Trapped Within

De sleepy_tablesalt

2.2K 99 37

The Butterfly Effect is the idea that small, seemingly trivial events may ultimately result in something with... Mais

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 28}
{Chapter 29}
{Chapter 30}
{Chapter 30}

{Chapter 4}

92 4 1
De sleepy_tablesalt

POV Tang Shen:

"Why did you leave...", silenced filled the room as I looked at Yoshi, the man I thought I knew. I wanted to know so so badly, I couldn't stay calm any longer, the thought of my husband holding my daughter broke me, "Why didn't you come and help me look for Miwa, our daughter, our child", Yoshi's eyes widened as his brows furrowed, but he said nothing, it hurt. I broke into sobs as I wiped my eyes, "You left me there in that house fire searching for our daughter...", Yoshi placed Lita into his lap, letting her play with his long scrawny fingers, "Why...", Yoshi pulled himself forward, pressing his knees into mine, taking ahold of my hands. Tears fell down my cheeks, "Why...couldn't you have been there...*gasp* to help me find her...", looking away from him, I looked down at my hands, switching my gaze between mine and his, chuckling sadly as Lita looked up from between Yoshi's arms, tapping each of our hands as she laughed loudly.  "I tried so hard to find Miwa...*sniff*, but she...she was gone, her room was covered in flames...I-I", I couldn't speak any longer as I broke down, sobbing quietly. "Mama?", Lita's smile dropped and crawled underneath both of our arms, climbing right into my lap, and hugging my belly, nuzzling her forehead against my stomach.

"I sorry, Shen...nothing on earth could help me sincerely apologize for what I did. After speaking with my father, I went straight home, only to find it covered in flames and you gone...I-", Yoshi's grip on my hands tightened for just a second, trembling not long after, looking towards him, he looked away from my face, staring at our hands, "I thought I was too late, Shen...when something told me-, when I felt like something off I ran toward the house, but when I arrived the house was destroy, just rubble, I went in searchin, but everything was were gone...", Yoshi's face looked so tired, night's of meditation and training his sons, to become stronger really did take a physical toll on the poor man, but he hid it so well, yet now here he was letting himself become fully vulnerable, "I really regret not coming sooner...", he looked up towards me, reaching his hand out, reaching for my face, I flinched for a second then rested into the palm of his hand, "God, I missed you, I wish it was I that carried these burns...not you, you do not deserve this", he rubbed his thumb against my cheek, wiping away the stray tears, "I hope you have the ability in your heart to forgive me of my sins", I didn't answer, I just looked at him and continued to the topic at hand, "I truely know that you meant every single word you said, but for now I need you to listen and do a favor"

"What is it that you are asking of me?", he leaned away and placed his hands inside of his lap, fixing his pose into a proper lotus position, "I need the boys tonight... Oroku Saki captured Mikey, and he's holding him captive, and I am not willing to lose another child by that man once favor is quite simple, please", I picked up one of his hands and held it tight, "Until we come home, protect my daughters with your life and care for them...if I do not come back, and raise them...raise them how I would have raised them myself, please", I looked down at Lita as she crawled out of my lap, running behind Yoshi, and messing with the makeshift glasses that sat on her head as she tossed his rat tailed, tapping it aggressively, "I promise, now you better get going, seems like the boys, have been listening for a while", Yoshi called out to the three, each one walked in with their own face of embarrassment, "And there's the another one-"

"Mama, Spiderman! I want to watch Spiderman!", Jennika smiled and poked her head out of the sling, "Tello, can we watch Spiderman, please!", April chuckled as she picked up Jennika and brought her over, placing her in my lap as well, "Hon, I don't know if they have Spiderman-"

"They-", Lita pointed towards the turtles then tapped her chest, "Kah-kah's and my brothas?", the boys chuckled as Lita talked to me, only for Jennika to pout her lip out, crossing her arms across her chest, "Lita~, Mikey said no! Right Mama?", I was shocked and looked up towards each one of the turtles, smiling softly, "Well Jenny, before your brother moved in with us, this was his old family, so yes these turtles brothers...would you like them to also be your big brothers as well", Lita smiled the biggest smile and ran towards Leonardo, hugging his leg, "Can we?! I want more big brothas, but...Mikey still our big brotha, right?", I smiled softly as I scratched Jennika's shell, listening to the small turtle chur quietly, pressing her body against my stomach, "Oh course, he ummm, do you guys have movies?-"

"NO! I don't want them, Mama!", my eyes widened as Jennika hid away from everyone else, "Jenny, come on..."

"I WANT BIG BROTHA!", tears fell down her cheeks as she nuzzled her face into my clothes, "I know honey, I'm going to go look for your brother okay, I promise", she nodded her head into my clothes and pulled her head away from my stomach, looking over my shoulder, I smiled as the purple turtle carried Lita, fixing her glasses.

"We don't have Spiderman...Oh! But Leo does have Space heroes, Lita liked that one a lot last time I remember! Leo, where are your movies?!"

"What?! I don't want them to scratch those VHSs, they're old!"

"I'll make sure none of the VHSs are messed with Leonardo", reaching toward me, Yoshi picked up the girls' and walked back to what seemed to be their main room, sitting on their couch as April laid out the girls' blanket. "Fine, please don't have them ruin it, Sensei", confused I looked at Yoshi who only nodded, "Alright, now go, save Michaelangelo and Shen!-", I turned back as the rest ran towards the exit, "Let Michaelangelo know, that I love him, and miss him very much", smiled and pulled up my mask, "I will, Yoshi", in the distance, Yoshi shuffled through the movies and pulled out a VHS tape, putting it inside and playing the movie, Lita cuddling up to him, while Jenny sat in front of him, watching the movie intently.

Walking towards the exit, I checked on my kyoketsu shoge, just to make sure the weapon was in nice and tight, "Ms. Tang, you can come with us in the ShellRaiser", nodding my head, I followed after the small purple turtle, walking into what looked like a lab, "I never got you or the red turtle's name?"

"I'm Donatello, the feisty one is Raphael, and you already met Leonardo", each turtle got into position and set me down in a chair that sat in front of a map of New York, some areas marked up. "Alright team, let's head out", Leonardo started up the vehicles and began driving through the sewers, I stared at the map, I was ready to do anything, hoping that he was alright, 'Please be okay, my son'.


The door opened from the side of the vehicle, I walked out of the subway car, and turned back to the kids, stopping all of them, "I need all of you to go in through some other entrance, while I go through the front if you noticed that I need help, then jump in and help me out", Donatello and Raphael nodded their heads, and made their way to the side of the building, however, Leonardo seemed to disagree with my plan, "No! The Shredder's too dangerous, what if he hurts you?!",

"Then that is what will happen, I will not change my mind, hurried before the foot soldiers, spot us", I walked away from Leonardo and made my way toward the front of the building. Running towards the door, I hid on the side of the entrance and knocked on the door, hiding out of sight, the door swung open as a fish walked out of the door, 'A walking fish, heh...never see that everyday', hopping over the door, I snuck into the building and hid in the shadows, "Did you find out who knocked?", a mutant walked towards the front, chatting with the fish mutant, "No, there was nothing, maybe it was one of those damn solicitors?"

"Probably...come on", the mutant dog's voice rasped out as he looked around the room, I ran through the room, hiding inside the shadows. Rushing through the halls, I stepped into the main room, and scanned the area for any sign of the Saki, but he wasn't there, the thrown chair was empty, all that stood in that room was that tiger mutant, the same that stole my son. "Tiger Claw, what is the status on looking for orange turtle's gems?", someone walked into the room, his suit covered in spikes and blades, he continued to walk towards the head of the thrown room, but stopped, 'why did he stop! Did he find me location-'

"You know, I know you're there", Saki stared in my direction, he didn't move from his spot, he just continued to stare at the shadows I hid in, 'Well it's now or never', pulling out my weapon, I glared at the man in front of me, "お久しぶりです...小六咲"

(Long time no see...Oroku Saki)

Walking out of the shadows, I walked towards the man, swinging my weapon right by my side, "How do you know my name, are you a friend of the turtles?", his voice spoke out calmly, as he looked up towards the windows, staring off into the distance. Eyes... I felt two sets of eyes on me, turning around, I flung my blade toward the mutants that stood behind me, the blade flew through the air, wrapping itself around the mutant's forearm, "This has nothing to do with either of you!", pulling the rope towards me, pulling the boney creature towards down to my feet, 'it's a different anatomy, but all creatures have the same pressure points, I just need to...', the fish mutant ran towards me with its switchblade ready for action. Pressing the finger into the mutant's neck, causing him to collapse on the spot. "Chris! What did you do with him you bitch!", stepping away, the fish mutant ran towards me as I began swinging my blade, ready to take down this fish.

"Xever...", Saki held his hand up, stopping the fish right in his place, "What business do you have here...girl", walking out from the edge of the room, I walked towards the man that sat comfortably in his thrown, treating me like the same weak women he talked to fawnedly years ago. "息子の居場所を知りたい...ミケランジェロ"

(I want to know the location of my son...Michelangelo)

I stood at the bottom of his thrown and pulled down my mask and hood off my head, giving this Shredder, the full view of my face, showing him what he did to me years ago, his eyes widened far enough to be seen from outside the mask, "Shen...", he voice softened from his raspy voice he spoke with normally. He stood up from his chair and walked down the slope of stairs, making his way down to me, "Shen...I thought you died in that fire all those years ago...I thought you resent me, yet...", he reached for me, only for me to back away from his hand, "You came to me instead of that...dishonorable rat"

"No", pulled his hand away from my face, glaring down at me, "No?", he stepped closer to me, placing his metal glove on my shoulder, squeezing it tight, "Is that the reason as to why you brought those puny turtles with you", I was shocked as fear filled my lungs, knocking the wind right out of me, "What? You didn't think I knew about the little spies you have watching us? Tiger Claw! Retrieve the ones watching us!"

"Yes, Master Shredder"

"No! You will tell me where my son is, you have ruined everything in my life-", I stalked closer to the man that stood in front of me, pointing the blade of my weapon at Saki, "My home, even my own family, you murder my daughter and tried with myself, I am not going to ruin the family I have now", soft taps sounded behind me, I looked behind myself, noticing the turtles and April positioning themselves with their weapons readied. Leonardo walked up beside me, his katanas at the ready. Saki looked at us all, staring at each one, then slouching his form as his body bellowed a deep laugh, echoing across the entire thrown room, "I would have never brought harm to you or your daughter, Karai, if only you would have chosen me, instead of Hamato Yoshi, but you went to that weak rat instead of me", I stood there confused by his words, what on earth made him think I would choose him over Yoshi, but that wasn't what confused me, "What, but didn't Sensei's daughter died years ago, in a house fire?", Donatello questioned, "You are correct, Donatello. But Karai? Heh...Saki clearly lost your mind, if you truely knew me, you would have known my daughter's name was Miwa"

"That it was until you and Hamato Yoshi left her in my care...Karai!!!", anger filled my gut as the man yelled out you a girl named Karai, 'There's no way...', moments later a girl walked in wearing the Foot's uniform, with a blade strapped into her holster, her expression so composed, and in that moment I knew it was daughter, my goodness she looked so much like me her father and me, a perfect blend. "Yes Father, what is it that you need", I was frozen, there a few feet away was my daughter, who I thought died years ago, but instead stood right before my very eyes, calling this murderer her father, "Miwa..."

The girl in front of us positioned herself and pulled out her blade, she looked at each one of us, but what shocked me, was when her eyes landed on me, her guarded stance seemed to tense as her brows furrowed, " is she..."

"She survived the fire...your mother survived", the girl was shocked as she stepped towards me, through the week of stress of searching for my son, finding no sign of where he could be, seeing my daughter break the dam, tears fell down my cheeks as I looked at the girl in front of me, "Wait daughter?!", Leonardo yelled as he covered his mouth, gagging loudly as he stepped back away from me, "So that means...that she's our step sister?!"

"Step sister?! Hah, I am the daughter of Tang Shen and Oroku Saki, and last time I checked your one and only parent was that disgusting rat, the only turtle that's my stepbrother is Michaelangelo-"

"So, you did I have our brother!-"

"Your brother! Hah, that kid doesn't even consider you turtles his family, I even heard him admit it last week, do you want to know what he said", Miwa smiled harshly as she passed by me, blocking the turtles away from me, "Why did I have to be born a brother doesn't even remember his own family", it was so sad to look at her, watching as she lived in the life I wish I protected her from, "Miwa...please", I walked over to her as I placed my hand on her shoulder, "Don't speak rudely about your brother, as well as your father"

"But...I respect father"

"Oroku Saki is not your father...Hamato Yoshi is your true father", she must have not liked what I said to her, switching her gaze between me and the shredder, "This man was the person who started the fire, that destroyed our family-"

"If he did, then why didn't you save me...", Miwa pushed my hand off her shoulder, and turned towards me, glaring up at me with so much hatred, "You left me in that fire to die!"

"No, I searched through that house, looking everywhere for you, but you were gone!", tears fell down my face, I reached for her, "You're lying!" she shoved me away, and her voice trembled as she yelled at me, "Why...why didn't you look for me, Mom?...", she glared at me, and pulled out her blade, walking towards me, "Why do you care about that turtle more than your own daughter!"

"I never meant to leave you!-", looking around I noticed the foot soldiers surrounded us with a few mutants, "That night, I put you down for bed and went to cook dinner for your father, Hamato Yoshi, and I, Oroku Saki talked to me, asking me to leave your father for him, but I declined his offer, he didn't like that, I thought he left...", Looking away from the group ahead of me, I slouched my head, "Not long after the house burst into flames, Saki locked me inside, he stood in front of the building watching the flames grow, and walked away. I ran towards the room I left you in, I-...", realization hit me, I lifted my head, anger filled every corner of my mind as I stared at Saki, "You...", I clenched my fist as my eyes turned a pure white, "How... dare you!!!", sprinting passed the sea of enemies, I charged towards the man, swinging the blade and chucking it towards him, "Father!", Karai yelled racing towards the Shredder as my weapon flew through the air, wrapping itself around his forearm, he rose his other arm to slice the rope, but quickly I pulled him down, yanking him down to the ground, "YOU STOLE MY DAUGHTER FROM ME!!!", pulling the small blade that hid in my side, "Ms. Tang!".

I could feel it, everyone in the room was looking at me, whether that was from shock or fear, I didn't care, Oroku Saki ruined my life, and no matter what it took, I was going to make this vessel of a man, answered me, no matter what it took, "YOU TOOK MY DAUGHTER!!! I WILL MAKE YOU PAY YOU BASTARD!!!", tears no longer fell down my cheeks as my face grew red from anger.

"Why...", Saki stared at me, his face held no fear, no terror I glared down at the man, "Why did you have to steal my son...and now I learned you stole my daughter too...why do you hate me so much, that you had to take the only things I loved, the only things that I yearned to protect!", the shredder pushed my arm away, but I dug the blade further into the man throat, pressing my foot on his arm, and keeping him tied down, "If Miwa wants to stay with you, I will not say a fucking word, that is her choice-", drool spat out of my mouth as venom filled the words that slipped through my teeth as I spoke to this man, pressing the blade harder against his throat, "But you will tell me, right now... WHERE IS MY SON!!!".


A/N~Alright for those who actually remember the death of Tang Shen, just forget it, peewwwwww out the window, gone, bye-bye, don't think about it, don't even look at it-

Hey, you're thinking!!!

Stop it!!!

Anyway in this story, Oroku Saki also known as the shredder, loved Shen so much and hated that Yoshi got to marry her instead of her marrying him, so he tried to make her fall for him, but she didn't cause she is a loyal wife <3 anyways, after Shen told him to stop and leave her family alone he was mad and decided if he can't have her, no one can and set Yoshi and Shen's house on fire with Shen inside, taking Miwa beforehand, doing this when Yoshi was busy, so by the time he arrived home, his house would be rubble upon arrival, he wanted to ruin Yoshi's life, cuz he despised the man, so yeah, I love me a psychotic villain >:)

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