Friday night/meeting Emily and Kat

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"Please baby don't make me go" "Leah my love you need this" "but I would prefer the movie night with you and Xander" "we will have one tomorrow please baby, please go I'm begging you" "mama why sad" "she's not sad buddy are you mama?" "No not at all bubs" "why don't you go finish watching paw patrol and I will be in soon whilst mama gets ready" "yes mummy." Xander runs off "see baby he's fine and you're going to be fine your going to have the best night" "my best night is with my wife and son" "baby this is the separation anxiety I was talking about baby we need to get out of this before it gets imbedded in us" "what do you mean us your perfectly fine" "that's not fair Leah" "but you are though" "what you don't think I struggled yesterday and today being at work away from you and our son. You don't think I wanted to phone you every second I was gone. You don't think I was tempted to come home because I did Leah so don't for one second think I didn't" I go to walk away but Leah grabs my arm "I'm sorry I didn't know" "it's fine forget about it" "no baby please I'm sorry." Leah steps in front of me "Chris I'm sorry, I will go get ready now, you're right."

Leah goes upstairs and I go into the sitting room "hey buddy how would you like to try some Chinese food with mummy tonight?" "What is it?" "I tell you what I will get us some noodles and rice and chicken and pork" "yeyyy." Leah comes downstairs after some time "oh my, baby you look.." I go over and whisper in her ear "like I will be removing that dress later" "you better be promising me" "oh I am my love" I give Leah a kiss "so what do my 2 favourite people have planned for tonight?" "Mummy getting Chinese" "oh is she now?" "Yep and we are watching Pinocchio" "that sounds amazing" "it does but you spending time with your girls also sounds amazing" "I know I'm meeting them soon" "good" "you will phone me if anything.." "my love nothing is going to happen but I promise you I will phone you, he in good hands with me aren't you buddy" "yes mummy" "see and then one night I will let yous have a night together and I will go out. I don't know where or who with but I'll figure it out" "baby you don't have to do that" "oh I do trust me, Leah I will never put you through something I would not do myself" "you really are the best wife" "and don't forget it so get out there and enjoy yourself." Leah gives both me and Xander a kiss then leaves and I order the food.

~Leah's POV~
I meet some of the girls at the pub down the road "not going to lie Leah we didn't think you would come" "I almost didn't Katie but Chris made me I didn't know leaving Xander was affecting her as much as it was me" "of course it is Leah, Chris as much as she has a tough exterior she is a big softy" "you hit the nail right on the head there Kim and I sometimes forget that" "I think we all do come on then let's get a drink." We go up to the bar and just as I reach the bottom of my first drink I can't take it anymore so I text Chris.

Me- Hi baby how's things going? Xx
Chris - Well let me see Xander likes sweet and sour chicken and char Sui pork and also rice however he won't eat worms because and hold on I need to make sure I get the terminology correct they are 'yucky' xx
I can't help the laugh because I can picture exactly how he said it.
Me - You know I got a picture of exactly how he said that, that's so funny xx
Chris - I'm not going to lie I also laughed, he didn't even try them, noodles btw not worms I'm not feeding our son worms xx
Me - Trust me baby I know, what yous doing now? Xx
Chris - Just finishing tea then going to watch the movie. Baby is everything alright just you've only been gone an hour xx
Me - I miss yous and want to come home xx
Chris - And we miss you my love but you need this now please go enjoy your night. I love you and I'm very proud of you xx
Me - love you too baby xx

I put my phone back in my bag "oh she's back with us" "leave me alone I'm a first time mum and my son didn't exactly have the best start in life" "what is his story?" "His story is Beth he didn't have the best start in life but now he has 2 mummies who love him more than anything" "sorry that came out wrong I'm sorry Leah" "it's fine don't worry about it, I'm going to get another drink." After we drink this drink we go to another bar so I take my opportunity to FaceTime Chris but Xander answers "MAMA!" "Hi bubs, are you and mummy having fun?" "Mama nochio weal boy now" "hey baby who you talking to?" "Mama" "mama's on the phone?" "Yes mummy" Chris takes the phone "hi baby" "hi my love is everything alright?" "YEAH SHE JUST MISSES YOU!!" "Shut up Beth honestly but yes everything's fine I was just seeing how your nights going?" "Well as you can hear Pinocchio was not the best movie choice before bed" Xander is shouting and bouncing around "so he liked it then?" "Oh yes, Leah baby I love you, and you know that but your supposed to be enjoying yourself" "I am baby I promise I am I just wanted to say goodnight to Xander" "I guess I will let you off then, Xander come say goodnight to mama" "mama you put me to bed?" "Not tonight bubs but I will be getting you up in the morning" "yeyyy" "ok bubs I will see you in the morning, have the best dreams" "night night mama wove you" "I love you too bubs goodnight" "right my love I need to get little man to bed" "ok baby I will speak to you later" "see you when you get home my love" "I love you" "I love you too." We hang up and Steph and Jen hug me from either side "are you alright Leah?" "Yeah I just miss them that's all I hate being away from Xander but Chris is making me so I stop struggling" "she's a good woman Leah" "I know but now I need a drink and a distraction before I start crying" "can we ask you questions about him? We found a booth so it is quiet" "yeah I can do that."

Leah and her soldierWhere stories live. Discover now