Meetings meetings and more meetings

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Tony is taking me into work again he's been such a star "do you have everything you need for your flat?" "Yeah just about I've got the bairns bed all my furniture. You know Chris I really appreciate you and Leah letting me stay with yous and letting me have the bairn stay over as well" "it's no bother at all and to be honest watching Leah with Claire was the cutest thing I have ever seen" "she's going to make a great mum one day Chris" "hopefully I don't have to wait to long for that I never used to want kids and now I can't wait to have them."

We arrive at the gym and the staff are busy setting up "guys can I pinch yous for a minute please?" Everyone comes over "look I know I haven't been here much lately and a lot of yous have had a problem with that, just because I'm not here does not mean I'm not working my arse off to make this gym the best. I am always working when at home until all times of the night I am going to get in more but that's not always possible. But if people don't like it then they will be told where the door is, just remember I'm the owner not a manager or anything like that and I hire staff to keep my business running now anyone got any questions?" Everyone shakes their heads "good let's get back to work then."

Me and Tony head into his office "nicely put" "cheers it pisses me off that they think I do nothing for this place when I've been given everything for this place" "I know that Chris remember I currently live with you so I know exactly how much you do." Me and Tony get ready for the first meeting with someone who wants to partner with the gym. It is a fairly new company like mine who make gym equipment. I'm not sure how I feel on that idea but let's see what he is offering. "What do you think this equipment is going to be like?" "I don't know I really like the equipment we have but in reality what harm could this be?" "Do you think he is only interested because you have a famous girlfriend?" "Uh hum fiancé now let's not forget that" we laugh "alright sorry a famous fiancé then" "it is a possibility because the gym has had a lot of interest from other people because of that" "I suppose we will only see."

When we arrive at what seems to be a warehouse we are taken to the office "hi I'm Steven" "hi Steven I'm Chris and this is my gym manager Tony" "it's nice to meet you" "should I start by showing you the equipment?" "Yeah let's have a look." We go downstairs and I have to say I'm not impressed and judging by the look on Tony's face neither is he "so I was thinking we supply you with the machines and you advertise our products on your instagram page and we get a sticker for you front window that says in partnership with" "and what does the gym get out of this?" "Oh erm well" "you know what I will give you time to think about that" "well you would get the equipment" "we have equipment." This makes me smile Tony can be brutal "well we were also thinking that Leah could vid.." my turn "I'm going to stop you there Leah has nothing to do with the gym it is my business and based on what I've seen and the way you have conducted this meeting and the fact that you want to use my personal life to promote your business then we have no business this meeting is over."

Me and Tony walk out "Tony what the fuck am I going to do everyone wants to use my gym to get to Leah or use Leah to promote their business" "I know I love Leah you know I do but I hate that she is famous" "me too mate me too" "I can't believe I wore a tie for this shit" I pinch his cheek "but you look so cute in a tie" "you are like the annoying daughter I didn't have" "now you know how my mum feels" we both burst out laughing. We arrive back at the gym and I have some free time before the next meeting so me and Tony film a work out and post it to our instagram page before having a shower and getting changed. Now a meeting with my supplier for my clothing "hi guys so what's going on?" "The company we get hoodies and t-shirts from have gone bust" "what? So now what?" "We have found a couple of new suppliers so we need to go through the new coatings and need you to see which one you like" "ok then." I choose the clothes and we work out that additional cost and the price rise I will have to do this takes longer than I hope.

Leah and her soldierTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon