Twisted Ties///BloodMoon Amne...

By perildeath

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The BloodMoon twins find everything change in the spam of one hour, how? Sun hitting them in the head with a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Wendigo Drawing
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Halloween Art!
Wow !
Stupid doodles
Quick Character Analysis or something
He's Goofy


222 16 61
By perildeath

"W-what?" the twins asked confused and Sun repeated "you" he hugged them closer to his side, the twins looks and confused and Sun sighed "you.. weren't always who you are now..." he felt nervous to tell them this, what if it changed how they saw him?! But he pressed down those thoughts and they looked nervously instantly "dad... that sounds very ominous..." Sun sighs "you know how Moon got rewired?" they nod nervously.

He saw them fidgeting with their fingers and said "well.. in a way the same thing happened to you, just differently" they looked surprised "what?!" Sun nods "yeah, you have amnesia, your past life is forgotten by you" they look shocked and horrified into silence and Sun said "Moon forced me to take care of you, i'm not sure if you remember but you used to always try and eat rocks like Moon" he chuckles.

"But I want you to know, this amnesia did you good" Sun said and they shriek "HOW-?!" and he said "you killed many" he felt very nervous saying this, he hoped to god they don't take this horribly, he understood if they didn't take it good (he'd hope they'd take it bad,) but still, he hoped they didn't take it horribly. They blink at him "what...?" Sun said "you killed and hurt many..." the twins stared at him with wide, shocked, and horrified eyes.

"W-w-we..?" they stammered and  Sun snuggled them and said "but I want you to know, that wasn't you, that was the old you. You are beautiful and adorable, your caring" he said softly, they look at him in disbelief "wait... so, how did we lose our memory in the first place?!" yep, they clearly forgot that I said I hit them in the head with a frying pan.

"Well..." he chuckled awkwardly, how do I say this without making them go into panic mode? "Erm, you were attacking a uh... child-" they squeal "WE WERE WHAT-?!" "and me being a daycare attendant and just happening to have a frying pan from when me and Lunar burned pasta, don't ask, I uh... smashed It over your head to save the child" he still felt a bit of guilt from that, but not much. 

"You... you hurt us...?" they looked shocked and Sun nodded "you were trying to kill the child, I did what I needed to do to protect it, and then it turned out you had amnesia and you kept asking me questions and believe me, I was shaken from that" the twins shrank back to seem small.

"W-w-w-we tried to hurt a child...? Dad- wait are you even our dad?!" they asked in a hurt and nervous tone, Sun nervously said "I... I adopted you after some time of taking care of you, I cared for you as a son" the twins sounded shaken "w-w-w-we were adopted...?" it was clear they didn't remember much of their early life (aka after the hit) and probably only remembered tidbits of it. 

"Yes, I adopted you" he said softly and they look at him in shock "wait- but are you even my dad then-?" Sun cut them off "yes, of course, I adopted you-" they asked "but dad, who's our real dad?! WHY ARE YOU KEEPING THAT FROM US!?" Sun jumped and gulped, "your creator, he was a really bad man, don't ever try to find him, he may hurt you or heck, kill you" the twins hiss "but how do we know if we can trust you!? YOU HID THIS FROM US!" Sun jumped again heart shattering.

"I hid it from you because I was scared to tell you, you were so happy and so innocent. I care for you dearly with all my heart, I decided to wait for a time where you needed to know-" Sun was cut off and the twins yell "WE ALWAYS NEEDED TO KNOW!" They tried to push away from him, they were not taking this well and it shattered Sun's heart. 

"I-I-I know, I was just waiting for the right time I guess..." he said softly "hey, stop. We still need to talk, okay Sunshine's?" they glare at him angrily and stopped struggling, Sun took a deep breath "your creators name was William, Willam Afton to be exact (yes, he's part of this story, shhhhh)" the twins eyes widened, they've heard of that guy before. 

"Wait... isn't that the guy that killed children and stuffed them in animatronic suits...?" they asked, Sun frowned "now now, how do you know that?" they said "Lunar" ugh, of course Lunar went 'hello kiddos! There was a crazy guy that murdered children and stuffed them in a robot suit!' "O-o-oh, umm, okay" he stammered a little caught of guard from that and they said "but why'd he make us?" they asked nervously, Sun blinks and said "um, to kill" the twins face turned to shock "THAT'S IT?!" they shrieked and Sun nodded sadly.

 The twins were silent, shocked and Sun hugged them. They stiffened and looked unhappy about it but didn't do anything to stop it. "Sunshine's, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner" they fidget with their finger, probably trying to process and Sun said softly "but I want you to remember, don't follow your past selves footsteps, you don't have to. You are a new person than before, you have more of a purpose than to hurt people, you care for people, you help people, keep it that way, okay?" they nod looking nervous.

He said softly "do you need time to process?" they nodded silently and he smiled softly at them trying to seem as caring and understanding as possible and hugged them "okay, you know where to get me when you need me" he said softly while getting up and they looked pretty shaken, but also looked like they wanted to be left alone.

He left the room and shut the door gently and sighs, hope to god everything will end up okay with them. He walks to Lunar's room, he really really hoped.

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