My Insane, Cunning Vixen.

By endlessnights1

19.5K 484 38

Viviana Lexington comes from a tough background, I would say the same for Mr. D'Amberiso. He is a mafia leade... More

Back stories (Short Chapter)EDITED
The Talk.
Shopping and Drama.
The Recruitment... And a Sister?
What the actual fuck?
The Recruitment Meeting.
Challenge Pt. 1
Challenge Pt. 2
I love you...
"I love you..." Pt. 2
Funerals and Hospital Visits.
Almost Normal.
New Things
Males and Females
Date Night
Honeymoon Pt.2
Happy Birthday
Love Making
Visiting Mexico Pt.1
Saving a Wedding (Pt.2)

Think Through

57 2 0
By endlessnights1

Gerald's P.O.V)

As we scoured the hallways dodging the guards left and right, I was starting to run out of breath throughout all the running and then crawling. I leaned up against the wall while trying to catch a breath, "Are you seriously out of breath right now?" Frankie asked as he was crouched down and peered around the corners. I flipped him off and then sighed and followed the others as we kept going towards the end, we seen a small gold-plated name plate on the sign, we all agreed that was one of theirs.

We waited for one of the guards to exit into a room and then we ran into the office, what we didn't think through was them being in there. We stood up and then seen guns pointed at us from about eight different people. I looked around and then seen two familiar faces, Victor Karamazov and Dimitry Rostova. I immediately knew we were fucked for good.

They released a deep laugh then walked towards us. Victor had a grin on his face, there were scar markings all over his face and neck. Dimitry had two different colored eyes and a long scar across his neck near his collarbone.

"You boys didn't think this quite through, eh?" Victor laughed out lowly, "I think it's about time we have our meeting Gerald, don't you think?" all of a sudden, I was gripped by my shoulders, and I was sat in a chair then my wrists were tied to the arms of the chair. I sighed and mentally slapped myself in the face. Now realizing who we're up against there's no way Viviana can defeat them.

"How have you little boys been after ghosting us? Is that the word nowadays?" Victor asked us then looked around to his men, shrugging his shoulders. I looked at Jackson who shook his head to not say anything then at Leo who also shook his head. They think they don't know about Viviana. I looked back at them and watched them.

"Look, Victor and Dimitry I'm very sorry I had to cancel our meeting last time, I really am sorry. I had things happen unexpectedly that also needed my attention. This is all a huge misunderstanding, and we can forget this all happened!" I nervously laughed out the last part then I heard Leo and Jackson sigh annoyedly. Dimitry rolled his eyes then sat in the chair across from us and crossing his arms, Victor scoffed and sat down glaring at me.

"We're not stupid Gerald." Dimitry growled out. Fuck don't tell me they know about Viviana.

"We could've been great partners; you'd have your weapons and people like you wanted and we'd have our wants. It could've been simple if you would've showed up." Dimitry said while looking at us. "You wanted my girlfriend; the deal wasn't going to happen regardless until you found a different want! Same for you Victor, we don't run brothels or are a part of the human trafficking ring you know that." after Jackson said that Victor leaned across the table and slapped Jackson across the face.

"Maddie is dead! She died in the crossfire of a shootout! It's fucking Gerald's fault!" Jackson yelled out to them, "Maddie could've held her own! She was trained well! She had Aries, Chris and Viv-" I yelled back then immediately stopped before I finished 'Viviana'. I fucked up. I see the two swing their heads towards me as they grinned, I looked away and sighed trying to avoid eye contact. I looked at Jackson and he had a look of regret.

"Whose name was you going to finish saying Gerry-boy?" Dimitry asked, I shook my head and looked at Leo for help. "Viviana, it was Gerald's girlfriend." Jackson said, I looked at him in disbelief. I can't believe he outed her. "but she died with Maddie in the hospital. Had internal bleeding and no one knew, so she bled from the inside out." Jackson continued, I mentally sighed in relief then put my head down in respect for Viviana's fake death.

"Lies." Victor scoffed as he was now scowling at us, "I don't believe it." Jackson shrugged and sighed, "Look it up she's not even in the database anymore, neither of them. They're dead." Jack had no emotions in his words anymore. Dimitry snapped his fingers and one of his men got on their laptop and then started typing. "What's Viviana's last name?" Victor asked, "Lexington, you can even do Gerald's last name." Leo replied. I was panicking as to why they were exposing her but then I remembered that she seriously isn't in the databases at all.

The computer turned around to face Victor and Dimitry and they scoffed and looked at us, "So you are telling the truth." We all nodded and they leaned back in their chairs staring at us. "It was wrong of you guys to cross us, you know that. So, a beating will be given to you boys, and I want four girls now. And you will give them to us no matter what, especially if you want to live." Victor smirked and I looked at him dumbfounded. How the fuck will I get out of this.

**3 days later**

Viviana's P.O.V)

I was sitting outside rubbing my stomach as I was brainstorming other ways on how to find them. Me and his parents could only find a couple of things, but nothing serious enough to make moves.

"Viviana! There are people here to see you!" Karter called out from the patio doors, "Coming!" I yelled back. I rocked myself a bit to get a jump on up off the bench. I made my way back inside the house and went to the foyer and seen a group of familiar people. I smiled when I recognized it was Ariana and Seth Santos and their gang.

"Oh my god! Hi!" I hugged the both of them then smiled at the rest of them. "Mrs. D'Ambersio, nice to meet you again!" Seth smiled and nodded towards me. "Stella, Karter, thank you so much for the hospitality and letting us meet at your home!" Ariana's father Jared held Stella's hand then kissed it and shook Karter's hand. The two nodded and excused themselves then walked upstairs, I led them all to the dining room and we sat at the table.

"Is everything okay? I hope it's not anything bad, I'm currently dealing with a very bad situation on my end." I laughed nervously and looked at Ariana then Seth. They both smiled and Ariana leaned forward on her elbows, "We have received a call from Jackson, that's who called right?" Ariana said then asked Seth who nodded. "Jackson called us, at first we weren't sure who he was until he said his name. I assume you know they were taken by the Russians, Victor and Dimitry?" Seth asked me and I nodded, I quickly excused myself and ran to the living room grabbing my files. I sat back down at the table and laid them out, "Yes. I found these in Gerald's office, I could only find that they were in Sevastopol, Russia. And their wants were very out of hand. But one of the men, uhh Maxim Popov, he's actually missing." I told them as I slid them closer to the others.

Jared took Maxim's file then examined it then showed his Leo and he nodded. Ariana and Ramona were looking at Victors, as James, Seth, and Persephone were looking at Dimitry's and looking at other files concerning them. "Who's all in Russia? As far as Jackson told me it was only Gerald, him, Leo, and Frankie." Seth stated while folding the files. "My girls, they're the capos of my mafia. I don't know where they are, not even sure if they're with the guys to be quite honest." They all nodded, and I sighed, "Why'd they call you? Like for what reason? Why didn't they call me or Stella?"

"Well if we're being honest the phone call was really weird." Ariana laughed a bit as she pulled her phone out and played the video of the phone call between Jackson and Seth.

Jackson: Hey man you still have those girls you were selling right?

Seth: Excuse me? Who is this?

Jackson: It's me Jackson *laughs* I still had that favor to call in after from helping you get the three girls from Mexico remember?

Seth: Ohh Jackson, uh yeah, I got the girls, what are their names? Need it so I can cross them off the roster.

Jackson: Yeahh let me get Aribella, Rowen, and Sephinie. And then the one girl that's in Greece right now, with uh Karter, what's her name again?

Seth: Oh are you talking about Veronica?

Jackson: Yes! Can you bring them to the Pulkovo Airport in Sevastopol, Russia? They're already paid for so no worries!

Seth: Yeah, I can deliver them. We'll be there in four days, be there at five pm.

"He sounded so weird and stressed." I said while Ariana ended the video. Seth nodded, "I was confused with the names in the first part until I caught onto what he was saying. You're our Veronica." Seth smiled and collected all the files and slid them back to me. I looked towards Jared and Leo, "You guys were studying Maxim's file pretty hard, what do you know?" I asked and Jared sighed,

"Me and Leo actually knew Maxim back in the day, hell so did Ariana's mother; Evangeline, we all went to school in Italy together. Maxim was the don of the Russian mafia at the age of eighteen. He didn't want to be in the mafia, so he was trying to find ways to escape it. About a little over twenty-five years ago he went missing, some say he faked his death, or some say he was killed and so that's why his two nephews, Victor and Dimitry took over." Leo nodded then looked at Jared and smacked his arm a bit causing Jared to give him a dirty look, I smiled as it reminded me of Gerald and my Leo.

"Remember that guy who showed up to the estate fifteen years ago? We were confused as to how he got past the gates because the passcode was only known by us, and a few others and it was the year we graduated in the Greek calendar. And he knocked on the door and called us by name, he even knew Evangeline, and no one knew of her." Leo was staring at Jared and then it was all turning in our heads, "You don't think that was Maxim, do you?" I asked them and they looked at me. Jared quickly pulled out his phone and then was typing in things then he tapped a few things. He put the phone on the table then pressed speaker.

It rang for a few then the call was answered.



"Jared? You saved the paper I gave you..."

"Maxim you escaped! I'll explain things later, but we need your help!"

"No, I'm done with that life Jared, I left for good reasons. You of all people should understand."

Jared sighed and looked away then stared at the phone.

"Maxim, I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't serious, Ariana could be in danger, as well as Persephone. There's another mafia involved. Gerald D'Ambersio's Mafia, his wife's here with us and she's carrying his two boys, they're the heirs of their mafia Maxim."

"Is Ariana and Persephone okay now?"

"Yes, but that isn't the point, you risked your life for them once, what's once more? For old times' sake?" Jared laughed sheepishly.

"*sigh* Text me the place I'm meeting you."

The phone call ended there. I smiled and was shocked at what played out before me. I looked at Jared and Leo who looked happy and excited, then the other five looked confused especially Ariana and Persephone. Jared stood up and sighed, "Since we've wasted our three out of four days, tomorrows the big trip to Russia. We all have a good night's sleep to catch."

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