah thanks you?" "Yeah, no Beth?" "No she is still in bed where is Leah?" "In the shower, oooo actually Viv can I ask a favour?" "What is it?" "I'm taking Leah on a date day so if I give you a key could you pop round later and feed Bella then let her in the garden just so we don't have to rush back" "we can take her for the night if you want" "do you not mind?" "No not at all" "thank you" "should we go to yours and I will get her food" "good thinking come on then." We walk back to the house and Leah is in the kitchen making breakfast "hey my love we are back" "hi baby and Viv?" "Yeah Viv has very kindly offered to keep Bella for tonight so we don't have to rush home" "awww thanks vivi" "it's no problem" "right let me just get her food sorted." After giving Viv Bella's food she goes home and I eat my breakfast "so baby what are we doing today?" "We are going shopping, and going for food, andddd going to the theatre" "omg what we going to see at the theatre?" "Lion king there was some seats left near the front so booked them" "baby they would be so expensive" I just give Leah a look "yeah I know that was a stupid statement."

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