Arnold cup final

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"MUM! DAD HURRY UP!" I am standing very impatiently I need to get to the stadium it's cup final day. "Told you Kieth now you get the pleasure of Chris on match day" "it can't be that bad Diane" "come on get in the car. God I wish I could drive myself" "ok nevermind it might be that bad."

We get in the car and dad is driving "has anyone ever told you that you drive like miss daisy dad?" "Oi watch the cheek miss." I just sit in the back quiet for the rest of the journey when we arrive we meet up with Amanda and David "your very quiet today Chris what's going on?" "She got wrong off Kieth for being hyper and has been quiet since" "ohhhh" "are you going to talk to me now Chris?" "Fuck off" "werwww too much kid" "no fuck you football got me through so many hard times so excuse me if I get excited for games." I walk away leaving them to talk and go to my seat. The girls are already on the pitch warming up so that also annoyed me I have match day rituals and watching the warm up is one of them. As the girls go in Leah sees me and blows me a kiss causing me to smile and then goes inside "Chris?" "What?" "We're sorry, we never realised" "no one ever does but then no one ever asks either" "I know and we should of" "just sit down kick off is soon and I've already missed being able to get my drink and warm up I'm not missing kick off" "ok I'm sorry kid."

The teams come out and line up and there she is stood captains armband on about ready to lift a trophy at the end of this match because she will thrash them. Once the national anthems are over the players take position and kick off starts. It's a little bit of a slow start me and Amanda talk strategy and how we could get past defence "how come you are talking to Amanda and not us?" "Ok then dad how would you get past the defence?" "Ermmm run past them" "and that's why." Leah is instructing the team well and once we get the first goal in there is no stopping us just goal after goal goes in our defence are looking bored.

When half time comes I head out for a drink and to use the toilet then head back to my seat "hey kid can we talk?" "Yeah" "me and your mum are really sorry and I was wondering if you would let me listen in on yours and Amanda's conversation I would like to learn more so I can experience what you do and maybe join you?" "Really? Why?" "You don't know this Chris but I have a daughter just younger than you and her mum stopped her from seeing me and now I don't know where she is now. And I guess I just miss her and having you as my daughter now I'm making up for time lost I suppose" "I'm sorry yeah come on sit in between us and I will help you" "thank you." I move across and dad sits down "would you like to find her?" "I would love to but I don't know what has been said." When the team come back out it's time for second half. It's going really well until Leah is taken down "get up baby please get up" she stays down and Amanda's hand is on my arm stopping me from going down there. She eventually gets up with a slight limp but runs it off and I sigh with relief. Leah makes a clearance and it comes straight into the stands so I catch it and shake my head. I throw the ball it back to the pitch and Leah has a smirk on her face. The match continues and Leah is taken down again by the same player "COME ON REF!" "Calm down kid." The player is shown a yellow "SERIOUSLY A YELLOW CARD!" "Chris" "sorry, sorry dad." Leah gets up and takes the free kick and the game gets back underway "you take this very seriously don't you" "football was the only life I had outside of the army and now when Leah goes down it's always a case of please get up don't be injured" "that makes sense kid."

The final whistle blows and me and Amanda go nuts and dad looks at me confused "they've just won the tournament dad" "ohhh that's great" "yeah it is." Amanda pulls me in for a hug "that's our girl" "that it is Amanda." I see mum with a strange look on her face "what's up mum?" "I just wish we could have something in common like you and Amanda do" "music mum we have music and don't worry we will be going to lots of concerts together" I give mum a hug. Leah comes over in our direction with some of the team so I make a heart shape with my hands and she does the same. The team collect their medals and the trophy doing a lap of honour around the pitch before the team find their families and Leah comes over giving Amanda a hug then comes over to me and I give her a tight hug "I'm so proud of you my love" "thank you baby I love you so much" "I love you more baby now go dance around on the pitch and I will see you soon."

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