Twisted Ties///BloodMoon Amne...

By perildeath

19.7K 901 1.5K

The BloodMoon twins find everything change in the spam of one hour, how? Sun hitting them in the head with a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Wendigo Drawing
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Halloween Art!
Wow !
Stupid doodles
Quick Character Analysis or something
He's Goofy


310 12 41
By perildeath

Sun was entertaining the twins, making sure they didn't cause problems while also keeping his sound sensors out for even the slightest sound that isn't supposed to be there. "Dad Dad!" BloodMoon cried and Sun turned to them "yeah?" "The ground is rumbling!" that's not concerning at all "It's what?" the twins say "the ground is rumbling!" oh god, should we get under a table or something?!

Sun's rays perked, trying to pick up the vibrations and sure enough, there was a faint rumbling, but it quickly stopped. Instantly, Sun's anxiety is on spike, why? We were deep under the ground, but also because he really had to strain to hear it while the twins just heard it easy peasy.

Weird... really really weird... "erm, okay..." he said trailing off but the twins much to his alarm jump on top of a nearby bookcase, which he was thankful to have cause he likes reading stuff, and crouch there. Sun tried to grab at them "DOWN!" they look at him confused and saw a certain decorative vase, Sun knew that look. 

"No" he said sternly, he watched their hand slowly reach for it "NO" he hissed trying to stop them but they smacked the vase and before Sun could react, it smacked the floor with a crash. A loud earsplitting crash, his rays went back, he was very very mad.

He looked at the twins, they looked annoyingly satisfied with their actions. He swore they are like an cat sometimes, always knocking stuff about. "You two, DOWN" Sun snapped and they flinched and crawled down like a little gremlin, they clearly didn't like him mad. They looked ashamed because well, Sun was mad.

Sun growled "okay you two, time out corner, NOW" he watched them sit in the corner and sulk, he was glad they listened. Sun growled and looked around the room for a broom, nothing. He cursed and suddenly someone knocked at his door, he jumped and his head snapped towards the door. Rays back, Sun shakily opened the door and there, there was a tall robot. It looked like a galaxy themed anthropomorphic cat.

It was black with large ears, its body was speckled with little glowing white stars. It had a tail with a little crescent moon at the end and its fur was thick and floofy. Sun had the most goofy and most stupid ':0' face going on, and he really wasn't sure why.

Pretty- wait what the heck, Sun bad Sun bad, focus! Sun snapped out of whatever that was and said "w-w-what are you doing here?" and now why am I stammering?! "Oh!" the animatronic said in a cheerful tone, it sounded sweet, calming, "I just wanted to know if you were okay! I heard a crash" Sun blinked and nervously stammered "o-o-oh, I'm f-f-f-fine!" he stammered and the giant robot peeked over his shoulder, must be a pain being that tall, he had to duck under the door cause he was a 9'2 and this robot was about, uhh. 

Sun proceeds to do a quick scan, 11'4. Jeez... erm. Sun, not being used to being towered over because normally he's one doing the towering over, felt a bit intimidated. "Erm, um" Sun stammered stupidly sounding like a big moron and the animatronic said "aw jeez! Vase break?" Sun is stuck silent, for some reason he found himself having a hard time talking.

He felt that somehow he'd embarrass himself, and his words were caught in his throat, he has not really had this problem before this robot came along. He just really didn't want to be stupid in front of this animatronic for some reason, he choked out "um, yeah, e-er" the animatronic chuckled "your a shy one huh? Say, I like your design!" Sun felt his heart flutter for some reason at that compliment.

"I- Um, you, um, thanks- thanks- yeah" Sun was kicking himself at how much of a moron he sounded in front of this robot for some reason, he also swore his face was warmer than it should be.  He was really starting to freak out, "well, you need help?" the robot asked and Sun stammered like an absolute moron "b-b-b-broom!" he wanted to slam his face on a desk.

WHY AM I STAMMERING?! "Broom?" the robot asked, Sun realized he didn't know it's name or gender, oof "u-u-u-um, c-can I have your um, na-name?" maybe once he knows their name he'll be able to guess their gender, the cat animatronic said cheerfully "Galaxy!" okay, never mind, this'll be awkward "erm, uh, I uh-" Galaxy cut him off "I'm a boy by the way! Yeah, people often have a hard time guessing my gender!" Boy? Sun nods awkwardly, heart doing little flips.

He was pretty sure he was dying.

There was no other explanation. 

He was dying.


Sun shook his head and tried to talk, more stammering "o-o-oh cool! Erm-" god, this animatronic looked so pretty for some reason, it was distracting him a lot more than it should be. Much to his surprise, the animatronic patted his head, his touched rays shrunk in and out at contact with each pat. 

He felt his face grow even warmer and he struggled to get away and Galaxy chuckled "heh, sorry, I'm quite impulsive, I wanted to know if your rays could shrink" Sun stammered "I-you- I-" more mentally kicking himself. "Well, follow me!" much to Sun's alarm Galaxy grabbed his hand and dragged him outside into the crowd of humans.

NO! MY SAFE ROOM! Sun was practically paralyzed, h-he grabbed my hand-! poor Sun is so confused by his own feelings. He quickly snapped out of it and yelped "where-where a-are you t-taking me?!" Galaxy said practically dragging him "the broom closet-! Oh frick, sorry" he let him go and Sun rubbed his wrist. For some weird reason, he was disappointed he let go. NO BAD SUN BAD.

Something is wrong with his systems, has to be! His face if it could be would have been red as a tomato, something about this robot made him feel so flustered and shy at the smallest of things, Galaxy awkwardly chuckled "oh um, sorry! I get excited, were here anyway!" Sun blinked and his rays twitched.

Why was that chuckle weirdly cute-? NO! NO NO! SUN BAD! Galaxy chuckled "you gonna get a broom or-?" Sun snapped out of his thoughts and instantly walked to the broom closet, he tripped over his own feet and the Galaxy grabbed his hand and steadied him "you good?" Sun stammering and blushing "you- um- erm, thank you!" he said still sounding like a moron.

He and Galaxy grabbed a broom and a dust pan, they rushed back to the room. Sun tried his best to ignore Galaxy's and the humans existence, he was really really failing. He rushed into his room and when Galaxy was in he slammed the door. He saw the twins sitting in the corner with a 'ya good dude?' face.

Nope, Sun is pretty sure he is dying. 

"I-I-I-I, lets uh, sweep!" Sun stammered and Galaxy nodded  and they began to work on the mess of glass shards that were once a vase. They swept it up and Sun is having a hard time focusing on the task, his mind was a mess and he had no idea what was going on with it. In a short summary it was like this, Galaxy, Galaxy, Galaxy, pretty! Galaxy! Ooooohh! Bushy tail! He clutched the broom tighter trying to focus and Galaxy kept sweeping nearby silently.

He really wanted to know what was going wrong in his systems, what if Jack did something to him?! Sun's heart lurched at the idea, no no no, focus on cleaning, clean first then ponder. He ground his teeth together as he tried to focus, he continued to sweep the glass shards. He jumped when Galaxy said curiously "how'd this even happen?" Sun's rays did a full 180 around his head as stammer "t-twin, bean- knock over- cats-" what the actual frick is wrong with him? 

"We have cats?" Galaxy asked and Sun shook his head and shakily points at the twins "th-they knock- It- over" Galaxy had a 'oooohhhh!' face and Sun was relieved that he somehow understood his flustered gibberish. Galaxy helped Sun sweep the remaining shards, he swept them up quickly, with a tiny bit of struggle due to his large size and small broom.

Sun was relieved they were standing on concrete and not carpet, cause trying to get glass out of carpet would suck. He got distracted by Galaxy's bushy long tail but quickly shook his head and asked/stammered "w-w-where- we put- glass?" Galaxy yawns "follow me!" we carefully carried the glass to a trash can.

They dumped it in gently and carefully and Sun looked at Galaxy with wide eyes like he was god and said "we-w-well thank you for the help!" yay! That was the most understandable sentence he's said this entire conversation and experience! "Your welcome!" Galaxy said sweetly, smiling cheerfully. More heart fluttering, "oof! I gotta go do something!" Galaxy yelped probably mentally checking the time "you know your way back right?" Sun nodded slowly with a dumbfounded and distracted face. 

He was hardly listening, Galaxy ran off and the question finally processed in Sun's mind and he realized, he didn't not know his way back. "W-w-wait!" he yelled but Galaxy it turns out is a very fast runner, he looked around. Welp, Sun just stands their dumbfounded by his behavior and sudden stupidity. 

Random stupid doodles from me

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