Everlark- Family, Love and Ha...

By hungerjay1

27.3K 886 591

*This is carried on from 'Everlark- The Years After The Epilogue', so if you haven't read that I suggest you... More

I Didn't Hurt You Did I?
Love Between Us
Dont Let Me Go
Remember What I Said
The Fire Burns Within You
I Don't Need Anybody Else
Save The Date
Ready Sweetheart?
I Told You To Let Me Go
Knowing the Truth
Chasing The Waves
It's Latin For Fresh
Letting Go
The People We Love The Most
Our Team
Daisy Chains
Coralline Snow
Start With What You Know Is Real
Happy Birthday Peeta
Telling The Children
I Just Want To Be With You
Peter Pan
Take Another Deep Breath
Just Too Hard
Our Little Girl
Goodbye Haymitch- Part 1
Goodbye Haymitch- Part 2
Katniss' Epilogue
Thankyou~An Author's Note

Blue Eyed Beauty

641 29 18
By hungerjay1

Willows POV

''Uncle Haymitch!'' I scream as I run towards the door.

''Willow, no.'' My father calls.

''I have to see that he's okay.'' I say as my eyes pool with tears. I run towards the door, holding my dress up so I don't trip and slam through into the corridor. ''Uncle Haymitch?'' I call down the corridor. There's no response, not from him, not from my Aunt. Nobody. I'm left alone. My legs give way as my mother's did, and I slide down the wall, sat on the red carpet runner with my head buried in my hands. Suddenly, my chest tightened and my lungs closed off, between the tears I inhaled quick sharp breathes, gasping for air. My whole body started shaking violently. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe- am I dying? I am going to die.

I vaguely hear the sound of music get louder, but it soon died down again as I heard a door shut. I looked up the best I could between my gasps of air and tear-filled eyes, to see Finn. ''Finn.'' I managed to gasp.

''Shh, don't try and talk.'' He said, sliding down next to me. He prised away my arms from my face and wrapped his own around me. ''Just deep breathes Wills, in and out.''

I shakily took long, deep breathes, trying to calm myself down. The tears had stopped, but I still found myself lost for air. ''Shh, take another breathe. Don't worry, I've got you.'' He said, rocking me slightly.

Seventeen minutes it took. Seventeen minutes until my lungs released their hold and I was able to breathe again. For a few minutes I didn't speak, I just allowed myself to be in Finn's arms. ''I've got you Wills.'' He said, as I gained back my breathing. ''I'm never letting go again, I promise baby.'' He whispered to himself, thinking I couldn't hear.

''T-thankyou.'' I choked out.

''Oh, um anytime. Are you alright?'' He asked. I just nodded into his chest, breathing in his scent.

''What happened?''

''I-I don't know. I was so upset about my Uncle and then I couldn't breathe and th-''

''Shh, don't get yourself het up again.'' He said, soothing me.

''Oh, my god Finn!'' I said, lifting my head and laughing slightly. ''I've got mascara all over your best shirt.''

''Don't worry about it.'' He said smiling slightly and shaking his head. ''Come here.'' He lifted his hand and wiped away the smudged mascara under my eyes.

''Do I look like a panda?'' I laughed, sniffling.

''A very pretty one yes.'' He chuckled. My furrowed by brow, scrunching my face up in between a smile. ''That's a compliment moody. Thought it might cheer you up.''

''Moody?'' I raised my eyebrows. ''I've just had a panic attack and you're calling me moody? Oh Finn you're all wrong.'' I said, smacking him playfully. All he did was smile and shake his head at me. ''What?''

''Nothing.'' He said. ''Just you.'' He confessed, smiling.

This was what I liked. The playful Finn, the Finn who made me smile when I didn't want to, laugh when I didn't think it was possible and the Finn who didn't let me go. Our friendship was always like this, teasing each other and laughing, but the moment things became complicated the only thing I associated Finn with, was sadness. ''I need to sort my eyes out.'' I said, rummaging through my bag for a makeup wipe.

''I'll do it.'' He offered, grabbing it from me. He gently wiped away the black under my eyes, but then started to wipe away the eyeshadow too.

''Finn!'' I scolded. ''What're you doing!?''

''I want to see your eyes without the gold eyelids.'' He stated simply, continuing to rub it all away.

''Just the eyes then, nothing else.'' I pouted.

''Just the eyes.'' He confirmed, staring at me intently.

I quickly shook any romantic thoughts of Finn from my mind, because right now, as friends, we were fine- and I was determined not to lose him. I quickly powdered under my eyes to get rid of the blotchiness and stood up, dragging Finn with me. ''Come on, let's go back in.''

''Can we stay here for a little longer. I've missed your smile.'' He admitted.

''Hmm okay.'' I said, narrowing my eyes mischievously.

We sat back down, but on a sofa this time, talking and laughing for the next ten minutes. ''I like your dress.'' He complimented. ''I like that colour on you.'' He smiled.

''Thankyou. I urm, you look nice. I'm sorry about your shirt, I can get it dry cleaned if you want, or I'll wash it myself or-''

''Do you ever stop rambling on?'' He asked, laughing to himself and not even bothering to hide the growing grin on his face.

''Fine. I'll just shut up then.'' I said, turning my back to him. But, as I turned I realised I was trapped, unknowingly myself and Finn had been entwining our fingers in each other's, it happened so naturally. Defeated, I turned back around, receiving the biggest smirk I'd ever seen. ''Shut up.'' I warned before he started again.

''I didn't say anything.'' He said, opening his mouth in a wide 'o', mocking me.

''You didn't have to.'' I poked.

''Stop poking me.'' I pretended to think for a second, before my own smirk grew up my face.

''Nah you're alright.''

Suddenly, his fingers left mine and he grabbed me by the waist, pulling me on his lap and tickling me. ''Finn stop it.'' I squealed.

''Nah you're alright.'' He said, imitating me. I tried to kick myself free, but instead he stood up, still holding me, almost in a bridal style. I swung myself around, so my legs were wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck and just stared into his eyes, laughing. ''Now what?'' He asked. I inched forwards slightly, and he the same. I was just about to close the gap when the door slammed against the wall-open.

''Finn. It's the last dance. Dance with me. Now.'' Clara commanded. Finn immediately let go and went back into the hall, without a second glance. I started to follow him back in, but as I neared the door, Clara grabbed me, slamming me against it, so it shut rapidly.

''W-what are you doing?'' I stuttered. Willow, stop. I reminded myself. Stuttering made me sound like a child, weak, but as my mother once said, the fire burns within me too. I shoved Clara away from me, straightening up my back. ''What do you want?''

''Stay away from Finn. How. Many. Times!?'' She shouted.

''Oh please.'' I sneered.

''Oh please. Oh please? Willow you get it into your skull! If he wanted you you'd be together. So run off back to daddy now.''

''No.'' I said, moving towards her. ''For some twisted reason he's with you. You've probably got some sort of hold over him, but I'm over that. You're together- big whoop!'' I said, throwing my arms up. ''That boy in there and I have been friends for 16 years, you're not taking that away from me. I won't let you.''

''Oh but Willow I already have. I-''

''No Clara. I'm tired of you being like this. Yes, you've taken away the chance of us being together, but you have not taken away our friendship. I'm going to tell you one more time, make that boy happy.'' I shouted as I turned my foot to walk off. As I did, her hand swung across my face, leaving a burning sensation. ''Truth hurts right?'' I said, as I swung the door back open and walked back into the hall.

''I want you to remember you said that Willow.'' She shouted slyly after me.

As I walked back in, my father ran over to me, taking me in a hug. ''Are you alright darling?'' He asked, holding me tight. I dragged back the tears which were forming and stopped myself from crying right into my father. My daddy. The only man who I trusted with my life.

''Yeah dad, I'm fine.'' I smiled at him. His brow creased in suspicion. ''Finn found me, it's fine. I'm fine.'' I convinced him.

''Well let me hug you a little longer anyway. I miss my Wills. Look at you- I'm so proud.''

''Daaad.'' I moaned, embarrassed, but smiling and hugging him back.

''Come on, your mothers dancing with Rye, Oakley with Johanna, so it looks like you're stuck with your old man.'' He said, holding out his hand for me to take.

We went onto the dancefloor and I buried my head into my dad's chest, whilst we danced together. ''I wish I could still dance on your toes.'' I reminisced.

''Not in those heels missy.'' He joked. As we danced I caught sight of Finn past my father's shoulders dancing with Clara. Our eyes lock and he gave me an apologetic smile, mouthing 'sorry'. I shook my head, mouthing back an 'it's fine', before continuing to dance.

Mid-way through the song, my dad broke away and head over to where Finn and Clara were, what was he doing?

''Mind if I steal your lovely lady?'' He asked, giving his arm out for Clara. Nobody said no to dancing with him, not ever, and so she reluctantly took his arm. As they turned away to start the dance I caught a wink leaving his face. I smiled and turned to Finn.

''A dance my lady?'' He mocked in a posh accent.

''Why, young sir that would be splendid.'' I mocked back.

Finn slid an arm around my waist, and I placed one on his shoulder, grabbing his other arm and we continued the traditional District Tango. As we glided across the floor, I felt happier, lighter- worry free. ''I'm glad we're friends again.'' I told him.

''We'll always be friends silly.'' He said, tucking a loose strand of hair back behind my ear. ''Wills you'll always be that annoying little 6 year old brat.''


''But, you didn't let me finish.'' He said, before I protested more. ''I wouldn't change you, or our friendship for anything.''

''Aw you cutie.'' I mimicked.

''Well, what can I say.'' He smirked. ''A life without my blue eyed beauty? Why I couldn't imagine it.''

''You used to call me that all the time when I made you play princes and princesses.'' I laughed.

''I did didn't I?'' I nodded. ''I guess it means it true.'' His eyes flickered down to my lips quickly and my heart skipped a beat. ''Come on, we're lagging here.'' He said, swiftly turning me and continuing the dance down the floor.

As the song came to an end, I released myself from Finn to do the traditional courtesy at the end. ''Thankyou for the dance Sir.''

''The pleasure is mine.'' He said bowing. As I turned away, he grabbed my hand. ''Screw it.'' He said. Before I could answer, he ran through the crowds, dragging me with him and out back in the corridor. ''Not here, come on.'' He told me, as I was dragged down the corridor and in a side room.

''Finn it's dark in here.'' I giggled. ''Where's the light?'' Before I had chance to find it, I felt something grab my waist. ''Finn?'' It pushed me back against some shelving I think, and I felt the weight something of my lips, or should I say someone? ''Finn I can't see anything.'' I laughed again.

''Will you just shut up?'' He asked, I assumed, he'd have been smirking and shaking his head too, but I couldn't see a thing. With one of my senses cut off, they all became a lot stronger, and as Finn pushed me further against the shelves, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him hard, feeling something stir deep within my stomach.

We continued kissing, taking small breathes every so often, and as it deepened I think we'd pushed the shelves too far as things started to crash and fall to the floor, but we were lost too within each other's emotions to notice. Reluctantly, we both pulled away and Finn fumbled about in the dark to find a light switch. Once he'd found it the lights buzzed and flickered until it turned on and we both burst out laughing. ''Well...'' I said eventually, unable to keep the smile from my face. Finn didn't say anything, apart from peck me gently again on the lips. His mouth was red and swollen, but I guess mine looked the same and so I didn't mind.

''I had to do that.'' He explained.

''I'm glad you did.'"

"Wills, look-''

''Can we do this out of the cleaner's closet please?'' I asked, laughing slightly. He took my hand, flicking off the lights, and led me further down the corridor and out onto a balcony. He sat down on the only seat and I clambered on top of him.

''I can't do this. Not be with you, so I'm going to end it with Clara. Please don't ask when, but promise me you'll wait, please?'' He asked.

''What, like you waiting for me?'' I snapped. ''Oh Finn, I'm sor-''

''No, you're right. But, once I explain I just hope you can forgive me.''

''Explain what?'' I asked.

''I can't tell you right now. But I promise you, I will end it. Just give me some time baby. I promise I'll come back to you.'' He said, kissing my knuckles.


''You'll wait?'' He asked.

''I'll never stop. And you? What's next?''

''Never letting you go again.''

Finn slowly leaned forwards, and gently placed a kiss on my lips, before standing up and walking back into the party. I didn't know how long it would take for him to end it with Clara, but he was desperate for me to just give him time, and I was willing to do just that. Because, after all, I was his blue eyed beauty and he my green eyed prince.

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