Twisted Ties///BloodMoon Amne...

By perildeath

20.8K 958 1.5K

The BloodMoon twins find everything change in the spam of one hour, how? Sun hitting them in the head with a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Wendigo Drawing
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Halloween Art!
Wow !
Stupid doodles
Quick Character Analysis or something
He's Goofy


246 13 18
By perildeath

Not this au, but yeah

"Hey" he said softly as he walked into his room, the twins clutch a pillow back to him. He walked over sadly and sat down next to them, he could tell they were trying to ignore him. "You good?" he asked them, he heard them sniffle and watched them clutch the red pillow closer. He looked around the dull room and realized, he really needed to clean and decorate it, but that's for later. Right now all he cares about was calming the twins down at least a little.

He puts his hand on their back gently and they flinched and relaxed sniffling harder, they still tried to ignore him and Sun rubs their back gently. They sniffle and hug the pillow closer and Sun hugs them close lovingly, he wanted them to calm down and be happy again but he knew he couldn't rush it. His rays twitch and he smiles at BloodMoon softly and hugged them closer, they squeak softly at the hug. He watched them sniffle again, it looked like they had been crying and it made him sad that his little Sunshine's had been crying.

"Hey hey, shhh" he said softly and they whimper softly and look at him with puffy eyes, should he have left them alone? He didn't know but maybe it wasn't the best idea on his part, they looked at the floor refusing to look at him, but they still looked comforted by his presence. They said nothing and Sun wiped their tears and hugged them even closer.

"Shhh, it's okay" he said softly but his tone dropped slightly when he swore he saw something black in a corner in the room. He stared at it, squinting. It was in a shadowed corner, so he couldn't really tell if it was actually there or a trick of the light. He looked at it closer and swore he saw something white, but then he blinked and it disappeared. 

A little unnerved he went back to the twins and said to them softly, "hey, you two hungry?" he knew they liked food, they looked up at him and nod slightly, Sun smiles "peanut butter and nutella sandwich?" their eyes lit up, they LOVED nutella but Sun kept them away from it because well, it was a little much in the well sugar.

He was very weary on what he gave the twins actually, Skittles are fine sometimes, but he didn't like giving them a lot of sugar, which Is hard to avoid because literally everything has sugar in it, seriously he saw sugar in pasta once, at this point sugar might as well be sprinkled on the floor everywhere, it wasn't really good for them to have large amounts of it.

So they jumped at the idea of a nice nutella treat, "nutella!"they cheered, they still looked a little sad but they looked like they were ready for food. BloodMoon say "we'll go back to being depressed later!""Yeah! Time for food!" Okay, at this point Sun isn't even going to ask. He walked to his little "kitchen" spot and rummaged through some stuff. 

The twins excitedly squeal happily and wipe the tears off their face and chant "nutella! Nutella! Nutella! Nutella!" Sun swore, they could go from very sad and horrified to very excited for food in about five seconds, which now that he thought of it, may be a bad thing. He's not saying it's bad to love food and get excited about it, he's saying it's bad that they seem to suddenly snap from sadness to excitement quickly like it had never happened or the other way around.

One moment they're happy and bubbly and the next moment they look like they want to fist fight god and shove them into a locker or something, a good example was with the whole scavenger hunt thing. They were jumping up and down in excitement and in the next moment they looked incredibly angry and annoyed and called Moon a moron.

Could just be because they're weary of Moon like they said, scared of him. They obviously don't like him and the last thing they'd want is to work together with them, but still. The mood swing was very... fast.

"NUTELLA!" They screamed and Sun jumped out of his thoughts and took out some bread and the legendary food, netella. He also took out some peanut butter, he quickly made the sandwich and gave it to them, they chowed down on it and Sun sighs slightly concerned from the mood swings.

He looks over into the corner and again, saw something there. His heart hammered and he ran over to try and get the thing out but he hand struck the wall and was gone, he shook his head as he tried to calm himself down. It's probably nothing- the twins look up and BloodMoon asked with a mouth full of sandwich "why'd you attack Fate?" they ask and Sun's head snapped towards them.

Moon's diary entries flashed through his head and he asked "what?" they look at him and shrug "dunno, you just charged her!"  Sun yelped "HER?! What are you talking about?!" the twins jumped and looked confused "don't you see her often? She's nice!" Sun was very shaken now, he remembered a couple months ago where they were staring at a ant and the Moon burst in yelling about a entity.

They said it was a black being.

"No, I don't see her!" he said and they had a 'huh' face. Has this thing been around the BloodMoon twins for almost a year?! And he didn't know?! This was every dads worst nightmare, wait no every parents worst nightmare. They say "uh, she's nice" they said and Sun stared blankly at them "nice?" he asked. He hoped to god this thing wasn't some kind of sick predator, "yeah!" they said.

The diary entries were still flashing in his head. "Is that so...?" he asked, he wasn't sure which one was the good one, Fate or Star? Moon had showed Fate as a bad person in the diary entries but Star had clearly showed signs of manipulation. "Yeah!" BloodMoon said nomming the sandwich with his twin. 

Sun felt a shiver go down his spine, the idea of the twins hanging out with this being and him not knowing about it was terrifying. "Sunshine's-" he said and was cut off by them saying "you don't need to be scared of her! She's very nice and caring!" but how did they know it wasn't a act?

His trust issues and concerns were really kicking in now, he knew Moon wasn't right in the head when he wrote the diary entries but still, they were all he knew about this...Fate. 

"Fate please appear!" they said "you gotta meet our dad already! Plus, he already saw you! Why weren't you invisible?"  a few moments pass and Sun screamed loudly when a black being popped in the middle of the room beside him, he screamed more and grabbed the twins and held them close and threw a book at it, it was all he could think of doing in the situation. Before the being could react, it got hit in the head with a book. 

It made a hissing sound and said in a soft voice "seriously?! Uncalled for! I didn't even have time to say hippo before you launched a book at my head!" the soft voice was obviously raised and annoyed by this fact. Sun huddled in a corner clutching the twins closer and more protectively "BACK OFF!" he screamed.

He was terrified out of his mind and the twins struggled their hands out of his arms so they could eat the sandwich. Wow. 

The being sighs "ow, I have no idea why my reaction time was so bad there, hi Sun" IT KNOWS MY NAME! HELP HELP! Sun practically screamed mentally as his heart thumped faster and faster, yeah his trauma could not take this. 

The being seemed to notice this and said softly while putting it's whispy hands up "hey, I mean no harm!" they were almost made of this black fog yet it seemed physical at the same time. It was really weird, it looked at him with one giant white eye, it seemed incapable of closing like a snake so it's pupil seemed to be one of it's only ways of facial expression. 

Sun watched the being closely, he didn't trust it. It knew his name, how did it know his name?! Sun was now really agitated by how sound proof these walls were, no doors open, no one can hear anything. His screams could not be heard if this being attacked, the only reason why Moon's static attacked everyone outside was because the door was open.

He stared at it with a wide eye, his unbroken rays were shrunk into his head, the broken ones however were having a malfunction and twitching out of control, this happens sometimes when he's agitated scared. His breathing was quicker then it should be and he huddled in the corner, "hey hey hey!" the being said it's body seemed a weird mix of physical and gas. It raised it's black hands more trying to seem as least threatening as possible.

Sun was not buying, this was some unknown being. He didn't like it. The twins protest as he squeezed them tighter and stared at the being in pure distrust, the BloodMoon muttered "honest, we should have expected this" "not wrong there" Sun glared at the being ignoring their slightly rude comments. 

"Who are you" he said, it was less of a question and more a demanding order, the being did what Sun guessed was it's equivalent of an eyebrow raise. "Fate" his heart thumped way more it made him dizzy. He had guessed the answer already, he just wanted to know for sure. "W-w-will you j-j-j-just go-go?" he stammered shrinking back more into the corner as it stood there.

It didn't seem threatening, but his FazBear trauma and the fact it was in his room was scaring him. "Sorry buddy, no can do" it said "names Fate, I'm a deity of the universe, a creation god long story short" Sun stared at it, he knew it was a god from the whole diary entry thing, but a creation god???!!!

It blinked it's... pupil...? At him, he is stunned into silence and it said, "I've been looking after your little bean boys-" and Sun hissed "YOU'VE BEEN STALKING THEM?!" Fate sighs "no, I've been looking over them-" "SO STALKING!" Sun just completely forgot he's talking to a creation god and full on goes angry and protective dad mode.

Fate luckily didn't seem to care and seemed to understand his behavior and slight disrespect, "no, not stalking" she said in her soft voice "watching over them, making sure they don't suddenly explode the universe" Sun says in a dumbfounded voice "wat-" and Fate said "I know what I said" Sun stared incredulous and the twins keep eating the sandwich not caring about what's happening at all. 

Sun shook his head deciding that this being was lying and glared at it "nice try, leave" he said in a harsh tone, Fate sighed "no can do, gotta make sure Star doesn't get to them" Star- no, stop. It needs to leave. 

"I said get out" he said clutching the twins tighter, they squeak and protest but eventually settle down and eat the sandwich. Fate asked politely "is there anything I can do to show my trustworthiness? I have no intent to hurt you or the bean boys" Sun said not at all polite "oh okay, you can leave" talk about disrespecting a creation god, jeez. 

Fate gave a 'dude seriously' face and the Sun swore he saw the twins mouth "you saw the trust issues and trauma he went through" and she groans but seems to understand even before that. "Okay" she said "but I will not stop watching you sons" Sun gave a disgusted look "you are not stalking my sons-" Fate sighs "that came out wrong, I mean I will not stop protecting your sons" Sun hissed "I protect them enough, I don't need some dark shadow demon thing watching over them!" he clutched them protectively in the corner.

"Okay, I can assure you I am not a demon" Fate said "if anything, my twin is the demon" Sun noticed it sounded slightly sad but quickly hid it, he stared at it. "Okay, so please calm down" Fate said softly "I do not mean any harm, I just gotta make sure this dimension doesn't come to any harm, if this dimension goes down the entire multiverse does" what? Sun stared not understanding and Fate sighed "i'll explain more later" the twin finish the sandwich happily.

Sun still did not trust the being at all, but his heart rate slowed a bit when he saw it wasn't hurting him or his babies. He stared at it and it says "so, yeah... you're talking to a god" Sun stared at it and simply blinks. He really needs time to process everything this being just said, he talked to god? Nah, this is some sick joke right?

If not.

Why does so much happen in my life?

He just stares ahead, he starts to feel dizzy and Fate whispers to BloodMoon "is he gonna pa-?" they say "yep" just as Sun falls face first onto the floor crushing them. The twins curse, something Sun would not at all approve of, and escape from being crushed. Fate just has a 'welp, that is a understandable reaction' face and the twins stared and BloodMoon said "at this point we should tape pillows to his head or something" "yeah" Sun is out cold on the floor.


Fate was not gonna at all blame Sun for passing out like that, he's  been through so much and all the sudden I appear and go 'oh and I'm a creation god!' and he was also freaked out about his and the BloodMoon twins safety. Poor guy, Fate had seen a lot worse than what Sun had to go through but that didn't make it any better, it still affected him. 

She really missed her brother, or at least the old him. Less vengeful, corrupted with anger, and hungry for power, he used to be so nice- NO, not now Fate. Fate shook her head and spawned a piece of paper only to crumble it up for no reason and toss it gently at the twins head. They turned and asked "why?" and she shrugged "no idea" she can be quite impulsive for a creation god. 

They look irritated and threw it back, she teleported out of the way and teleported it back and threw it back at them gently. They dodged "hey! That's cheating!" she smirked amused "and?" they pouted "it's unfair that you can just poof out of the way!" Fate chuckled when they said poof and turned to Sun out cold on the floor and said "we should probably get him on the couch" "yeah" Fate deciding not to waste energy power on such a stupid task as dragging Sun's body to the couch (says the guy who teleported away from crumbled up paper,) she helped BloodMoon pick Sun up and put him on the couch.

"Welp, hopefully he'll wake up soon" she said and the twins nod "yeah, agree" she sighs tiredly, "got a lot of work to do kiddo, see ya" the twins wave "bye! :D" and she teleported off to wherever she needed to be.

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