Never Been Kissed || Liam Pay...

By Ettupizza

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(Semi A/U) All rights reserved 2013 "They say there's a thin line between love and hate. They also say that t... More

Author's Update
~1~ The one where it all began
~2~ The one with the dancing octopuses and familiar faces
~3~ The one with the serendipity and word vomits
~4~ The one with the chocolate fishes and accidents
~5~ The one with the red haired drunks and saviours
~6~ The one with explanations and flying popcorn
~7~ The one with water fights and statues (Part 1)
~7~ The one with the water fights and statues (Part 2)
~8~ The one with his birthday and Batman
~9~ The one with the hidden ninja skills and late night talks
~10~ The one with the shooting star and serial killers
~11~ The one with the games and first kisses
Author's Note
~12~ The one with dismembered heads and sleep walking
~13~ The one with the intruder and cricket balls
Author's Note (Important)
~14~ The one with Bollywood heroes and weird sandwiches
~15~ The one with borrowed pyjamas and Brianna
~16~ The one with Mrs. Smith and text messages
~17~ The one with grocery lists and unexpected visitors
~18~ The one with the break up and deep thoughts
~19~ The one with poles and friendship
~20~ The one with novels and secrets
~21~ The one with old photographs and Ricky
~22~ The one with pasts and old friends
~23~ The one with stolen pizza slices and text messages
~24~ The one with Stacey's name and fishy behaviours
~25~ The one with the haunting memories and alley strangers
~26~ The one with the grunting pigs and mistaken identities
~27~ The one with the white flowers and face smacks
~28~ The one with the loving aunts and retold stories
~29~ The one with the hibernating chihuahuas and broken promises
~30~ The one with flour storms and new names
~32~ The one with the YOLOs and toilet papers
~33~ The one with the penguins and campfires
~34~ The one with the circus bears and intruders
~35~ The one with the Indian tea and apologies
~36~ The one with the old letters and discoveries
~37~ The one with the Italian nonnas and Lilli
~38~ The one with the flying pigs and triangles
~39~ The one with the pink teddy bears and re-encounters
~40~ The one with the buses and tomatoes
~41~ The one with the appetites and blue lingerie
~42~ The one with the pirate jewellers and phonecalls
~43~ The one with the bad grammar and brown eyes
~44~ The one with the word vomits and perfect timings
~45~ The one with new girlfriends and not-so-new friends
~46~ The one with the confusions and mufflered visitors
~47~ The one with the waterproof inks and the eavesdropped conversations
~48~ The one with the prying brothers and drunk mishaps
~49~ (Part one) The one with the hospitals and harsh words
~49~ (Part two) The one with the deja vus and second times
~50~ The one with the hide and seek and reindeer clips
Final Authors Note

~31~ The one with the floating bodies and revelations

709 40 1
By Ettupizza

Hello my marshmallows

Here it is :)


I took a deep breath gazing at the blue stretch in front of me. It looked beautiful and as clear as the sky but it's beauty couldn't cover up for the danger.

It's okay. It's gonna be okay. It's not like there's piranhas or something in there.

"Get in! It's not going to bite you." Brianna said assuringly, beckoning me with one arm.

"It won't bite me. It'll just.. Swallow me whole." I said in mervous sarcasm, nervously dipping my foot into the pool.

Yes, pool.

Stacey had been pestering me for a summer swimming lesson for ages and I'd been brushing her off every single time. Until that fateful day when Brianna told us that she was enrolling for a summer lesson at the local club.

So here I was, wearing an uncomfortable swimmer's suit and came to my knees with my hair piled into an equally uncomfortable bathing cap.

Today was the first day of our lessons. We had our last uni examination, developmental psychology, yesterday.

"Enough with the sarcasm, woman. Now get in or.. or I'll have Alex push you in.." she warned glancing at him.

Yep, the very Alex who accused me of being un-straight.

He was an instructor here and taught little kids how to swim. Infact, he was the one who recommended this to Brianna in the first place.

"Oh please, he won't." I scoffed and then gulped "Right, Lex?"

"Absolutely! Because that's just mean." he said tutting at Brianna and then looking at me once again "But you gotta get in some time, right?"

He smiled at me warmly and treading through the water towards me. He held out his hand dripping with water at me "Come on."

I sighed "You're right. But just.. Just give me a minute."

He let out a short breath "Tell you what. Just grab my hand and it'll be okay."


"Trust me." he stressed "It won't hurt you one bit."

I looked at him reluctantly and gave him my right hand. Before I could know what was happening, I felt myself jerk forward, causing a small squeal to come out of my mouth.

I was suddenly engulfed in ice cold water that caused me to gasp.

Holy mother of jellybeans.

"Alex! You.. Y-you." I sputtered wiping my face "You said you won't push me in!" I held on to the side of the pool to regain my balance and possibly stand up.

"Well.. I never said I couldn't pull you in." he shrugged and I wanted to slap him right there and then "And look, you're very much alive, aren't you..?"

I spat out water "Barely."

"Well you're in the pool. So step one is complete."

I realized he was right. I didn't feel that bad. I didn't feel bad at all. Infact, I was enjoying myself quite a bit.

"So?" he pressed.

"It's not bad." I admitted "Pretty enjoyable. Especially when I get to do this." I said, splashing water in his direction. Guess I caught him off guard because he was soon a coughing, sputtering mess. I burst out laughing at him. He wiped his face and gave me a glare. Uh oh.

"No splashing people in the pool." he scolded and I winced in apology "I'm sorr--"

"That's is solely the privedge of the instructor."

I felt water hit my face with a loud splosh.

"Were you seriously apologising?" I heard him laugh

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay." he clapped his hands "Back to business. Let's start."

"About time." Brianna muttered under her breath. I stifled a laugh.

He then launched into an animated explanation of what swimming is all about. He went on naming the various 'swimming jargons' what he referred to them as.

"Now, the first thing you have to learn is float on your backs." he said and we both stared at him

"Seriously?" Bri asked "We're just going to do that? Float?"

"For now." he said "Go on. Get on your backs."

After a few tries, Brianna and I were successfully floating on our backs. And it was officially the single most awkward thing I've ever done and trust me, I've had a fair share of awkward moments

"This is so much fun." I squealed

"I know right." he squealed back in a high-pitched voice "..Now if you would excuse me, I have to go check on my students."

After he was gone, everything felt silent for a while. We were noiselessly floating in the rippling water. I felt at peace in the silence.

"God. I love this." I heard Brianna sigh

"I know right." I sighed "I could stay like this forever."

"Hmm.." she sighed "Actually not forever, we would be like dried prunes then."

"Wet prunes." I corrected

"Touché." she said seriously and let out a little giggle a few seconds later.

"Wow Bri, late reaction much?" I laughed

"No, no." I heard her say "I just remembered something.." I could hear the smile in her voice "A childhood memory. You remember how I told you how Liam and I know each other since we were in diapers?

"Hmm.." I replied, closing my eyes enjoying the cool water caressing my face

"You know we had this little game where we used to fill a small plastic tub with bubble bath mixture and throw toy fishes into it." she said "We'll then try to locate the fishes in the bubbles and the one who found most fishes won."

"That sounds pretty fun." I laughed

"Trust me, it really was." she laughed "We'd play this game all the time and at the end of the day, our hands would get all wrinkly and pale." she sighed "Those were the days, man."

"Hey! Don't get all nostalgic on me." I teased.

"Sorry." she laughed "We were best friends."

"Still are." I reminded her.

"Still are " she agreed "But then.. it was different back then" she paused for a moment and let out a little laugh "You know what's weird?"


"I had a silly childhood crush on him back then."

It took all my mental and physical strength to not flip over face first into the water. She what? "Really?" I sputtered, my heart thudding loudly.

"Yeah." she said and dismissed it quickly "but it was all the way back then. Poor Liam had no clue. Well don't blame me, he was one cute kid.

He likes you back!! I wanted to yell at her. But I wanted to be sure first.

"So.." I trailed "What about now?" I asked, trying to sound indifferent

"What now..? Oh, do I still feel that you mean.." she trailed "No.. Actually, I don't know."

Decide, missy!

"I don't see why not." I agreed " for starterd he's super nice. And then he's funny but sarcastic and quite handsome too and--"

"Handsome, eh?" I heard her say "Well looks like you're the one with the crush."

"Ew.. No. I mean. Not ew. But yeah. Yeah. I mean no. No." I said quickly

She started to say something but was cut of by Alex's yell from the other side if the pool "How many times do I have to tell you? DO NOT DOG PADDLE JIMMY!"

Brianna and I started laughing at that.

"God. Gotta love holidays." she sighed

"Well, my holidays will be short lived because my internship starts next week." I grumbled

"Next week?"


"Hmm." she mumbled "There's plenty of time for next week to happen. So there's no problem right?"

"Yeah." I said "there's nothing I need to prepare for or anything." I then paused for a bit "..there's one small problem though."


"Alex didn't teach us how to, well, unfloat. So guess we're gonna have to stay like this for a while. I don't want to risk drowning."

"Touché." she laughed, again.


"I'm home." I yelled, bursting through the front door.

"Do tell." Stacey chuckled " was class?"

"Class was awesome!" I exclaimed "We learned how to float today. Like, on our backs. It was super awkward at first but then it felt so peaceful you know and.. Oh crap."

"What happened Miss Floater?"

"I have Bri's phone with me." I explained "She'd given it to me before class. And I forgot to give it back to her. I'll have to tell her it's with me."

"And how do you exactly plan on doing that?"

"Will try her house phone." I said, rummaging through my bag "Umm.. Stace, have you seen my phone?"

"Your phone?" I heard her ask and I nodded absentmindedly "Do you remember taking it with you."

I stopped rummaging through my bag and stared at it in thought "Funny." I admitted "I don't remember."

"Don't tell me." she exclaimed "Is it still with mumma?"

"What do you mean it is still with mum--?" I stopped and slapped my forehead "Of course! It's with CJ. I'll be right back."

"No need." she stopped me "She gave it to me. And I kept it on your bed."

"Tha-- wait why didn't you tell me that before?"

"Wanted to see you panick. Your expression is priceless." she shrugged, laughing.

"Psycho." I muttered and rushed to retrieve my phone. How I managed to survive all these days without it was miraculous in itself.

I let it switch on and went to wash my sweaty face in the bathroom.

When I came back I heard a buzz probably a million times indicating I had quite a lot of messages. Upon inspecting it I realized something.

I had 50 missed calls from one person. Liam.

I quickly called him back and brought the phone to my ear.



3 updates in 5 days?! I'm on fire!!!!

Literally .-.
It's so freaking hot here I can feel my skin melting.

Ik I was supposed to update today and I swear on my jar of Nutella that I had written 95% of the chapter. That 5%. Well.. Let's just say my mind shut itself down.
It was mainly because of the heat. How hot you ask? 43°C
Yep .-. Seen 50°C so you can very well relate .-.
It's a miracle that I'm still alive

I have no energy rn


Im sorry :/

I love you all

And sorry I'm not my usual energetic self


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