By MimieLover

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WHAT would you do when you fall in love with an unexpected person and at unexpected time? Zhang Rounan, he ha... More



122 2 2
By MimieLover

WEI Ting was resting inside the tent when he heard the loud giggling at outside. He just finished shooting a fighting scene, where his team managed to track and take down a group of drug dealer. He did not get any good sleep for the past three days because of tight shooting schedules. Right now, he desperately needed a nap to recharge his body.

"OMG! Have you guys seen Zixin's interview last night? Zhang Rounan definitely one of the luckiest girls alive," the girls at outside were being so loud. Luckily those girls were only passing by his tent, so their loud annoying voice gradually faded away.

"Interview?" Wei Ting quickly reached his phone and started searching for Zixin. The promotional season for Zixin's new drama, The Moon and The Stars, had started and the production team was holding the premier meeting last night. The interview had become a trending and the top search overnight. Wei Ting found the video. It was twenty minutes video of Zixin's solo interview.

Interviewer: Okay, Lee Zixin. I just found out that 'The Moon and The Stars' took almost 5-6 months to finish its shooting and after that you continued shooting another drama. With the extremely tight schedules, what do you wish to do right now?

Zixin: I just wish I could have a meal with my girlfriend. (laughed shyly)

Interviewer: Wah, such a sweet boyfriend!

Zixin: I mean, with our hectic and tight schedules, we seldom see each other now. We only talk to each other over the phone or video calls. I almost finishing with my current drama, while Rounan just started shooting her latest drama few weeks ago.

Interviewer: You mean the drama with Chan Wei Ting?

Zixin: Yes.

Interviewer: Okay, this one is quite tricky question. It's a common knowledge that Zhang Rounan and Chan Wei Ting are close to each other. Rounan once had said that she is the fans of Chan Wei Ting. So how do you feel when some of people outside are wishing for Zhang Rounan to end up with Chan Wei Ting?

Zixin: Wow. It was definitely a tricky one. Erm, what I can say, I can't control what people think or wish for. Wei Ting Ge is really an amazing guy. I had met him few times previously and it is very hard not to like him. What I can say, I'm truly happy for Rounan because she can act beside her idol once again and I will support her until the end.

The video irked Wei Ting until he had to stop watching it. What a good liar Zixin was. It was difficult not to like Zixin because he was such a sweet talker. Wei Ting clenched his fist, thinking of punching Zixin if he ever encountered him in the future.

"People around will keep asking Rounan about Zixin when she comes later. Poor her," Wei Ting started to worry about Rounan. This morning, she had no scene to shoot. So, she would only come to the set tonight.


ROUNAN came to the set with the bright smile on her face. She even bought the foods for the whole team. Everyone thought that Rounan was being generous because she was happily in love with Zixin. She once again had become the luckiest girlfriend, and girls around China were envied of her. Lee Zixin was not only a handsome guy, but little did people know that he actually came from a rich family. Zixin had always preferred to keep his family away from the limelight.

"Look how bright and wide Zhang Rounan's smile right now. The girl is crazy in love right now," one of the senior actresses was teasing Rounan.

"Is that really obvious?" asked Rounan before she took the empty seat beside Wei Ting.

"Wei Ting Ge, I brought the radish cake, you favourite snack," Rounan just put the cake on the table and continued chatting with other co-stars. She did not pay much attention to him since she arrived here. She was too engrossed with Zixin's viral interview, clearly pleased when people around endlessly praising her 'ex-boyfriend'.

'Wait! Looking at how happy she is, are they getting back together?' Wei Ting quietly study Rounan's face, strongly believed that Rounan was just holding herself back from spilling the truth about Zixin's dark side.

"He is really a good guy. Sometimes, I think that I don't really deserve him," Rounan's last statement almost had caused Wei Ting to choke his food. He was coughing hard while repeatedly hitting his chest, so the lump of choked food came down to his stomach.

"Wei Ting Ge, are you okay?" Rounan surprised to see his reaction, immediately grabbed the bottle of water and passed it to him. He gratefully accepted and drank the water, while Rounan quickly patted and rubbed his back.

"I'm okay," Wei Ting coughed a little. He glanced at Rounan's worried face, secretly delighted that she was still care about him. It reminded him about their last variety show, where he actually fell sick and had flu. Everything he ate was tasteless, yet he acted like all the foods prepared by him and Rounan were perfectly delicious. It was true anyway, judging by how the other guests could not stop eating their foods.

She had paid extra attention to him, making sure he took his medication, and rest during break time. Other celebrity guests thought there might something going on between them, which they instantly denied it. After all, Rounan was clearly in love with Zixin at that time, yet had not made their relationship official until few weeks later.


IT was already past midnight. After a long day of shooting, Wei Ting felt uncomfortable and need to refresh himself. Even though he had one more scene left before he could go home, he badly needed a hot shower right now. After all, he did not want Rounan to complaint about his odour when she hugged him later.

He entered the tent and saw Rounan was alone inside there, reading the script while having a lollipop inside her mouth. She just glanced at him, and focused again at the thick script inside her hand. Wei Ting also had no intention to disturb her. He went straight to get the bag beside his chair, planning to take his toiletries inside there and go for shower.

"Eh," Wei Ting rummaged inside the bag, but he only found the toothbrush and toothpaste. Did Roby have accidentally put his toiletries inside different bag?

"Wei Ting Ge, what are you looking for?" Wei Ting startled when Rounan had actually stood beside him. She tried to peak inside his bag, and he had nothing inside the bag to hide it from her.

"I want to take a quick shower but my toiletries are not here,"

"Oh, you can use mine if you want," without waiting for his reply, Rounan already went to her bag and took out small bottle of bodywash and shampoo from there.

"Then I will have feminine scent after this," Wei Ting joked while looking at those bottles inside his hands. Rounan wanted to steal back those bottles, but he quickly moved away and ran out from the tent. His body badly needed a hot shower, so he did not mind using Rounan's shampoo and bodywash.

Wei Ting gasped when the warm water fell onto his cold and sweaty body. It was so refreshing, and how he wished to be soaked inside the bathtub right now. He grabbed the shampoo bottle and squeezed a good amount of liquid on his palm. Suddenly the memories of him inhaling her hair flashed inside his head.

Lavender mint! Such a refreshing scent. His lips unconsciously curled a small smile. He applied on his hair until they formed a thick foam. How about the bodywash? Wei Ting frowned when he smelled the bodywash fragrance. This bodywash had flowery scent, but it was not Bulgarian rose. Wei Ting shook his head when the scene he kissed Rounan's neck flashed inside his head. Those intimate moments were not real. He did that as a part of his job, and he should not fantasize more, especially when it came to Rounan.

Wei Ting quickly finished his shower because he had one more scene left before he could go home. After changed into clean shirt and dry his head, he went back to the tent. He thought he had taken a long time to shower. It turned out other actors were still filming their scenes.

"Rounan.." his steps halted the moment he entered the tent. Few seconds later, he smiled at the sight in front of him. It was so funny how Rounan could fall asleep while sitting up straight on the chair. Of course, her body slightly wobbled but it reflexively returned to centre whenever she almost fell, just like the inflatable punching doll.

Wei Ting suddenly got an idea. He had to record this moment. He put everything away on his chair, quietly approached Rounan while taking out his phone. He was trying to hold his laugh while recording the video of sleeping Rounan. Honestly, he felt like recording a horror scene because Rounan's long hair was covering each side of her face.

Suddenly she lifted up her face, causing Wei Ting almost jumped in scare. He thought she had wake up from her sleep, yet her eyes were still closing. Wei Ting waved his hand in front of her face. No response. He moved closer to get a good shoot. Suddenly Rounan's hair was gently blown by the moving stand fan, and few strands of her long hair softly touched his face.

The scent of lavender mint penetrated his nostrils. He had used the same shampoo as Rounan just now, yet the similar scent that came from her hair was more fragrance that the shampoo gel. What exactly did she put on her hair? Wei Ting could not find the answer because when he wanted to inhale closer, Rounan had wake up from her sleep.

Wei Ting froze at his place, while Rounan looked at him in confuse. Why did he sit quite close to her? Rounan was searching for the answer until she saw the phone inside his grip. Was he recording her ugly face right now?

"Wei Ting Ge, what are you doing?!" she grumpily pushed him away from her while Wei Ting just laughed while continuously recording her sleepy face.

"I'm going to upload this. This is going to be a viral video," he playfully joked, ignoring Rounan's glare at him. He then moved away and sat on his chair, playfully threatened her that he was uploading the video when he actually tried to calm himself down. His heart almost jumped out from the chest when Rounan opened her eyes just now. Luckily, he was good at covering things up.


IT was undeniably true that Wei Ting and Rounan enjoyed each other company at the set. They laughed at each other jokes, comforting each other and sometimes they love to fight each other. They did not realize that it had been almost a month since they started shooting 'The Promises'.

Now he had gotten used to the taste of Rounan's sweet mouth as they had filmed several kiss scenes just in a month. He also had gotten used to Rounan's soft hands touching and lightly brushing his beard, whenever they shared soft kisses. Wei Ting could say that his heart was no longer thumping as crazy as the first time they shared the passionate kiss a month ago.

"Wah, Rounan. You look so beautiful right now," Wei Ting who was reading the script while leaning against the wall, lifting up his face when he heard the noise among the production staffs. Rounan was smiling shyly as she walked inside the room. She was wearing light pink off shoulder dress and wearing high heels. She looked stunningly beautiful with side-swept Dutch braid and with the few sticks of roses inside her grip, she looked no different with the bridesmaid. Rounan's eyes met his, and she burst into laugh.

"Captain Jin Shichuan! What are you doing here? Your Xu Lai is not here," Rounan tried to hide her laugh after seeing Wei Ting's clean-cut hairstyle. He even had to shave off his beard and moustache for Wang Bo Jin's new look.

"I couldn't believe that Wan Bo Jin ditch his manly look just to have a Valentine dinner date with you," Wei Ting obviously upset with Wang Bo Jin's choice.

"Anyway, you look pretty in that dress. Good luck in seducing me tonight," Wei Ting was just being playful, but Rounan was embarrassed by his joke. Tonight, they were not going to shoot the dinner date scene, but a bed scene. After a dinner date, Wang Bo Jin brought Han Ru Xuan back to his home.

This was not the first time Han Ru Xuan had been into Wang Bo Jin's house. But tonight, she could feel that Wang Bo Jin could not hold his desire anymore. He really wanted to have her tonight. Han Ru Xuan stiffened when Wang Bo Jin gently hugged her from the back. His warm lips slowly fell against the exposed skin of her neck and shoulder.

"I have always loved your scent," his kisses trailed down to her shoulder. Oh, her skin was soft and smooth. He buried his face at the crook of her neck and inhaled her skin.

"Bulgarian rose. It drives me insane whenever I smell it," Rounan opened her eyes slowly. The line just now was not in the script. It suddenly made Rounan's heart skipped a beat when Wei Ting recognized her body's scent. She had been using Bulgarian rose essential oil to since few years ago to help her relax and control her mood better during the stress period.

Rounan quickly got back into the character when Wang Bo Jin turned her body around and captured her lips. He gently kissed and nibbled her lips while moving his head side to side. His rough palms roamed on her exposed back, and when he tried to pull down her dress, Han Ru Xuan pushed Wang Bo Jin back until he fell onto the couch.

He stunned when Han Ru Xuan straddled on his lap, pinning him down on the couch, cupping his face before kissing him hard. Wang Bo Jin still in shock, but he did not dislike it. He could feel her hands impatiently unbuttoned his shirt, almost ripping them off and he enjoyed her wet lips on his neck and chest.

The foreplay was too time consuming, and Wang Bo Jin had almost run out his patience. Han Ru Xuan yelped when his strong arms carried her to the bed. Their lips met again. The kiss was messy. Her lipstick stains were everywhere on his body. She felt lightheaded from kissing too long, the effect of oxygen deprivation, yet she refused to stop.

"Cut!" both of them stopped kissing after hearing the director's instruction. Wei Ting's body was still hovering over her. Both were panting heavily while the staffs put a blanket over them for cover. Few seconds later, he rolled over, grabbing the blanket beside him and used it to cover Rounan's body.

Both of them were quiet. The director also remained silent, giving his actors the time to compose as the kiss scene just now was too overwhelming. Rounan had never shoot such an intense kiss scene before. Her heart was beating erratically and thumping loudly. Honestly, she could not look at Wei Ting's face right now, not after when she almost lost grip of Han Ru Xuan's character. 


Hi guys. Happy reading

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